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Created July 23, 2024 20:01
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Kafka Partition Rebalance (Expand)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# rebalance-partitions-expand
# This script will re-balance all partitions of the specified topics in a Kafka cluster
# with a strategy that assumes one or more new brokers have been added.
# This goal of this script is to "expand" the partitions across all the new brokers
# to even out distribution.
# Usage:
# env DRYRUN=1 TOPICS=foobar,foobaz ./rebalance-partitions-expand
set -e
set -o pipefail
# Fetch numeric id's of all brokers in the cluster.
# Ex: 3,1,2
kafka_broker_ids() {
local -r bootstrap_servers="${1}"
local -r kafka_cfg="${2}"
local -r result=$(
kafka-broker-api-versions \
--bootstrap-server "${bootstrap_servers}" \
--command-config "${kafka_cfg}" \
| grep 'id:' \
| sed -r 's/^.*id: (.*)rack:.*$/\1/' \
| awk '{$1=$1};1' \
| paste -s -d, -
echo "${result}"
# Fetch list of all kafka topics we want to potentially re-balance.
# Note: This excludes anything starting with '_', so __consumer_offsets.
kafka_topics() {
local -r bootstrap_servers="${1}"
local -r kafka_cfg="${2}"
local -r env_topics="${3}"
if [ -z "${env_topics}" ]; then
local -r result=$(
kafka-topics \
--bootstrap-server "${bootstrap_servers}" \
--command-config "${kafka_cfg}" \
echo "${result}" | grep -v "^_"
echo "${env_topics}" | tr ',' '\n' | grep -v "^_"
# Generate .json file that contains all topics we want to re-balance
# in a format that is consumable by 'kafka-reassign-partitions'.
# Ex:
# {
# "version": 1,
# "topics": [
# {
# "topic": "foobar"
# },
# {
# "topic": "foobaz"
# }
# ]
# }
kafka_topics_file() {
local -r topics_list="${1}"
local -r outfile="${2:-topics-list-file.json}"
local -r topics_array=$(echo "${topics_list}" | jq -R . | jq -cs)
echo '{"version": 1}' | jq -r --argjson topics "${topics_array}" '. + {topics: [$topics | .[] | {topic: .}]}' > "${outfile}"
echo "${outfile}"
# Generate a preview of partition reassignments the broker would do, if executed,
# and write it to a file.
# Note: This file is meant to be read by a human to determine if the plan is desired.
kafka_reassignment_plan_preview() {
local -r bootstrap_servers="${1}"
local -r kafka_cfg="${2}"
local -r brokers="${3}"
local -r topics_to_move_file="${4}"
local -r plan_file="${5}"
local -r result=$(
kafka-reassign-partitions \
--bootstrap-server "${bootstrap_servers}" \
--command-config "${kafka_cfg}" \
--topics-to-move-json-file "${topics_to_move_file}" \
--broker-list "${brokers}" \
--generate \
| grep "{"
echo "${result}" > "${plan_file}"
# Fetch list of all active of a partition reassignments.
kafka_reassignment_list_active() {
local -r bootstrap_servers="${1}"
local -r kafka_cfg="${2}"
local -r result=$(
kafka-reassign-partitions \
--bootstrap-server "${bootstrap_servers}" \
--command-config "${kafka_cfg}" \
echo "${result}"
# Print status of a partition reassignment plan.
kafka_reassignment_print_plan_status() {
local -r bootstrap_servers="${1}"
local -r kafka_cfg="${2}"
local -r changes_file="${3}"
kafka-reassign-partitions \
--bootstrap-server "${bootstrap_servers}" \
--command-config "${kafka_cfg}" \
--reassignment-json-file "${changes_file}" \
--preserve-throttles \
# Pretty print active reassignments.
kafka_reassignment_print_active() {
local -r bootstrap_servers="${1}"
local -r kafka_cfg="${2}"
local -r active=$(kafka_reassignment_list_active "${bootstrap_servers}" "${kafka_cfg}")
echo "${active}"
# Pretty print content from the reassignment plans. This is helpful
# for operators to visualize what brokers are gaining/losing replicas for
# each topic_partition in the re-balance plan.
kafka_reassignment_print_plan() {
local -r current_file="${1}"
local -r changes_file="${2}"
echo "===== [CURRENT] ====="
cat "${current_file}"
echo ""
echo "===== [CHANGES] ====="
cat "${changes_file}"
echo ""
local -r diff=$(jq -csr '
.[].partitions |
flatten |
.[] |
key: [.topic, .partition] | join("_"),
replicas: .replicas
] |
group_by(.key)[] |
topic: .[].key,
added_to: (.[1].replicas - .[0].replicas),
removed_from: (.[0].replicas - .[1].replicas)
] | .[0] |
.topic + "\n + brokers: " + (.added_to | join(", ")) + "\n - brokers: " + (.removed_from | join(", "))' "${current_file}" "${changes_file}")
echo "===== [DIFF] ====="
echo "${diff}"
echo ""
