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Created October 10, 2015 08:13
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Closure implementation with c++11 variadic template.
// Test in gcc 4.8.1.
#include <tuple>
#include <iostream>
template<typename T> struct ParamTrait { typedef T& ForwardType; typedef T StoreType; };
template<> struct ParamTrait<int> { typedef int ForwardType; typedef int StoreType; };
class Closure
virtual ~Closure() {}
virtual void Run() = 0;
template<typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
class FunctionClosure : public Closure
typedef ReturnType (*Function)(Args...);
typedef ::std::tuple<typename ParamTrait<Args>::StoreType...> ArgTuple;
explicit FunctionClosure(Function func, typename ParamTrait<Args>::ForwardType... args)
: m_func(func), m_args(args...) // a copy overhead here
virtual void Run()
typedef typename ::std::_Build_index_tuple<sizeof...(Args)>::__type _Indexes;
delete this;
template<std::size_t... _Indexes>
void call(::std::_Index_tuple<_Indexes...>)
(void) (*m_func)(::std::get<_Indexes>(m_args)...);
Function m_func;
ArgTuple m_args;
template<typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
Closure* NewCallback(ReturnType (*func)(Args...), typename ParamTrait<Args>::ForwardType... args)
return new FunctionClosure<ReturnType, Args...>(func, args...);
static void test_func() { ::std::cout << "test_func" << ::std::endl; }
static int test_func1(int i) { ::std::cout << "test_func1" << ::std::endl; return i; }
struct TestObj {};
static int test_func2(int i, TestObj) { ::std::cout << "test_func2" << ::std::endl; return i; }
int main()
Closure* done = NewCallback(&test_func);
done = NewCallback(&test_func1, 1);
TestObj obj;
done = NewCallback(&test_func2, 1, obj);
return 0;
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