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Spring Data and Kendo Grid Datasource Pagination

Spring Data and Kendo Grid Datasource Pagination

How to implement Kendo Grid pagination and sorting with Spring Data.


Setup Kendo grid options as below in controller or directive

$scope.publishHistoryGridOptions = {
      columns: [
        {field: "email", title: "Publisher"},
        {field: "status", title: "Status"},
        {field: "failure", title: "Failure"},
        {field: "success", title: "Success"},
        {field: "duplicate", title: "Duplicate"}
      sortable: true,
      pageable: true,
      filterable: true,
      dataSource: new{
        page: 0,
        pageSize: 15,
        serverPaging: true,
        serverFiltering: true,
        serverSorting: true,
        transport: {
          read: {
            url: "mailing-api/lists/history/" + $scope.listId,
            dataType: "json",
            type: "GET"
          parameterMap: function (data) {
            // Mapping between Spring data pagination and kendo UI pagination parameters

            // Pagination
            var serverUrlParams = {
              // pagination
              size: data.pageSize,
              page: = - 1// as Spring page starts from 0

            // Sorting
            if (data.sort && data.sort.length > 0)
              serverUrlParams.sort = data.sort[0].field + ',' + data.sort[0].dir;
            return serverUrlParams;

        change: function (e) {
          $scope.gridData =;

        schema: {
          data: "content",
          total: "totalElements"

The key part here is the parameterMap using which you can translates Kendo Grid query parameters to Spring Data ones.

parameterMap: function (data) {
  // Mapping between Spring data pagination and kendo UI pagination
  return {
    size: data.pageSize,
    page: = // as Spring page starts from 0

The schema tells Kendo Grid which response JSON attribute contains the total count and the dataset.

schema: {
  data: "content",
  total: "totalElements"

Spring Data


@RequestMapping(value = "/history/{listId}")
public Page<ListPublish> getPublishHistory(@PathVariable("listId") long listId,
                                           Pageable pageRequest) {
    return publishingService.getListHistory(listId, pageRequest);


public Page<ListPublish> getListHistory(long listId, Pageable pageRequest) {
    return listPublishRepository.findByMailingListId(listId, pageRequest);


public interface ListPublishRepository extends CrudRepository<ListPublish, Long>,
        PagingAndSortingRepository<ListPublish, Long> {

  Page<ListPublish> findByMailingListId(long listId, Pageable pageRequest);
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