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Last active February 24, 2025 03:54
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AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution v1.0.2 for mpv
// Copyright (c) 2021 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// FidelityFX FSR v1.0.2 by AMD
// ported to mpv by agyild
// Changelog
// Made it compatible with pre-OpenGL 4.0 renderers
// Made it directly operate on LUMA plane, since the original shader was operating on LUMA by deriving it from RGB. This should cause a major increase in performance, especially on OpenGL 4.0+ renderers (4+2 texture lookups vs. 12+5)
// Removed transparency preservation mechanism since the alpha channel is a separate source plane than LUMA
// Added optional performance-saving lossy optimizations to EASU (Credit: atyuwen,
// Notes
// Per AMD's guidelines only upscales content up to 4x (e.g., 1080p -> 2160p, 720p -> 1440p etc.) and everything else in between,
// that means FSR will scale up to 4x at maximum, and any further scaling will be processed by mpv's scalers
//!DESC FidelityFX Super Resolution v1.0.2 (EASU)
//!WHEN OUTPUT.w OUTPUT.h * LUMA.w LUMA.h * / 1.0 >
//!WIDTH OUTPUT.w OUTPUT.w LUMA.w 2 * < * LUMA.w 2 * OUTPUT.w LUMA.w 2 * > * + OUTPUT.w OUTPUT.w LUMA.w 2 * = * +
//!HEIGHT OUTPUT.h OUTPUT.h LUMA.h 2 * < * LUMA.h 2 * OUTPUT.h LUMA.h 2 * > * + OUTPUT.h OUTPUT.h LUMA.h 2 * = * +
// User variables - EASU
#define FSR_PQ 0 // Whether the source content has PQ gamma or not. Needs to be set to the same value for both passes. 0 or 1.
#define FSR_EASU_DERING 1 // If set to 0, disables deringing for a small increase in performance. 0 or 1.
#define FSR_EASU_SIMPLE_ANALYSIS 0 // If set to 1, uses a simpler single-pass direction and length analysis for an increase in performance. 0 or 1.
#define FSR_EASU_QUIT_EARLY 0 // If set to 1, uses bilinear filtering for non-edge pixels and skips EASU on those regions for an increase in performance. 0 or 1.
// Shader code
#elif (FSR_EASU_QUIT_EARLY == 0)
#define FSR_EASU_DIR_THRESHOLD 32768.0
float APrxLoRcpF1(float a) {
return uintBitsToFloat(uint(0x7ef07ebb) - floatBitsToUint(a));
float APrxLoRsqF1(float a) {
return uintBitsToFloat(uint(0x5f347d74) - (floatBitsToUint(a) >> uint(1)));
float AMin3F1(float x, float y, float z) {
return min(x, min(y, z));
float AMax3F1(float x, float y, float z) {
return max(x, max(y, z));
#if (FSR_PQ == 1)
float ToGamma2(float a) {
return pow(a, 4.0);
// Filtering for a given tap for the scalar.
void FsrEasuTap(
inout float aC, // Accumulated color, with negative lobe.
inout float aW, // Accumulated weight.
vec2 off, // Pixel offset from resolve position to tap.
vec2 dir, // Gradient direction.
vec2 len, // Length.
