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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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PL/SQL: Converting UNIX Timezones to Oracle Timestamp


Package code below. You will only need to use the unix_to_timezone function:


set serveroutput on
 dbms_output.put_line(UTILS_PKG.unix_to_timezone(1422937521000, 'Australia/Sydney'));

Note first parameter is in miliseconds since 01/01/1970...if using seconds, multiply by 1000
create or replace package body "UTILS_PKG" as
-- Splits a string into array delitmited by p_delim and returns the array index at p_index
function split_idx (p_in_string in varchar2,
p_delim in varchar2,
p_index in number)
return varchar2
i number :=0;
pos number :=0;
lv_str varchar2(10000) := p_in_string;
type vc2_arr_aat is table of varchar2(32767) index by pls_integer;
l_strings vc2_arr_aat;
-- determine first chuck of string
pos := instr(lv_str, p_delim, 1, 1);
-- while there are chunks left, LOOP
while ( pos != 0)
-- increment counter
i := i + 1;
-- create array element for chuck of string
l_strings(i) := substr(lv_str,1,pos-1);
-- remove chunk from string
lv_str := substr(lv_str,pos+1,length(lv_str));
-- determine next chunk
pos := instr(lv_str,p_delim,1,1);
-- no last chunk, add to array
if pos = 0
l_strings(i+1) := lv_str;
end if;
end loop;
-- return array
return trim(l_strings(p_index));
end split_idx;
-- Returns at unix timestamp
function unix_to_timezone(p_unix_timestamp in integer,
p_timezone in varchar2)
return timestamp
l_offset varchar2(10) := null;
l_timestamp timestamp;
l_offset_seconds integer;
select tz_offset(p_timezone)
into l_offset
from dual;
l_offset_seconds := to_number(substr(split_idx(l_offset, ':', 1), 2,4))*3600 +
to_number(split_idx(l_offset, ':', 2))*60;
if substr(l_offset, 1,1) = '+'
to_timestamp('1970-01-01 00:00:00', 'RRRR-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') + numtodsinterval( (p_unix_timestamp/1000)+l_offset_seconds, 'SECOND')
into l_timestamp
from dual;
to_timestamp('1970-01-01 00:00:00', 'RRRR-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') + numtodsinterval( (p_unix_timestamp/1000)-l_offset_seconds, 'SECOND')
into l_timestamp
from dual;
end if;
return l_timestamp;
end unix_to_timezone;
end utils_pkg;
show errors;
create or replace package "UTILS_PKG" as
-- Splits a string into array delitmited by p_delim and returns the array index at p_index
function split_idx (p_in_string in varchar2,
p_delim in varchar2,
p_index in number)
return varchar2;
-- Returns at unix timestamp
function unix_to_timezone(p_unix_timestamp in integer,
p_timezone in varchar2)
return timestamp;
end package;
show errors;
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