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Last active March 6, 2021 14:11
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* The type 'true' means a proof is satisfied.
* The type 'never' means a proof is not satisfied.
// Basic of this idea.
type AWrongProof = { x: number } extends { x: string } ? true : never
// Compile NG
// const aWrongProof: AWrongProof = true
// Above is samea as below.
const thatIsWrong: AWrongProof extends never ? true : never = true
// Let's introduce that alias.
type Not<A extends true | never> = A extends never ? true : never
const thatIsWrong0: Not<AWrongProof> = true
// Unfortunately, this says:
// 2322: Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'never'.
* Why?
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