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$ grep -P "^[ABCDEFabcdefOoIi]{6,6}$" /usr/share/dict/words | tr 'OoIi' '0011' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' | awk '{print "#" $0}' | |
#ACAD1A | |
#B0BB1E | |
#DEBB1E | |
#AB1DED | |
#ACAC1A | |
#AC1D1C | |
#BAB1ED | |
#BA0BAB | |
#B0BBED | |
#B0D1CE | |
#B00BED | |
#CABB1E | |
#CADD1E | |
#C1CADA | |
#C0DDED | |
#C0FFEE | |
#C01FED | |
#DEC1DE | |
#DEC0DE | |
#DEF1ED | |
#DE1CED | |
#D0FFED | |
#D00DAD | |
#EDD1ED | |
#F1BBED | |
#F0BBED | |
#0FF1CE |
You can simplify a little bit the line:
grep -i "^[ABCDEFOIS]{6}$" /usr/share/dict/words | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' | tr 'OIS' '015' |awk '{print "#" $0}'
You can replace ABCDEF with A-F
@sicpier , I was just coming here to post something similar, but grep
doesn't work on my Ubuntu distro. I'd need egrep
or grep -P
Do you like backslashes? Then sed
is the tool for you:
sed -n 's/^[a-fios]\{6\}$/#\U&/p' /usr/share/dict/words | tr 'OIS' '015'
ignores non-matching lines; /#\U
appends the #
and upper-cases matching lines.
edit: forgot &
could be used in place of a capturing expression.
as html, static
<div style='background-color: #ACAD1A; width: 100px'>#ACAD1A</div>
<div style='background-color: #B0BB1E; width: 100px'>#B0BB1E</div>
<div style='background-color: #DEBB1E; width: 100px'>#DEBB1E</div>
<div style='background-color: #AB1DED; width: 100px'>#AB1DED</div>
<div style='background-color: #ACAC1A; width: 100px'>#ACAC1A</div>
<div style='background-color: #ACCEDE; width: 100px'>#ACCEDE</div>
<div style='background-color: #AC1D1C; width: 100px'>#AC1D1C</div>
<div style='background-color: #BAB1ED; width: 100px'>#BAB1ED</div>
<div style='background-color: #BA0BAB; width: 100px'>#BA0BAB</div>
<div style='background-color: #BEADED; width: 100px'>#BEADED</div>
<div style='background-color: #BEDDED; width: 100px'>#BEDDED</div>
<div style='background-color: #BEEFED; width: 100px'>#BEEFED</div>
<div style='background-color: #B0BBED; width: 100px'>#B0BBED</div>
<div style='background-color: #B0D1CE; width: 100px'>#B0D1CE</div>
<div style='background-color: #B00BED; width: 100px'>#B00BED</div>
<div style='background-color: #CABBED; width: 100px'>#CABBED</div>
<div style='background-color: #CABB1E; width: 100px'>#CABB1E</div>
<div style='background-color: #CADD1E; width: 100px'>#CADD1E</div>
<div style='background-color: #C1CADA; width: 100px'>#C1CADA</div>
<div style='background-color: #C0DDED; width: 100px'>#C0DDED</div>
<div style='background-color: #C0FFEE; width: 100px'>#C0FFEE</div>
<div style='background-color: #C01FED; width: 100px'>#C01FED</div>
<div style='background-color: #DABBED; width: 100px'>#DABBED</div>
<div style='background-color: #DECADE; width: 100px'>#DECADE</div>
<div style='background-color: #DEC1DE; width: 100px'>#DEC1DE</div>
<div style='background-color: #DEC0DE; width: 100px'>#DEC0DE</div>
<div style='background-color: #DEEDED; width: 100px'>#DEEDED</div>
<div style='background-color: #DEFACE; width: 100px'>#DEFACE</div>
<div style='background-color: #DEF1ED; width: 100px'>#DEF1ED</div>
<div style='background-color: #DE1CED; width: 100px'>#DE1CED</div>
<div style='background-color: #D0FFED; width: 100px'>#D0FFED</div>
<div style='background-color: #D00DAD; width: 100px'>#D00DAD</div>
