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Last active February 23, 2018 08:20
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/* This is a naive implementation of Jonathan McCabe's elaboration of
* Alan Turing's model of morphogenesis, as described here:
extern crate rand;
use rand::Rng;
use std::env;
use std::io::Write;
use std::ops::{Index,IndexMut};
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;
struct Config {
inner_size: usize,
outer_size: usize,
incr_amt: f32,
decr_amt: f32,
steps: usize,
img_size: usize,
fn clamp(low: f32, high: f32, num: f32) -> f32 {
if num < low {
} else if num > high {
} else {
/* We're going to, for simplicity, assume that images are always
* square, so an image is a size along one dimension plus a vector
* of floats. */
struct Image {
sz: usize,
px: Vec<f32>,
impl Image {
/* Our constructors are straightforward */
fn new(sz: usize) -> Image {
let mut v = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..(sz*sz) {
Image { sz: sz, px: v }
fn new_rand(sz: usize) -> Image {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let mut v = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..(sz*sz) {
Image { sz: sz, px: v }
/* This probably isn't super useful here, but it would be
* if we kept the Image representation appropriately
* private and encapsulated. */
fn dim(&self) -> usize {
fn in_bounds(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> bool {
x < && y <
/* We're printing as a pgm file, which is straightforward,
* especially as this ignores errors entirely: */
fn print(&self, mut f: fs::File) {
/* A header, which is just the text P2 */
let _ = writeln!(f, "P2");
/* The width and height in pixels: */
let _ = writeln!(f, "{} {}", self.dim(), self.dim());
/* and the maximum greyscale value. I'm just using 128
* for no real reason. */
let _ = writeln!(f, "128");
/* And then we just convert all the floats to ints in the
* range [0,128] and we're good. We don't need to use a
* newlines like we do, but it's nice for debugging. */
for x in 0..self.dim() {
for y in 0..self.dim() {
let _ = writeln!(f, "{} ", (self[(x,y)] * 128.0).floor());
let _ = writeln!(f, "");
/* We also want to index our images using pairs, so we can implement
* the indexing traits to make our code nicer. */
impl Index<(usize, usize)> for Image {
type Output = f32;
fn index<'a>(&'a self, (x, y): (usize, usize)) -> &'a f32 {
&self.px[x * + y]
impl IndexMut<(usize, usize)> for Image {
fn index_mut<'a>(&'a mut self, (x, y): (usize, usize)) -> &'a mut f32 {
&mut self.px[x * + y]
/* The actual step-running is pretty simple: */
fn run_step(old: &Image, new: &mut Image, conf: &Config) {
/* We loop over every pixel in the image... */
for x in 0..conf.img_size {
for y in 0..conf.img_size {
/* And compute the average value of two neighborhoods: a
* smaller one... */
let near = gather_neighbors(old, (x, y), conf.inner_size);
/* And a larger one. */
let far = gather_neighbors(old, (x, y), conf.outer_size);
/* Depending on which one is bigger, we either add or subtract
* from the existing value of the pixel. */
let dx = if near < far { conf.incr_amt } else { conf.decr_amt };
/* And we clamp the range to [0.0,1.0] for good measure. */
new[(x, y)] = clamp(0.0, 1.0, old[(x, y)] + dx);
/* Our neighborhood is based on Manhattan distance. We could futz with this
* to create different, interesting patterns, too. */
fn gather_neighbors(img: &Image, (x, y): (usize, usize), n: usize) -> f32 {
/* We keep a running average... */
let mut amt = 0.0;
let mut tot = 0.0;
/* This is for going back and forth between signed and unsigned types.
* There is almost certainly a better way of doing this and I don't
* really care. */
let ns = n as isize;
for i in -ns..ns {
for j in -ns..ns {
let xn = (i + x as isize) as usize;
let yn = (j + y as isize) as usize;
if img.in_bounds(xn, yn) {
amt += img[(xn,yn)];
tot += 1.0;
amt / tot
fn main() {
/* We can vary these parameters here if we want. */
let conf = Config {
inner_size: 18,
outer_size: 12,
incr_amt: 0.05,
decr_amt: -0.05,
steps: 100,
img_size: 256,
/* Take the filename to write to. */
let filename = match env::args().nth(1) {
Some(n) => n,
None => panic!("Usage: [target]"),
println!("Printing to {:?}", filename);
/* Run the above step for some number of times */
let final_image = {
let mut old = Image::new_rand(conf.img_size);
let mut new = Image::new(conf.img_size);
for _ in 0..conf.steps {
run_step(&old, &mut new, &conf);
std::mem::swap(&mut new, &mut old);
/* ...and print to the specified file */
match fs::File::create(Path::new(&filename)) {
Ok(file) => final_image.print(file),
_ => panic!("Unable to open file."),
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