float lob, // Negative lobe strength.
float clp, // Clipping point.
float c){ // Tap color.
// Rotate offset by direction.
vec2 v;
v.x = (off.x * ( dir.x)) + (off.y * dir.y);
v.y = (off.x * (-dir.y)) + (off.y * dir.x);
// Anisotropy.
v *= len;
// Compute distance^2.
float d2 = v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y;
// Limit to the window as at corner, 2 taps can easily be outside.
d2 = min(d2, clp);
// Approximation of lancos2 without sin() or rcp(), or sqrt() to get x.
// (25/16 * (2/5 * x^2 - 1)^2 - (25/16 - 1)) * (1/4 * x^2 - 1)^2
// |_______________________________________| |_______________|
// base window
// The general form of the 'base' is,
// (a*(b*x^2-1)^2-(a-1))
// Where 'a=1/(2*b-b^2)' and 'b' moves around the negative lobe.
float wB = float(2.0 / 5.0) * d2 + -1.0;
float wA = lob * d2 + -1.0;
wB *= wB;
wA *= wA;
wB = float(25.0 / 16.0) * wB + float(-(25.0 / 16.0 - 1.0));
float w = wB * wA;
// Do weighted average.
aC += c * w;
aW += w;
// Accumulate direction and length.
void FsrEasuSet(
inout vec2 dir,
inout float len,
vec2 pp,
float b, float c,
float i, float j, float f, float e,
float k, float l, float h, float g,
float o, float n
bool biS, bool biT, bool biU, bool biV,
float lA, float lB, float lC, float lD, float lE
// Compute bilinear weight, branches factor out as predicates are compiler time immediates.
// s t
// u v
vec4 w = vec4(0.0);
w.x = (1.0 - pp.x) * (1.0 - pp.y);
w.y = pp.x * (1.0 - pp.y);
w.z = (1.0 - pp.x) * pp.y;
w.w = pp.x * pp.y;
float lA = dot(w, vec4(b, c, f, g));
float lB = dot(w, vec4(e, f, i, j));
float lC = dot(w, vec4(f, g, j, k));
float lD = dot(w, vec4(g, h, k, l));
float lE = dot(w, vec4(j, k, n, o));
float w = 0.0;
if (biS)
w = (1.0 - pp.x) * (1.0 - pp.y);
if (biT)
w = pp.x * (1.0 - pp.y);
if (biU)
w = (1.0 - pp.x) * pp.y;
if (biV)
w = pp.x * pp.y;
// Direction is the '+' diff.
// a
// b c d
// e
// Then takes magnitude from abs average of both sides of 'c'.
// Length converts gradient reversal to 0, smoothly to non-reversal at 1, shaped, then adding horz and vert terms.
float dc = lD - lC;
float cb = lC - lB;
float lenX = max(abs(dc), abs(cb));
lenX = APrxLoRcpF1(lenX);
float dirX = lD - lB;
lenX = clamp(abs(dirX) * lenX, 0.0, 1.0);
lenX *= lenX;
// Repeat for the y axis.
float ec = lE - lC;
float ca = lC - lA;
float lenY = max(abs(ec), abs(ca));
lenY = APrxLoRcpF1(lenY);
float dirY = lE - lA;
lenY = clamp(abs(dirY) * lenY, 0.0, 1.0);
lenY *= lenY;
len = lenX + lenY;
dir = vec2(dirX, dirY);
dir += vec2(dirX, dirY) * w;
len += dot(vec2(w), vec2(lenX, lenY));
vec4 hook() {
// Result
vec4 pix = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
// +---+---+
// | | |
// +--(0)--+
// | b | c |
// +---F---+---+---+
// | e | f | g | h |
// +--(1)--+--(2)--+
