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Last active February 10, 2022 18:29
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Database Driven Routes Laravel 5.2

Database Driven Routes Laravel 5.2

Table: url_alias

| id | slug            | map_to                                    | params          | http_verb | middleware |
| 1  | page/about-us   | Frontend\HomeController@showPage          | a:1:{i:0;i:4;}  | GET       | web        |
| 2  | page/contact-us | Backend\DashboardController@getContactUs  | a:1:{i:0;i:4;}  | GET       | web        |
| 3  | page/contact-us | Backend\DashboardController@postContactUs |                 | POST      | web        |
  • slug: self explanatory
  • map_to: Namespace (if any) Controller @ method
  • params: should be serialized array
  • http_verb: register routes with http verb (GET|POST|DELETE|PUT|ANY)
  • middleware: to wrap routes under specified middleware group

Inspired from philsown/53bc22d001db979481e4, i didn't want to run db query on each request thats why file generation method is the rescure here, call route-generation functionality after change made on url_alias table.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Route::get('/route-generation', function() {
$db_routes = DB::table('url_alias')->get();
$collection_routes = collect($db_routes)->groupBy('middleware');
$makeRouteGroup = true;
if ( $collection_routes->count() == 1 && $collection_routes->keys()->first() == '' ) {
$makeRouteGroup = false;
$routes = ["<?php\n"];
if ( true === $makeRouteGroup ) {
foreach ($collection_routes as $middleware => $db_routes) {
$tabRepeat = 0;
if ( $middleware != '' ) {
$routes[] = "Route::group(['middleware' => '".$middleware."'], function () {";
$tabRepeat = 1;
foreach ($db_routes as $route) {
$routes[] = str_repeat("\t", $tabRepeat) . 'Route::'.strtolower($route->http_verb).'(\''.$route->slug.'\', \''.$route->map_to.'\');';
if ( $middleware != '' ) {
$routes[] = "});\n";
} else {
foreach ($db_routes as $route) {
$routes[] = 'Route::'.strtolower($route->http_verb).'(\''.$route->slug.'\', \''.$route->map_to.'\');';
\File::put( storage_path('framework/routes.php'), implode("\n", $routes) . "");
// ...
require app_path('Http/routes.php');
if (
!$this->app->runningInConsole() &&
!array_key_exists(substr($this->app->request->getPathInfo(),1), \Route::getRoutes()->get( $this->app->request->getMethod() ) ) &&
) {
require storage_path('framework/routes.php');
$uri = substr($this->app->request->getPathInfo(),1);
if (
array_key_exists($uri, \Route::getRoutes()->get( $this->app->request->getMethod() ))
) {
$dbRoute = \DB::table('url_alias')->where('slug', '=', $uri)->first();
if ($dbRoute) {
$router->get($uri, function() use ($dbRoute) {
$segments = explode('@', $dbRoute->map_to);
$controller = $segments[0];
$method = $segments[1];
$obj = $this->app->make($this->namespace . '\\' . $controller);
$params = (!empty($dbRoute->params)) ? unserialize($dbRoute->params) : [];
return call_user_func_array([$obj, $method], $params);
unset($uri, $dbRoute);
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I love this approach but why not to just cache the routes rather than creating php code?

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