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Last active December 20, 2022 15:39
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Custom genericUDF in Hive Demonstrates NVL2 functionality
This gist covers a simple Hive genericUDF in Java, that mimics NVL2 functionality in Oracle.
NVL2 is used to handle nulls and conditionally substitute values.
1. Input data
2. Expected results
3. UDF code in java
4. Hive query to demo the UDF
5. Output
Note: The dataset is very small - as the purpose of this gist is instructional. :)
About the NVL2 functionality in this demo:
Return type: String
Parameters: Three comma separated strings, we will refer to as:
expr1, expr2, expr3
Purpose: If expr1 is null, NVL2 returns expr3, otherwise, expr3
Input data
1. Execute locally on the node you are running Hive client from
Create input file/data to use for the demo.
Since this gist is merely for instructional purpose, the dataset is small.
cd ~
mkdir hiveProject
cd hiveProject
vi Departments_UDFTest
Paste this..ensuring the fields are delimited by tabs and record with new line.
d001 Marketing
d002 Finance
d003 Human Resources
d004 Production
d005 Development
d006 Quality Management
d007 Sales
d009 Customer Service
2. Hadoop commands
hadoop fs -mkdir hiveProject
hadoop fs -put hiveProject/Departments_UDFTest hiveProject
Setting up the Hive table
In hive shell....
a) Create table:
deptNo String,
deptName String
Row format delimited
fields terminated by '\t'
LOCATION '/user/akhanolk/hiveProject';
b) Quick test:
Select * from departments_UDFTest;
d001 Marketing
d002 Finance
d003 Human Resources
d004 Production
d005 Development
d006 Quality Management
d007 Sales
d008 NULL
d009 Customer Service
package khanolkar.HiveUDFs;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.Description;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDFArgumentException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDFArgumentLengthException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDFArgumentTypeException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.UDFType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDF;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDFUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.ObjectInspector;
@UDFType(deterministic = true)
@Description(name = "NVL2", value = "NVL2(expr1,expr2,expr3) returns expr3, if expr1 is null, otherwise returns expr2;", extended = "NVL2(expr1,expr2,expr3) returns expr3, if expr1 is null, otherwise retruns expr2")
public class NVL2GenericUDF extends GenericUDF {
private GenericUDFUtils.ReturnObjectInspectorResolver returnOIResolver;
private ObjectInspector[] argumentOIs;
public ObjectInspector initialize(ObjectInspector[] arguments)
throws UDFArgumentException {
argumentOIs = arguments;
// First check - do we have the right number of arguments?
if (arguments.length != 3) {
throw new UDFArgumentLengthException(
"The operator 'NVL2' accepts 3 arguments.");
// Second check - throw exception if any complex types have been passed
// as parameters
if (arguments[0].getCategory() != ObjectInspector.Category.PRIMITIVE
|| arguments[1].getCategory() != ObjectInspector.Category.PRIMITIVE
|| arguments[2].getCategory() != ObjectInspector.Category.PRIMITIVE)
throw new UDFArgumentTypeException(0,
"Only primitive type arguments are accepted");
// Third check - throw exception if the data types across parameters are
// different
if (!(returnOIResolver.update(arguments[0]) && returnOIResolver
|| !(returnOIResolver.update(arguments[1]) && returnOIResolver
.update(arguments[2]))) {
throw new UDFArgumentTypeException(2,
"The arguments of function NLV2 should have the same type, "
+ "but they are different: \""
+ arguments[0].getTypeName() + "\" and \""
+ arguments[1].getTypeName() + "\" and \""
+ arguments[2].getTypeName() + "\"");
returnOIResolver = new GenericUDFUtils.ReturnObjectInspectorResolver(
return returnOIResolver.get();
public Object evaluate(DeferredObject[] arguments) throws HiveException {
// The NVL2 functionality
Object retVal = returnOIResolver.convertIfNecessary(arguments[0].get(),
if (retVal == null) {
retVal = returnOIResolver.convertIfNecessary(arguments[2].get(),
} else {
retVal = returnOIResolver.convertIfNecessary(arguments[1].get(),
return retVal;
public String getDisplayString(String[] children) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("if ");
sb.append(" is null ");
sb.append("else ");
return sb.toString();
There are three methods-
1. initialize() - called once, at first. The goal of this method is to determine the return type
from the arguments. The user can also throw an Exception to signal that bad types are being sent
to the method. The returnOIResolver is a built-in class that determines the return type by finding
the type of non-null variables and using that type. The ObjectInspector is used to the transform
raw records into objects that Hive can access. The initialize() method is passed an
ObjectInspector for each argument
2. evaluate() - where the logic for the function should be written.
The evaluate method has access to the values passed to the method stored in an array of DeferredObject
values. The returnOIResolver created in the initialize method is used to get values from the
3. getDisplayString() - The final method to override is getDisplayString(), is used inside the Hadoop
tasks to display debugging information when the function is being used.
@UDFType(deterministic = true) annotation: Indicates that the UDF returns the same value any time its
@Description(...) annotation: Includes information that is displayed when you do a describe on the UDF
Expected results
select deptNo,NVL2(deptName,deptName,'Procrastrination') from departments_UDFTest;
The null in the department name for department d008, should be returned as "Procrastrination".
For the rest of the records, the query should return the data in Hive, as is.
Testing the UDF
1) Add jar
hive> add jar hiveProject/jars/NVL2GenericUDF.jar;
2) Create alias for the function
AS 'khanolkar.HiveUDFs.NVL2GenericUDF';
3) Test the description provided
NVL2(expr1,expr2,expr3) returns expr3, if expr1 is null, otherwise returns expr2;
4) Test if there are checks in place for number of parameters
hive> select deptNo,NVL2(deptName,deptName) from departments_UDFTest;
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10015]: Line 1:14 Arguments length mismatch 'deptName': The operator 'NVL2' accepts 3 arguments.
hive> select deptNo,NVL2(deptName,deptName,123,1) from departments_UDFTest;
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10015]: Line 1:14 Arguments length mismatch '1': The operator 'NVL2' accepts 3 arguments.
5) Results
hive> select deptNo,NVL2(deptName,deptName,'Procrastrination') from departments_UDFTest;
d001 Marketing
d002 Finance
d003 Human Resources
d004 Production
d005 Development
d006 Quality Management
d007 Sales
d008 Procrastrination
d009 Customer Service
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