// | i | j | k | l |
// +---+---+---+---+
// | n | o |
// +--(3)--+
// | | |
// +---+---+
// Get position of 'F'.
vec2 pp = HOOKED_pos * HOOKED_size - vec2(0.5);
vec2 fp = floor(pp);
pp -= fp;
// 12-tap kernel.
// b c
// e f g h
// i j k l
// n o
// Gather 4 ordering.
// a b
// r g
// Allowing dead-code removal to remove the 'z's.
#if (defined(HOOKED_gather) && (__VERSION__ >= 400 || (GL_ES && __VERSION__ >= 310)))
vec4 bczzL = HOOKED_gather(vec2((fp + vec2(1.0, -1.0)) * HOOKED_pt), 0);
vec4 ijfeL = HOOKED_gather(vec2((fp + vec2(0.0, 1.0)) * HOOKED_pt), 0);
vec4 klhgL = HOOKED_gather(vec2((fp + vec2(2.0, 1.0)) * HOOKED_pt), 0);
vec4 zzonL = HOOKED_gather(vec2((fp + vec2(1.0, 3.0)) * HOOKED_pt), 0);
// pre-OpenGL 4.0 compatibility
float b = HOOKED_tex(vec2((fp + vec2(0.5, -0.5)) * HOOKED_pt)).r;
float c = HOOKED_tex(vec2((fp + vec2(1.5, -0.5)) * HOOKED_pt)).r;
float e = HOOKED_tex(vec2((fp + vec2(-0.5, 0.5)) * HOOKED_pt)).r;
float f = HOOKED_tex(vec2((fp + vec2( 0.5, 0.5)) * HOOKED_pt)).r;
float g = HOOKED_tex(vec2((fp + vec2( 1.5, 0.5)) * HOOKED_pt)).r;
float h = HOOKED_tex(vec2((fp + vec2( 2.5, 0.5)) * HOOKED_pt)).r;
float i = HOOKED_tex(vec2((fp + vec2(-0.5, 1.5)) * HOOKED_pt)).r;
float j = HOOKED_tex(vec2((fp + vec2( 0.5, 1.5)) * HOOKED_pt)).r;
float k = HOOKED_tex(vec2((fp + vec2( 1.5, 1.5)) * HOOKED_pt)).r;
float l = HOOKED_tex(vec2((fp + vec2( 2.5, 1.5)) * HOOKED_pt)).r;
float n = HOOKED_tex(vec2((fp + vec2(0.5, 2.5) ) * HOOKED_pt)).r;
float o = HOOKED_tex(vec2((fp + vec2(1.5, 2.5) ) * HOOKED_pt)).r;
vec4 bczzL = vec4(b, c, 0.0, 0.0);
vec4 ijfeL = vec4(i, j, f, e);
vec4 klhgL = vec4(k, l, h, g);
vec4 zzonL = vec4(0.0, 0.0, o, n);
// Rename.
float bL = bczzL.x;
float cL = bczzL.y;
float iL = ijfeL.x;
float jL = ijfeL.y;
float fL = ijfeL.z;
float eL = ijfeL.w;
float kL = klhgL.x;
float lL = klhgL.y;
float hL = klhgL.z;
float gL = klhgL.w;
float oL = zzonL.z;
float nL = zzonL.w;
#if (FSR_PQ == 1)
// Not the most performance-friendly solution, but should work until mpv adds proper gamma transformation functions for shaders
bL = ToGamma2(bL);
cL = ToGamma2(cL);
iL = ToGamma2(iL);
jL = ToGamma2(jL);
fL = ToGamma2(fL);
eL = ToGamma2(eL);
kL = ToGamma2(kL);
lL = ToGamma2(lL);
hL = ToGamma2(hL);
gL = ToGamma2(gL);
oL = ToGamma2(oL);
nL = ToGamma2(nL);
// Accumulate for bilinear interpolation.
vec2 dir = vec2(0.0);
float len = 0.0;
FsrEasuSet(dir, len, pp, bL, cL, iL, jL, fL, eL, kL, lL, hL, gL, oL, nL);
FsrEasuSet(dir, len, pp, true, false, false, false, bL, eL, fL, gL, jL);
FsrEasuSet(dir, len, pp, false, true, false, false, cL, fL, gL, hL, kL);
FsrEasuSet(dir, len, pp, false, false, true, false, fL, iL, jL, kL, nL);
FsrEasuSet(dir, len, pp, false, false, false, true, gL, jL, kL, lL, oL);