<div style='background-color: #EDD1ED; width: 100px'>#EDD1ED</div>
<div style='background-color: #EFFACE; width: 100px'>#EFFACE</div>
<div style='background-color: #FACADE; width: 100px'>#FACADE</div>
<div style='background-color: #F1BBED; width: 100px'>#F1BBED</div>
<div style='background-color: #F0BBED; width: 100px'>#F0BBED</div>
<div style='background-color: #0FF1CE; width: 100px'>#0FF1CE</div>
For those of you with 256color terminals, here's one that shows each color:
sed -n 's/^[a-fios]\{6\}$/\U&/p' /usr/share/dict/words \
| tr 'OIS' '015' \
| gawk --non-decimal-data \
'{print "\033[48;2;" \
("0x"substr($0,1,2))+0 ";" \
("0x"substr($0,3,2))+0 ";" \
("0x"substr($0,5,2))+0 "m" \
" \033[0m " \
I thought about leaving the text inside each color block, but I'd want to invert the color for the text FG, which would take us even further from a "one-liner". I'm already wishing I could loop over each color-component inside the pipe, but I'd need to keep the hex form for the output:
# Save HEX, using it to replace awk's $0 at the end:
sed -n 's/^[a-fios]\{6\}$/\U&/p' /usr/share/dict/words \
| tr 'OIS' '015' \
| { while read HEX; do \
echo $HEX | fold -w2 | xargs -n3 bash -c 'printf "\033[48;2;%03d;%03d;%03dm \033[0m '"$HEX"'\n" 0x$0 0x$1 0x$2'; \
done; }
# Loop over components instead of passing printf 3 args, now without invoking bash:
sed -n 's/^[a-fios]\{6\}$/\U&/p' /usr/share/dict/words \
| tr 'OIS' '015' \
| { while read HEX; do \
printf '\033[48;2;'; \
echo $HEX | fold -w2 | xargs -I {} printf '%03d' 0x{} | fold -w3 | tr '\n' ';'
printf 'm \033[0m %s\n' "$HEX"; \
done; }
# Re-introduce that messy sub-shell for fancy FG colors:
sed -n 's/^[a-fios]\{6\}$/\U&/p' /usr/share/dict/words \
| tr 'OIS' '015' \
| { while read HEX; do \
printf '\033[48;2;'; \
echo $HEX | fold -w2 | xargs -I {} printf '%03d' 0x{} | fold -w3 | tr '\n' ';'
printf 'm\033[38;2;'; \
echo $HEX | fold -w2 | xargs -I {} bash -c 'DEC=$(printf "%d" 0x'{}'); printf "%03d" "$((255 - DEC))"' | fold -w3 | tr '\n' ';'
printf 'm %s \033[0m %s\n' "$HEX"; \
done; }
I bet someone who knows Perl well could do an all-in-one.
as html, live
<div id=app></div>
<script src='https://gabrielsroka.github.io/webpages/scripts/enable1.js'></script>
`words` is defined in enable1.js.
see also
app.innerHTML = words
.filter(w => w.match(/^[a-fios]{6}$/))
.map(c => `<div style='background-color: #${c.replace(/o/g, '0').replace(/i/g, '1').replace(/s/g, '5')}; width: 100px'>#${c}</div>`)
All in bash:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
shopt -s nocasematch
while read -r word; do
if [[ $word =~ ^[abcdefoi]{6,6}$ ]]; then
printf '#%s\n' "$word"
done < /usr/share/dict/words
here is an all awk version, slightly more readable than the sed version
awk '{$0=toupper($0)} /^[A-FOI]{6,6}$/{gsub("I",1); gsub("O",0); print "#" $0}' file
Pretty gosh darn happy with this now c:
Not pure bash, I think that the coreutils
's conciseness (tr
, fold
, xargs
) is indispensable and grep is just so much faster (something does feel a little slow, donno if it's the sub-shells, or the arrays, haven't put my finger on it). I think it's concise, and clear... so long as one knows <<<
, <()
, and overlooks the entire BG_RGB
pipeline (for which one ought to know a relatively obscure feature of printf
, xargs
, and (new to me) fold
). Gotta love shell.
