we use the ro gem
a-2:~/git/dojo4/www $ ls public/ro/
chiclets pages people posts
a-2:~/git/dojo4/www $ tree public/ro/posts/|head -18
├── 28-days-of-kindness
│ ├── assets
│ │ ├── cover.jpg
│ │ ├── donateoldbooks.jpg
│ │ ├── fred-love.jpg
│ │ ├── goodreview.jpg
│ │ ├── hh-5.jpg
│ │ ├── lift.jpg
│ │ ├── mahakala.jpg
│ │ ├── officialdaymaker.jpg
│ │ ├── pancakes.jpg
│ │ ├── paytoll.jpg
│ │ ├── pema.jpg
│ │ └── test.jpeg
│ ├── attributes.yml
│ └── body.md
├── 30-years-ago-i-said-pager-first-but-no-one-listened
we keep our ro stuff out of the way so middleman doesn't process it
### file: config.rb
# ...
Ro.root = File.join(root, 'public', 'ro')
# locally we will serve from public too though
use(Rack::Static, :urls => %w( /ro/ ), :root => "#{ root }/public")
ignore '/ro/**/**'
# ...
our deployment includes everything in public, including our ro data
### file: ./script/deploy
# ...
system 'rm -rf deploy'
system 'mkdir deploy'
system 'rsync -a build/ deploy/'
system 'rsync -a public/ro deploy'
# ...
ro gives us really nice jquery-like access to all our data, including template expansion and easy-cheasy relative assets
a-2:~/git/dojo4/www $ ./script/shell
loaded people from /Users/ahoward/git/dojo4/www/tmp/ro/cache/people.yml
loaded posts from /Users/ahoward/git/dojo4/www/tmp/ro/cache/posts.yml
loaded chiclets from /Users/ahoward/git/dojo4/www/tmp/ro/cache/chiclets.yml
loaded pages from /Users/ahoward/git/dojo4/www/tmp/ro/cache/pages.yml
== Ro reloaded...
www ~> ro.posts.first.class
=> Ro::Node
www ~> ro.posts.first
=> posts/28-days-of-kindness
www ~> ro.posts.first.body.slice(0,100)
=> "<p><a href=\"/team/jessica-watson\">Jessica Watson</a> has put together a super fun project for the mo"
www ~> ro.posts.first.assets.first
=> "cover.jpg"
www ~> ro.posts.first.assets.first.url
=> "/ro/posts/28-days-of-kindness/assets/cover.jpg"
and then, of course, we can do things like this in our config.rb
if defined?(Post)
posts = Post.published
n = posts.size
i = 0
per_page = 6
pageno = 0
num_pages = (posts.size / per_page).ceil
posts.each_slice(per_page) do |slice|
locals = {
:posts => slice,
:pageno => pageno,
:per_page => per_page,
:num_pages => num_pages,
:next_page => (pageno < num_pages ? pageno + 1 : nil),
:prev_page => (pageno > 0 ? pageno - 1 : nil)
proxy "blog/page/#{ pageno }/index.html", "blog/page.html", :ignore => true, :locals => locals
if pageno.zero?
proxy "blog/index.html", "blog/page.html", :ignore => true, :locals => locals
pageno += 1
posts.each do |post|
proxy "blog/#{ post.id }/index.html", "blog/post.html", :ignore => true do
@content = post
@post = post
locals = {
:posts => [posts],
:pageno => pageno,
:per_page => per_page,
:num_pages => num_pages,
:next_page => (pageno < num_pages ? pageno + 1 : nil),
:prev_page => (pageno > 0 ? pageno - 1 : nil)
i += 1
if defined?(Page)
pages = Page.published
pages.each do |page|
proxy File.join(page.path_info, "index.html"), page.template, :ignore => true, :locals => {:page => page} do
@content = page
note that we actually wrap the ro nodes, which you can think of as being at the database driver level (but with clever tilt based template expansion) with some lighteight models for convenience
class Post < ::Ro::Model
def Post.published
now = Time.now.utc
select{|post| post.status == 'published' and post.published_at and post.published_at <= now}.
sort{|a, b| b.published_at <=> a.published_at}
def Post.recent(options = {})
options = Map.for(options)
newer_than = options[:newer_than] || RECENT_TIME_LINE
time_ago = Coerce.time(newer_than).utc
seconds_diff = Time.now.utc - time_ago
time_diff = Post.published.first.published_at - seconds_diff
Post.published.select{|post| post.published_at.utc >= time_diff}
RECENT_TIME_LINE = "six months ago"
def url
"/blog/#{ slug }"
def author
if((author = attributes[:author]))
Person.detect{|person| person.email == author or person.slug == author}
def photo
return @photo if defined?(@photo)
@photo = (
re = /\.(gif|jpeg|jpg|png|tif|tiff)$/i
image = assets.detect{|asset| asset =~ re}
def photo?
# ....
and, of course, all our posts render directly in github because of relative assets:
i think think middleman blog extension fails badly at adding the correct abstraction layers. to make things really work you need:
- a good directory layout that will render in github using relative assets
- a low-level library for manipulating these directories as objects
- a model layer on top of the low-level library
you might also need
- some adaptation of your deployment/local rendering
in the end the first three are just what we do in any mvc stack at the db layer:
- storage
- db driver
- models
good design can't stop just because we are in plain-text land