// Normalize with approximation, and cleanup close to zero.
vec2 dir2 = dir * dir;
float dirR = dir2.x + dir2.y;
bool zro = dirR < float(1.0 / FSR_EASU_DIR_THRESHOLD);
dirR = APrxLoRsqF1(dirR);
if (zro) {
vec4 w = vec4(0.0);
w.x = (1.0 - pp.x) * (1.0 - pp.y);
w.y = pp.x * (1.0 - pp.y);
w.z = (1.0 - pp.x) * pp.y;
w.w = pp.x * pp.y;
pix.r = clamp(dot(w, vec4(fL, gL, jL, kL)), 0.0, 1.0);
return pix;
#elif (FSR_EASU_QUIT_EARLY == 0)
dirR = zro ? 1.0 : dirR;
dir.x = zro ? 1.0 : dir.x;
dir *= vec2(dirR);
// Transform from {0 to 2} to {0 to 1} range, and shape with square.
len = len * 0.5;
len *= len;
// Stretch kernel {1.0 vert|horz, to sqrt(2.0) on diagonal}.
float stretch = (dir.x * dir.x + dir.y * dir.y) * APrxLoRcpF1(max(abs(dir.x), abs(dir.y)));
// Anisotropic length after rotation,
// x := 1.0 lerp to 'stretch' on edges
// y := 1.0 lerp to 2x on edges
vec2 len2 = vec2(1.0 + (stretch - 1.0) * len, 1.0 + -0.5 * len);
// Based on the amount of 'edge',
// the window shifts from +/-{sqrt(2.0) to slightly beyond 2.0}.
float lob = 0.5 + float((1.0 / 4.0 - 0.04) - 0.5) * len;
// Set distance^2 clipping point to the end of the adjustable window.
float clp = APrxLoRcpF1(lob);
// Accumulation
// b c
// e f g h
// i j k l
// n o
float aC = 0.0;
float aW = 0.0;
FsrEasuTap(aC, aW, vec2( 0.0,-1.0) - pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, bL); // b
FsrEasuTap(aC, aW, vec2( 1.0,-1.0) - pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, cL); // c
FsrEasuTap(aC, aW, vec2(-1.0, 1.0) - pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, iL); // i
FsrEasuTap(aC, aW, vec2( 0.0, 1.0) - pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, jL); // j
FsrEasuTap(aC, aW, vec2( 0.0, 0.0) - pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, fL); // f
FsrEasuTap(aC, aW, vec2(-1.0, 0.0) - pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, eL); // e
FsrEasuTap(aC, aW, vec2( 1.0, 1.0) - pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, kL); // k
FsrEasuTap(aC, aW, vec2( 2.0, 1.0) - pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, lL); // l
FsrEasuTap(aC, aW, vec2( 2.0, 0.0) - pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, hL); // h
FsrEasuTap(aC, aW, vec2( 1.0, 0.0) - pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, gL); // g
FsrEasuTap(aC, aW, vec2( 1.0, 2.0) - pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, oL); // o
FsrEasuTap(aC, aW, vec2( 0.0, 2.0) - pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, nL); // n
// Normalize and dering.
pix.r = aC / aW;
#if (FSR_EASU_DERING == 1)
float min1 = min(AMin3F1(fL, gL, jL), kL);
float max1 = max(AMax3F1(fL, gL, jL), kL);
pix.r = clamp(pix.r, min1, max1);
pix.r = clamp(pix.r, 0.0, 1.0);
return pix;
//!DESC FidelityFX Super Resolution v1.0.2 (RCAS)
// User variables - RCAS
#define SHARPNESS 0.2 // Controls the amount of sharpening. The scale is {0.0 := maximum, to N>0, where N is the number of stops (halving) of the reduction of sharpness}. 0.0 to 2.0.
#define FSR_RCAS_DENOISE 1 // If set to 1, lessens the sharpening on noisy areas. Can be disabled for better performance. 0 or 1.
#define FSR_PQ 0 // Whether the source content has PQ gamma or not. Needs to be set to the same value for both passes. 0 or 1.
// Shader code
#define FSR_RCAS_LIMIT (0.25 - (1.0 / 16.0)) // This is set at the limit of providing unnatural results for sharpening.
float APrxMedRcpF1(float a) {
float b = uintBitsToFloat(uint(0x7ef19fff) - floatBitsToUint(a));
return b * (-b * a + 2.0);
float AMax3F1(float x, float y, float z) {
return max(x, max(y, z));
float AMin3F1(float x, float y, float z) {
return min(x, min(y, z));
#if (FSR_PQ == 1)
float FromGamma2(float a) {
return sqrt(sqrt(a));
vec4 hook() {
// Algorithm uses minimal 3x3 pixel neighborhood.
// b
// d e f
// h
#if (defined(EASUTEX_gather) && (__VERSION__ >= 400 || (GL_ES && __VERSION__ >= 310)))
vec3 bde = EASUTEX_gather(EASUTEX_pos + EASUTEX_pt * vec2(-0.5), 0).xyz;
float b = bde.z;
float d = bde.x;
float e = bde.y;
vec2 fh = EASUTEX_gather(EASUTEX_pos + EASUTEX_pt * vec2(0.5), 0).zx;
float f = fh.x;
float h = fh.y;
float b = EASUTEX_texOff(vec2( 0.0, -1.0)).r;
float d = EASUTEX_texOff(vec2(-1.0, 0.0)).r;
float e = EASUTEX_tex(EASUTEX_pos).r;
float f = EASUTEX_texOff(vec2(1.0, 0.0)).r;
float h = EASUTEX_texOff(vec2(0.0, 1.0)).r;
// Min and max of ring.
float mn1L = min(AMin3F1(b, d, f), h);
float mx1L = max(AMax3F1(b, d, f), h);
// Immediate constants for peak range.
vec2 peakC = vec2(1.0, -1.0 * 4.0);
// Limiters, these need to be high precision RCPs.
float hitMinL = min(mn1L, e) / (4.0 * mx1L);
float hitMaxL = (peakC.x - max(mx1L, e)) / (4.0 * mn1L + peakC.y);
float lobeL = max(-hitMinL, hitMaxL);
float lobe = max(float(-FSR_RCAS_LIMIT), min(lobeL, 0.0)) * exp2(-clamp(float(SHARPNESS), 0.0, 2.0));
// Apply noise removal.
// Noise detection.
float nz = 0.25 * b + 0.25 * d + 0.25 * f + 0.25 * h - e;
nz = clamp(abs(nz) * APrxMedRcpF1(AMax3F1(AMax3F1(b, d, e), f, h) - AMin3F1(AMin3F1(b, d, e), f, h)), 0.0, 1.0);
nz = -0.5 * nz + 1.0;
lobe *= nz;
// Resolve, which needs the medium precision rcp approximation to avoid visible tonality changes.
float rcpL = APrxMedRcpF1(4.0 * lobe + 1.0);
vec4 pix = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
pix.r = float((lobe * b + lobe * d + lobe * h + lobe * f + e) * rcpL);
#if (FSR_PQ == 1)
pix.r = FromGamma2(pix.r);
return pix;
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Does this work on linux or should i just try to run the windows version in wine?

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AN3223 commented Jul 5, 2023

It's OS independent

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kirawi commented Aug 11, 2023

How do you use this?

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laichiaheng commented Aug 30, 2023

Will there be a FSR2 even FSR3 version of this? The quality of 2 and 3 seems to be a lot improvement.
Is the quality of FSRCNNX still better than AMD FSR?

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Zabooby commented Aug 30, 2023

Will there be a FSR2 even FSR3 version of this? Is the quality of FSRCNNX better or AMD FSR better?

Check out this comparison page.

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Will there be a FSR2 even FSR3 version of this? Is the quality of FSRCNNX better or AMD FSR better?

Check out this comparison page.

I have tested AMD FSR and FSRCNNX with a 240P video by myself, AMD FSR is still far worse than FSRCNNX, if somebody is able to implement FSR2 or even FSR3 in the future, the result may be different.

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Will there be a FSR2 even FSR3 version of this? Is the quality of FSRCNNX better or AMD FSR better?

Check out this comparison page.

I have tested AMD FSR and FSRCNNX with a 240P video by myself, AMD FSR is still far worse than FSRCNNX, if somebody is able to implement FSR2 or even FSR3 in the future, the result may be different.

Video doesn't have motion vectors that are required for FSR 2+ so unlikely that would ever happen.

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laichiaheng commented Aug 30, 2023

Will there be a FSR2 even FSR3 version of this? Is the quality of FSRCNNX better or AMD FSR better?

Check out this comparison page.

I have tested AMD FSR and FSRCNNX with a 240P video by myself, AMD FSR is still far worse than FSRCNNX, if somebody is able to implement FSR2 or even FSR3 in the future, the result may be different.

Video doesn't have motion vectors that are required for FSR 2+ so unlikely that would ever happen.

Do you mean that there is no improvement for video upscaling with FSR 2?
By the way, is there any benefit to run AMD FSR two times for a 404p video on my 1080p monitor?
Like this: 404p----(FSR)----808p----(FSR)----1616p----(SSimDownscaler)----1080p?

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Will there be a FSR2 even FSR3 version of this? Is the quality of FSRCNNX better or AMD FSR better?

Check out this comparison page.

I have tested AMD FSR and FSRCNNX with a 240P video by myself, AMD FSR is still far worse than FSRCNNX, if somebody is able to implement FSR2 or even FSR3 in the future, the result may be different.

Video doesn't have motion vectors that are required for FSR 2+ so unlikely that would ever happen.

Do you mean that there is no improvement for video upscaling with FSR 2? By the way, is there any benefit to run AMD FSR two times for a 404p video on my 1080p monitor?

I'm saying it's not possible to implement it, video streams don't contain the information required by FSR 2.

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octopushugger commented Aug 30, 2023

By the way, is there any benefit to run AMD FSR two times for a 404p video on my 1080p monitor? Like this: 404p----(FSR)----808p----(FSR)----1616p----(SSimDownscaler)----1080p?

FSR scales directly to the target resolution so no benefit to run it twice.
Nvm, I was making assumptions, see below.

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agyild commented Aug 30, 2023

By the way, is there any benefit to run AMD FSR two times for a 404p video on my 1080p monitor? Like this: 404p----(FSR)----808p----(FSR)----1616p----(SSimDownscaler)----1080p?

FSR scales directly to the target resolution so no benefit to run it twice.

Wrong. It scales up to 4x (i.e., 2x per dimension), with anything more than that processed by the mpv's built-in scaler (i.e., --scale). Applying it more than once will produce an over-sharpened image with no new details.

Do you mean that there is no improvement for video upscaling with FSR 2?

Video upscaling can benefit from using data from the previous and even next frames (which is a unique benefit of pre-recorded video content), however implementing it requires low-level code changes in mpv since temporal upscaling cannot be fully implemented in pixel shaders which work entirely based on spatial information (i.e., the current frame). Also, there are the following challenges:

  1. Temporal upscaling will result in ghosting artifacts because the whole scene information is used as input instead of individual object information within the scene. In a 3D-rendered environment such as a video game you have access to other information such as per-pixel motion direction and amount, and depth information along with when a scene significantly changes so you don't accidentally sample pixels from an entirely different scene in the next or previous frames.
  2. Theoretically, one can use computer vision algorithms to guesstimate the aforementioned information, but the problem is such algorithms are highly domain-specific (i.e., each visual characteristic such as anime, 3d, real world, etc. requires different algorithm, and differentiating which scene is what automatically would be yet another computer vision algorithm on top of everything). This is a very performance demanding process and dumbed down real-time algorithms won't generate the necessary high resolution information.

So tl;dr is FSR2 is simply not feasible. The next best thing would be requesting the mpv developers to implement a compatibility layer for something like RTX Video Super Resolution which is basically a hardware accelerated and more powerful version of FSRCNN.

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Sorry for being a nitwit but... TL;DR for newbies would be: if you have an NVidia GPU use the NVidia shader. If you have Intel/AMD/Whatever, use FSR.glsl + CAS-SCALED.glsl, correct?