# Execute a partition reassignment plan.
kafka_reassignment_plan_execute() {
local -r bootstrap_servers="${1}"
local -r kafka_cfg="${2}"
local -r changes_file="${3}"
kafka-reassign-partitions \
--bootstrap-server "${bootstrap_servers}" \
--command-config "${kafka_cfg}" \
--reassignment-json-file "${changes_file}" \
# Split the generated preview of partition reassignments into two separate files.
# Ex: kafka_reassignment_plan_files ${plan_file} current.json planned.json
kafka_reassignment_plan_files() {
local -r plan_file="${1}"
local -r current_file="${2}"
local -r changes_file="${3}"
local -r current=$(head -n1 "${plan_file}" | jq -rc .)
local -r changes=$(tail -n1 "${plan_file}" | jq -rc '. | del(.partitions[] | .log_dirs)')
echo "${current}" > "${current_file}"
echo "${changes}" > "${changes_file}"
# Spin loop to watch kafka reassignment progress; requires user intervention to stop.
kafka_reassignment_watch() {
local -r bootstrap_servers="${1}"
local -r kafka_cfg="${2}"
local -r changes_file="${3}"
# Initial "watch"; prompt user to fall into watch loop if long running.
kafka_reassignment_print_active "${bootstrap_servers}" "${kafka_cfg}"
kafka_reassignment_print_plan_status "${bootstrap_servers}" "${kafka_cfg}" "${changes_file}"
while true; do
read -rp "Would you like to wait & watch reassignment status (y/n)? " choice
case "$choice" in
y|Y )
for _ in $(seq 5); do
echo "===== [WATCH ${i}] ====="
kafka_reassignment_print_active "${bootstrap_servers}" "${kafka_cfg}"
kafka_reassignment_print_plan_status "${bootstrap_servers}" "${kafka_cfg}" "${changes_file}"
local -r active_reassignments=$(kafka_reassignment_list_active "${bootstrap_servers}" "${kafka_cfg}")
local -r has_active_reassignments=$(echo "${active_reassignments}" | grep -v 'No partition reassignments found')
if [ -z "${has_active_reassignments}" ]; then
echo "No reassignments currently active; exiting watch loop"
sleep "${WATCH_DELAY_SEC}"
n|N )
exit 0
* )
echo "misunderstood input; exiting..."
exit 0
main() {
local -r bootstrap_servers="${KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS}"
local -r kafka_cfg="${KAFKA_CONFIG_PATH}"
local -r plan_file="reassignment.plan"
local -r current_file="current.json"
local -r changes_file="changes.json"
local -r brokers=$(kafka_broker_ids "${bootstrap_servers}" "${kafka_cfg}")
local -r topics=$(kafka_topics "${bootstrap_servers}" "${kafka_cfg}" "${TOPICS}")
local -r topics_list_file=$(kafka_topics_file "${topics}")
local -r active_reassignments=$(kafka_reassignment_list_active "${bootstrap_servers}" "${kafka_cfg}")
local -r has_active_reassignments=$(echo "${active_reassignments}" | grep -v 'No partition reassignments found')
if [ -n "${has_active_reassignments}" ]; then
echo "At least one reassignment currently active; skipping this request!"
echo "${active_reassignments}"
exit 1
kafka_reassignment_plan_preview "${bootstrap_servers}" "${kafka_cfg}" "${brokers}" "${topics_list_file}" "${plan_file}"
kafka_reassignment_plan_files "${plan_file}" "${current_file}" "${changes_file}"
kafka_reassignment_print_plan "${current_file}" "${changes_file}"
echo "!!! WARNING !!! Throttling is disabled! If you re-balance hundreds of partitions you may cause production impact!!"
echo "If the plan is too large; it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you specify a smaller subset of topics and run multiple re-balance plans."
read -rp "Continue (y/n)? " choice
case "$choice" in
y|Y )
if [ -z "${DRYRUN}" ]; then
kafka_reassignment_plan_execute "${bootstrap_servers}" "${kafka_cfg}" "${changes_file}"
kafka_reassignment_watch "${bootstrap_servers}" "${kafka_cfg}" "${changes_file}"
echo "DRYRUN enabled; skipping rebalance plan execution"
n|N )
exit 0
* )
echo "misunderstood input; exiting..."
exit 1
main "$@"
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