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Last active June 22, 2022 20:17
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Wrapper code for making calls to Shopify using `shopify-api-node` that get automatically retried when the rate limit is exceeded
import pRetry from "p-retry";
import { isArray, isNil, isObject, isString } from "lodash";
const responseFromError = (error: any): Response | undefined => {
if ("response" in error) {
const response = error.response;
if (response && "body" in response) {
return response as Response;
const sleep = (ms: number): Promise<void> => {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
export const RetryableErrorCodes = new Set([
* Report if an error connecting to a remote system can be retried
export const isRetryableConnectionError = (error: any): boolean => {
return isObject(error) && "code" in error && RetryableErrorCodes.has((error as any).code);
* When retrying requests to Shopify, we introduce a random amount of jitter to the retry time to avoid all making requests in lockstep in a thundering herd.
* See for more information
* See for an explanation of the math
const addJitter = (baseRetrySeconds: number, attemptNumber: number) => {
return baseRetrySeconds + Math.min(Math.random() * Math.pow(2, attemptNumber), 6);
* When a given error should be retried, if it should be retried at all.
* @return The number of seconds from now when the operation should be retried. A value of 0 means it can be retried
* immediately, whereas a negative value means it should not be retried.
export const shouldRetryError = (error: any): number | null => {
if (isRetryableConnectionError(error)) {
return 0;
const response = responseFromError(error);
if (!response) {
return null;
if (response.statusCode >= 500 && response.statusCode < 600) {
return 0;
if (response.headers["retry-after"]) {
const value = parseFloat(response.headers["retry-after"]);
if (isNaN(value)) {
const when = new Date(value).valueOf();
return when -;
} else if (isFinite(value)) {
return value;
} else {
return null;
if (response.statusCode == 429) {
// Arbitrary 2 seconds, incase we get a 429 without a Retry-After response header
return 2;
// detect graphql request throttling
if (response.body && isObject(response.body)) {
const body = response.body as {
errors?: {
message: string;
extensions?: {
code: string;
extensions?: {
cost?: {
requestedQueryCost: number;
throttleStatus: {
maximumAvailable: number;
currentlyAvailable: number;
restoreRate: number;
if (body.errors && isArray(body.errors) && isObject(body.errors[0]) && body.errors[0].extensions?.code == "THROTTLED") {
const costData = body.extensions?.cost;
if (costData) {
return (costData.requestedQueryCost - costData.throttleStatus.currentlyAvailable) / costData.throttleStatus.restoreRate;
} else {
return 2;
return null;
* Retry making an API call with `shopify-api-node` until it succeeds or we've tried too many times.
export const retryShopifyCall = async <T>(run: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> => {
return await pRetry(run, {
// we don't use p-retry's exponential backoff and instead rely on shopify's retry-after header to tell us when to retry
// we implement the delay between attempts by sleeping in the `onFailedAttempt` function, which blocks the next attempt.
minTimeout: 1,
maxTimeout: 1,
onFailedAttempt: async (error) => {
if (error.retriesLeft > 0) {
const maybeRetryAfterSeconds = shouldRetryError(error);
if (maybeRetryAfterSeconds != null) {
const retryAfterSeconds = addJitter(maybeRetryAfterSeconds, error.attemptNumber);
console.debug({ error, retryAfterSeconds }, "error communicating with the shopify API, retrying");
await sleep(retryAfterSeconds * 1000);
} else {
throw error;
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