And is your github the (un)official repository for mpv FSR? And what or who are the FSRCNNX shaders for? Please help me and other nitwits make sense of it all :)

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agyild commented Dec 3, 2023

Sorry for being a nitwit but... TL;DR for newbies would be: if you have an NVidia GPU use the NVidia shader. If you have Intel/AMD/Whatever, use FSR.glsl + CAS-SCALED.glsl, correct?

All shaders are vendor agnostic, use the one that is most aesthetically pleasing. They are just bunch of code that works the same everywhere with the NVIDIA/AMD label on them.

And is your github the (un)official repository for mpv FSR? And what or who are the FSRCNNX shaders for? Please help me and other nitwits make sense of it all :)

I would not call it official, but this gist is the only FSR 1 port for mpv that I am aware of. FSRCNNX is a completely separate shader maintained by igv, not me. Names are similar, the technology is different.

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I have my 32" 4K monitor
I put two conditional profile in mpv.conf

profile-cond=math.min(display_width / width, display_height / height) >= 3.0

profile-cond=math.min(display_width / width, display_height / height) < 3.0

No matter the video is 1920x1080 or 1280x720, only fsr profile was triggered

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ghost commented Dec 27, 2023

why can't I use fsr and cas at the same time.

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agyild commented Dec 27, 2023

why can't I use fsr and cas at the same time.

You don't need to. FSR already includes a sharpening pass called RCAS which is a variant of CAS specifically made to work with FSR.

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nub question, is this FSR 3? if not any plans to add it? There is even talk about FSR adding ai at some point. will that help with mpv to watch anime?

I want to upscale 720p/1080p to 1440p resolution

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Zabooby commented Mar 9, 2024

nub question, is this FSR 3? if not any plans to add it? There is even talk about FSR adding ai at some point. will that help with mpv to watch anime?

I want to upscale 720p/1080p to 1440p resolution

It's not possible to implement.

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mooglestiltzkin commented Mar 9, 2024

Ty Zabooby.

1 port for mpv that I am aware of. FSRCNNX is a completely separate shader maintained by igv, not me. Names are similar, the technology is different.

confused by this. is FSRCNNX usable for RX 7800 XT AMD radeon gpu? On the FSRCNN site it says tensor. Isn't that a Nvidia only?

Also i think sharpening was being done by FCR already? so is this scale=ewa_lanczossharp still needed? or is that something different? Then what about "--profile=gpu-hq" is this entry needed or not at all when using FCR or anime4k shaders?


profile-cond=math.min(display_width / width, display_height / height) >= 2.0

profile-cond=math.min(display_width / width, display_height / height) < 2.0

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Zabooby commented Mar 9, 2024

Yes FSRCNNX is usable, press i then 2 to check if mpv is reporting it is running or not.

scale= is used only when you don't have any external shaders running if I'm not mistaken.

profile=gpu-hq is outdated use profile=high-quality.

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yeah i press i then 2. but for which i am using, press t then 2 :}

i just wasnt sure if it was working or not. good to know, ty.

ah, that explains about gpu-hq. ty.

so basically i have to use profile=high-quality, and either fsr with fsrcnnx, OR

profile=high-quality with anime4k?

hope i got that right. Ty sensei

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Zabooby commented Mar 9, 2024

so basically i have to use profile=high-quality, and either fsr with fsrcnnx, OR

profile=high-quality with anime4k?

It is up to you to choose which shaders you want, I personally pick my shaders based on this comparison.

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melroy89 commented Jun 5, 2024

Is there a newer version available? Like FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.2 for mpv??

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hooke007 commented Jun 6, 2024

Re-read all the comments above.

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melroy89 commented Jun 6, 2024

Re-read all the comments above. tl;dr : IMPOSSIBLE.

Ah I see now. I thought it was about ffs3. But ffs2 was also mentioned as impossible. Donkers.

Why would they make ffs2 requirements that high you can't even upscale a video.. 😒?