while read -r WORD; do
while read -r HEX; do
IFS=" "
read -r -a BG_RGB <<< "$(fold -w2 <<< $HEX | xargs -I {} printf '%d ' 0x{})"
read -r -a FG_RGB <<< "$(for component in ${BG_RGB[*]}; do printf '%d ' $((255 - $component)); done)"
printf '\033[48;2;'"${BG_RGB[*]}"'m\033[38;2;'"${FG_RGB[*]}"'m '"$HEX"' \033[0m %s\n'
done < <(tr 'IOS' '105' <<< ${WORD^^})
done < <(grep -Pi "^[A-FIOS]{6,6}$" /usr/share/dict/words)
# time for a in {1..10}; do ... ; done
# real 0m7.699s
# user 0m8.047s
# sys 0m1.301s
something does feel a little slow
It was xargs
, 'bout 50% faster without it (specifically not because of any other change I made to refactor it out, though most tweaks do push it over real 0m4s
while read -r WORD; do
while read -r HEX; do
BG_RGB=( $(fold -w2 <<< $HEX | while read -r COMP; do printf '%d\n' 0x$COMP; done) )
FG_RGB=( $(for COMP in ${BG_RGB[*]}; do printf '%d\n' $((255 - $COMP)); done) )
printf '\033[48;2;'"${BG_RGB[*]}"'m\033[38;2;'"${FG_RGB[*]}"'m '"$HEX"' \033[0m %s\n'
done < <(tr 'IOS' '105' <<< ${WORD^^})
done < <(grep -Pi "^[A-FIOS]{6,6}$" /usr/share/dict/words)
# time for a in {1..10}; do ... ; done
# real 0m3.908s
# user 0m3.711s
# sys 0m0.716s
Edit: sed
is slightly faster than grep
or awk
(for matching words, on my machine), and dropping the nested while loop into what is now sed
's pipeline saves a ton of time. This is as fast as I think it gets, at least without using awk
or sed
for more than just what grep
can do.
while read -r HEX; do
BG_RGB=( $(fold -w2 <<< $HEX | while read -r COMP; do printf '%d\n' 0x$COMP; done) )
FG_RGB=( $(for COMP in ${BG_RGB[*]}; do printf '%d\n' $((255 - $COMP)); done) )
printf '\033[48;2;'"${BG_RGB[*]}"'m\033[38;2;'"${FG_RGB[*]}"'m '"$HEX"' \033[0m %s\n'
done < <(sed -n 's/^[A-FIOSa-fios]\{6\}$/\U&/p' /usr/share/dict/words | tr 'IOS' '105') \
# time for a in {1..10}; do ... ; done
# real 0m2.318s
# user 0m2.227s
# sys 0m0.464s
Edit: I gotta go to bed :c
But just as a quick and dirty point of comparison, has an (extra) advantage bc the loop is unrolled (not that it makes a difference):
#!/usr/bin/env -S awk --non-decimal-data -f
/^[A-FIOS]{6,6}$/ {
print "\033[48;2;" \
000+("0x"substr($0,1,2)) ";" \
000+("0x"substr($0,3,2)) ";" \
000+("0x"substr($0,5,2)) "m" \
"\033[38;2;" \
255-("0x"substr($0,1,2)) ";" \
255-("0x"substr($0,3,2)) ";" \
255-("0x"substr($0,5,2)) "m" \
" #" $0 \
" \033[0m"; }
# time for a in {1..10}; do ... ; done
# real 0m0.539s
# user 0m0.532s
# sys 0m0.008s
Where is #BADA55 (or this is clean version)?
@dainiuxt it's on the "enable" list that my script uses
What if you take into account hex codes with 3 characters?
can beS