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Something fun in the works!

David Liebherr aidev13

Something fun in the works!
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aidev13 /
Last active January 29, 2025 23:54
console.log() on screen

I have three (3) code files here: HTML, CSS and JS


I got tired of having to opening up the inspect and I didn't feel like using nodemon or node --watch, so I come up with this little idea to just pust console.log() right on the screen while I was coding. lol

Have Fun and make it better for yourself!!


<h2>Custom Console</h2>
aidev13 /
Created December 25, 2023 22:01
Zoho Deluge Note Worthy Info

This following code is for deluge. Deluge, or Data Enriched Language for the Universal Grid Environmen is a propretary scripting language for the Zoho CRM program.

The code both allows a dev to determine odd or even numbers:

numInput =  3;
even = numInput % 2 == 0;

if(even == true) {
	info "even";
aidev13 /
Last active January 24, 2025 00:29
Instead of nodemon, use this!

Instead of nodemon, use this!

Nodemon is a great tool for node, but node has: --watch.

Instead of:

npm nodemon script.js


aidev13 /
Created December 11, 2023 22:09
The 6 falsy values

There are 6 falsy values in JavaScript

Fasly values

// Fasly values
// - False
// - 0
// - Empty string with quotes
aidev13 /
Last active January 24, 2025 00:26
console.log() shortcut in VS code.

Hello Everyone!

Typing console.log() can feel like an extra step and can make you feel like you're tripping over code.

Lets put an end to this with these short, easy steps:

In VScode, go to file > preferences > Configure User Snippets , select 'New Global Snippets File' and give your new snippet a file name, something like "console-log-snippet", hit enter and you should see the following:

aidev13 /
Last active November 29, 2023 23:24
How to setup a venv folder in VScode

How to setup a venv folder in VsCode

Using the Create Environment command

  • To create local environments in VS Code using virtual environments or Anaconda, you can follow these steps: open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P), search for the Python: Create Environment command, and select it.

  • Select venv

  • Select the project you want the venv to be attached to (if more than one project is up)

  • Select the interpreter path you want to use

aidev13 /
Created November 29, 2023 00:24
Setting up a Flask server for Python

Setting up a Flask server for Python - for Windows

Editor used is VsCode and MUST use powershell for command line

Step 1: Create a Virtual Environment - In the root directory/folder (I choose to use the word folder), run the following command

python -m venv venv

The venv folder should appear.

aidev13 /
Last active October 1, 2023 20:51
Regex Tutorial

Regex Tutorial

Breaking down and understanding how to match an HTML tag using Regex.


Before we begin, What is a regex? A regex aka "REGular EXpression," is a chain of characters used to define a specfic search pattern.

In this tutorial, we will break down the following regex used to find and match an HTML tag: