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Last active September 8, 2015 12:05
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ahmpro ansible bootstrap
# usage: ansible-playbook -i ',' bootstrap.yml
# oneline, for easy bootstrap, do not forget change ip and user :)
# wget -O /tmp/ahmpro_bootstrap.yml && ansible-playbook -i ',' /tmp/ahmpro_bootstrap.yml -u root
- hosts: all
become: yes
become_user: root
- name: restart ssh
service: name=sshd state=restarted
- name: install epel for CentOS/RHEL 6
when: (ansible_distribution == 'CentOS' or ansible_distribution == 'RedHat') and ansible_distribution_major_version == "6"
yum: name= state=present
- name: install epel for CentOS/RHEL 7
when: (ansible_distribution == 'CentOS' or ansible_distribution == 'RedHat') and ansible_distribution_major_version == "7"
yum: name= state=present
- name: upgrade system via yum
when: ansible_distribution == 'CentOS' or ansible_distribution == 'RedHat'
yum: name=* state=latest
- name: install pkgs with yum
when: ansible_distribution == 'CentOS' or ansible_distribution == 'RedHat'
yum: "name={{ item }} state=latest enablerepo=epel"
- sudo
- vim
- nano
- mc
- git
- libselinux-python
- telnet
- htop
- bash-completion
- name: upgrade system via apt
when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu'
apt: upgrade=safe update_cache=yes
- name: install pkgs with apt
when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu'
apt: "name={{ item }} state=present"
- sudo
- vim
- nano
- mc
- git
- python2.7-selinux
- telnet
- htop
- name: add user to group sudo
user: "name={{ item }} shell=/bin/bash groups=sudo append=yes"
- ahmpro
ignore_errors: True
- name: add user to group wheel
user: "name={{ item }} shell=/bin/bash groups=wheel append=yes"
- ahmpro
ignore_errors: True
- name: add ahmpro pubkey
authorized_key: "user=ahmpro key='ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAhodtglDoz5njTCDM50TJixAhW1wlbPbZ918zG/4EC8ACtp1Zm4WT+SWh8BV1Bglj53ipg2Cm9cbcXgOT22RJWd/LcfLwWGDSRB5DqBdc6kcLaqrndjVXDX7Fwz0uCFHq88rji0iflHAgqqnrJ4n9BDy6diUhBiEiQMngIML3MJ4sEojQE1IYlrIKkeyyzjYluxQRD8g564OroGuvoosPPdn7uVU4aGfAIh5zVEq3Q7n8TBy4DMQcLiYjcFz1TJ5KFiIzwDGe4hJcvszFI7pfvsBLal+SRnEGYFUwJFxqc+YASgccKn2aqhZjzyfDf+ta+6Da/MPX6VCnuLjADsTzdQ== ahmpro'"
- name: add ahmpro to sudoers
lineinfile: "dest=/etc/sudoers line='ahmpro ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' state=present"
- name: disallow password authentication
lineinfile: dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp="^PasswordAuthentication" line="PasswordAuthentication no" state=present
notify: restart ssh
- name: disallow root access
action: lineinfile dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp="^PermitRootLogin" line="PermitRootLogin no" state=present
notify: restart ssh
- name: disable dns
action: lineinfile dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp="^UseDNS" line="UseDNS no" state=present
notify: restart ssh
- name: allow agent forwarding
action: lineinfile dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp="^AllowAgentForwarding" line="AllowAgentForwarding yes" state=present
notify: restart ssh
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