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agyild commented Jun 16, 2024

Why would they make ffs2 requirements that high you can't even upscale a video.. 😒?

Requirements are not high, the underlying technologies are different. High-fidelity upscaling algorithms such as FSR2+ and DLSS are developed for use in video games, the fact that FSR1 and NIS can be used for video playback in the first place is simply a byproduct of their design or a hack.

Video playback does not include motion buffers because each individual scene is prebaked into the video stream. Video games have it because game engines create each scene via real-time rendering. Correspondingly, FSR2+ and DLSS won't be able to upscale pre-rendered in-game video content (e.g., cutscenes, TV screens, etc.) either.

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Raidfire-SDR commented Jan 12, 2025


  • When checking stats page 2 and FSR enabled i see the FSR graph - great,
  • When i use FSR + Cas-scaled stats shows only the FSR component graphs,
  • When using as not recommended FSR and Cas the graph shows both the FSR and sharpening elements.

In the 2nd senario FSR + CAS-Scaled is sharpening actually running and how can I tell if it's running with no stats feedback? No console errors or feedback to tell if it's running or not.

2nd question, I use a lot of auto profiles, 1080 using fsr and cas-scaled is as above but looking fine, when i created a modified CAS with PQ enabled for my 4k hdr10 profile it's washed out, any custom or other value is over exposed it only seems to transmit PQ in bt1886 mode (the only watchable picture) a HDR 10+ test file suggests the metadata is getting thru only on bt1886 not only on pq as it should, the tv is only setting the correct bt2020 colourspace with cas set to bt1886, which seems wierd to me.

NB = Edit to the 1st question after reading above, you mention FSR has a built in sharpener, can we have some details on how to tweak it ie 0-1.0 like cas, in my senario 3 it defianatly looks better on general content than 1 or 2., should i be removing cas-scaled from the 1080 profile if FSR is doing the same job?

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agyild commented Jan 13, 2025

When i use FSR + Cas-scaled stats shows only the FSR component graphs

Because since FSR-EASU already upscaled the source image, there is nothing for CAS-Scaled to do once it is applied after FSR.

When using as not recommended FSR and Cas the graph shows both the FSR and sharpening elements.

CAS sharpens only non-scaled content (i.e, 1080p video on 1080p monitor) as per AMD guidelines and unless modified you should not see it as applied in the stats output.

CAS with PQ enabled for my 4k hdr10 profile it's washed out, any custom or other value is over exposed it only seems to transmit PQ in bt1886 mode (the only watchable picture) a HDR 10+ test file suggests the metadata is getting thru only on bt1886 not only on pq as it should, the tv is only setting the correct bt2020 colourspace with cas set to bt1886, which seems wierd to me.

Cannot answer this one as there are many variables in the HDR render chain. It could be many things and I would personally go with just whatever works. I would not play with the PQ gamma toggles in the code that was just 1:1 ported without extensive testing and instead rely on mpv to handle any gamma and colorspace stuff.

NB = Edit to the 1st question after reading above, you mention FSR has a built in sharpener, can we have some details on how to tweak it ie 0-1.0 like cas, in my senario 3 it defianatly looks better on general content than 1 or 2., should i be removing cas-scaled from the 1080 profile if FSR is doing the same job?

Search for #define SHARPNESS which controls FSR-RCAS sharpening with 0.0 being the sharpest.

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Thanks, working perfectly now, I think i got my head around the HDR issue: many scene releases include both DV and HDR10+ metadata, my tv does HDR10 but not DV, CAS was doing the DV bt709 converstion but not the HDR10+ conversion for bt2020, discovered this with setting cas to bt709 as a sanity check, will have a play later I'm pretrty sure there are some filters to tell MPV to ignore the DV data and use only the HDR10. So the conclusion is absolutly no fault of the script it handles a single type metadata stream which is industry standard, it get's confused when 'scene releases' try to be clever and put all the metadata for all systems in 1 file.

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