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Created February 16, 2020 09:20
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Cakephp console which converts secondary language to primary for 18n table
namespace App\Command;
use App\Application;
use App\Model\Entity\I18n;
use App\Model\Table\I18nTable;
use Cake\Console\Arguments;
use Cake\Console\Command;
use Cake\Console\ConsoleIo;
use Cake\Core\Configure;
use Cake\Database\Connection;
use Cake\Datasource\ConnectionManager;
use Cake\ORM\Table;
* Když jsem zapomněl že čeština nemusí být hlavní a na slovensku byla jako hlavn jazyk
* Všechny řádky z 18n co byly sk hodit do svých tabulek jako primární a z těch tabulek si vzít originál
* pak jen hodit řádek jako cs
* @property I18nTable $I18n
class ConvertDefaultTranslationsCommand extends Command
* @var Connection
private $db;
public function initialize()
$this->db = ConnectionManager::get('default');
public function execute(Arguments $args, ConsoleIo $io)
$defaultLocale = Configure::read('App.defaultLocale');
$fromLang = $io->askChoice(
'From what language you want to convert',
$selection = $io->askChoice(
"So you want to convert translations from `$fromLang` to `$defaultLocale`, did you back up?",
['y', 'n'],
if ($selection !== 'y') {
$io->warning('Never mind then');
$this->convert($fromLang, $defaultLocale, $io);
$io->success('Correctly converted! (?)');
* @param string $from
* @param string $to
* @param ConsoleIo $io
* @throws \Exception
private function convert(string $from, string $to, ConsoleIo $io)
$toConvert = $this->I18n
'locale' => $from,
'content NOT LIKE' => ''
/** @var I18n $entity */
foreach ($toConvert as $entity) {
/** @var Table $Table */
$Table = $this->{$entity->model};
$untranslatedEntity = $Table->get($entity->foreign_key);
$originalContent = $untranslatedEntity->{$entity->field};
$untranslatedEntity->{$entity->field} = $entity->content;
$io->info("Updating `$originalContent` from `$entity->model` to `$entity->content`");
$entity->content = $originalContent;
$entity->locale = $to;
$this->db->transactional(function () use ($entity, $Table, $untranslatedEntity) {
$io->success('Converted!' . $io->nl());
private function removeEmpty(): int
return $this->I18n
'content LIKE' => ''
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