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Created November 6, 2016 21:40
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Bleprint for ng generate entity with ember cli && angular-cli
var path = require('path');
var chalk = require('chalk');
var Blueprint = require('ember-cli/lib/models/blueprint');
var dynamicPathParser = require('../../utilities/dynamic-path-parser');
var findParentModule = require('../../utilities/find-parent-module').default;
var getFiles = Blueprint.prototype.files;
var stringUtils = require('ember-cli-string-utils');
var astUtils = require('../../utilities/ast-utils');
var NodeHost = require('@angular-cli/ast-tools').NodeHost;
module.exports = {
description: '',
availableOptions: [
{ name: 'flat', type: Boolean, default: false },
{ name: 'inline-template', type: Boolean, aliases: ['it'] },
{ name: 'inline-style', type: Boolean, aliases: ['is'] },
{ name: 'prefix', type: Boolean, default: true },
{ name: 'spec', type: Boolean }
beforeInstall: function () {
try {
this.pathToModule = findParentModule(this.project, this.dynamicPath.dir);
catch (e) {
throw "Error locating module for declaration\n\t" + e;
// da la posibilidad de redefinir el nombre de la entidad
normalizeEntityName: function (entityName) {
console.log("entityName", entityName)
var parsedPath = dynamicPathParser(this.project, entityName);
/* { root: '/', dir: 'src/app', base: 'product', ext: '', name: 'product',
appRoot: 'src/app', sourceDir: 'src' } */
this.dynamicPath = parsedPath;
var defaultPrefix = '';
if (this.project.ngConfig &&
this.project.ngConfig.apps[0] &&
this.project.ngConfig.apps[0].prefix) {
defaultPrefix = this.project.ngConfig.apps[0].prefix + '-';
var prefix = this.options.prefix ? defaultPrefix : '';
this.selector = stringUtils.dasherize(prefix +;
/* if (this.selector.indexOf('-') === -1) {
this._writeStatusToUI(chalk.yellow, 'WARNING', 'selectors should contain a dash');
} */
locals: function (options) {
this.styleExt = 'css';
if (this.project.ngConfig &&
this.project.ngConfig.defaults &&
this.project.ngConfig.defaults.styleExt) {
this.styleExt = this.project.ngConfig.defaults.styleExt;
options.inlineStyle = options.inlineStyle !== undefined ?
options.inlineStyle :
options.inlineTemplate = options.inlineTemplate !== undefined ?
options.inlineTemplate :
options.spec = options.spec !== undefined ?
options.spec :
console.log("options", options.args[1]);
return {
dynamicPath: this.dynamicPath.dir.replace(this.dynamicPath.appRoot, ''),
flat: options.flat,
spec: options.spec,
inlineTemplate: options.inlineTemplate,
inlineStyle: options.inlineStyle,
route: options.route,
isAppComponent: !!options.isAppComponent,
selector: this.selector,
styleExt: this.styleExt,
// predefined
entityName: options.args[1],
entityNameCapitalize: this._ucfirst(options.args[1])
_ucfirst: function(string) {
console.log("str", string)
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.substr(1);
files: function () {
var fileList =;
if (this.options && this.options.inlineTemplate) {
fileList = fileList.filter(function (p) { return p.indexOf('.html') < 0; });
if (this.options && this.options.inlineStyle) {
fileList = fileList.filter(function (p) { return p.indexOf('.__styleext__') < 0; });
if (this.options && !this.options.spec) {
fileList = fileList.filter(function (p) { return p.indexOf('__name__.component.spec.ts') < 0; });
return fileList;
// mapea los token (que son las variables que devuelve este metodo:
// __path__, __resolveName__) con los ficheros
fileMapTokens: function (options) {
var _this = this;
return {
__path__: function () {
var dir = _this.dynamicPath.dir;
if (!options.locals.flat) {
dir += path.sep + options.dasherizedModuleName;
var srcDir = _this.project.ngConfig.apps[0].root;
_this.appDir = dir.substr(dir.indexOf(srcDir) + srcDir.length);
_this.generatePath = dir;
return dir;
__styleext__: function () {
return _this.styleExt;
__resolveName__: function () {
var dir = _this.dynamicPath.base;
if (dir.includes('-')) {
dir = dir.split('-');
dir.forEach(function(path, index) {
index !== 0 ? dir[index] = path.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + path.substr(1) : '';
return dir.join('');
afterInstall: function (options) {
if (options.dryRun) {
var returns = [];
var className = stringUtils.classify( + "Component");
var fileName = stringUtils.dasherize( + ".component");
var componentDir = path.relative(path.dirname(this.pathToModule), this.generatePath);
var importPath = componentDir ? "./" + componentDir + "/" + fileName : "./" + fileName;
if (!options['skip-import']) {
returns.push(astUtils.addDeclarationToModule(this.pathToModule, className, importPath)
.then(function (change) { return change.apply(NodeHost); }));
return Promise.all(returns);
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