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Forked from eyecatchup/
Created April 26, 2023 13:02
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Some commands to get git commit log statistics for a repository on the command line.

git commit stats

Commands to get commit statistics for a Git repository from the command line -
using git log, git shortlog and friends.

List repository contributors by author name (sorted by name):

$ git log --format='%aN' | sort -u 

Example output:

Jane Bar
John Foo
Steve Baz

List total commits by author (sorted by commit count):

$ git shortlog -sn

Example output:

136 Jane Bar
 41 John Foo
 17 Steve Baz

Ignore merge commits:

$ git shortlog -sn --no-merges

Example output:

121 Jane Bar
 36 John Foo
 14 Steve Baz

Even though the --no-merges option is not documented for git shortlog, it works exactly as defined for git log.

List file change stats by author:

$ git log --author="Vorname Nachname" --pretty=tformat: --numstat | awk '{inserted+=$1; deleted+=$2; delta+=$1-$2; ratio=deleted/inserted} END {printf "Commit stats:\n- Lines added (total)....  %s\n- Lines deleted (total)..  %s\n- Total lines (delta)....  %s\n- Add./Del. ratio (1:n)..  1 : %s\n", inserted, deleted, delta, ratio }' -

Example output:

Commit stats:
- Lines added (total)....  4625
- Lines deleted (total)..  836
- Total lines (delta)....  3789
- Add./Del. ratio (1:n)..  1 : 0.180757

Include file count:

$ git log --shortstat --author="Vorname Nachname" | grep -E "fil(e|es) changed" | awk '{files+=$1; inserted+=$4; deleted+=$6; delta+=$4-$6; ratio=deleted/inserted} END {printf "Commit stats:\n- Files changed (total)..  %s\n- Lines added (total)....  %s\n- Lines deleted (total)..  %s\n- Total lines (delta)....  %s\n- Add./Del. ratio (1:n)..  1 : %s\n", files, inserted, deleted, delta, ratio }' -

Example output:

Commit stats:
- Files changed (total)..  439
- Lines added (total)....  4625
- Lines deleted (total)..  836
- Total lines (delta)....  3789
- Add./Del. ratio (1:n)..  1 : 0.180757

Ignore merge commits:

Note: Both commands above also count merge commits. But to ignore them, one can simply use the --no-merges option again:

$ git log --author="Vorname Nachname" --pretty=tformat: --numstat --since="1 Jan, 2015" | awk ...
# or
$ git log --shortstat --author="Vorname Nachname" --since="1 Jan, 2015" | grep -E ...

Filter stats by date:

You can filter the output of the above commands, for example, by adding --until or --since or --before:

$ git log --author="Vorname Nachname" --pretty=tformat: --numstat --since="1 Jan, 2015" | awk ...
# or
$ git log --shortstat --author="Vorname Nachname" --since="1 Jan, 2015" | grep -E ...

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