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Created October 3, 2016 20:49
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public static class DynamicColorGenExtensions
//Find foreground color for a dynamic background color
public static Color FindForgroundColor(this Color color)
if (color.R <= 5 && color.G <= 5 && color.B <= 5)
return Color.WhiteSmoke;
var delta = 0.05d;
var resultRatio = 4.5d;
var colorHsl = (HSLColor)color;
var lumocity = colorHsl.Luminosity;
var resLumocity = 0d;
double lightness;
if (IsLightColor(color, out lightness))
//Find more darker color
resLumocity = ((lumocity + delta) / resultRatio) - delta;
//Find more lighter color
if (lightness <= 15)
resultRatio = 21d - lightness;
delta = 0;
resLumocity = ((lumocity + delta) * resultRatio) - delta;
colorHsl.Luminosity = resLumocity;
return (Color)colorHsl;
public static bool IsLightColor(Color bg, out double lightness)
int nThreshold = 150;
//int nThreshold = 128;
lightness = ((bg.R * 0.299d) + (bg.G * 0.587d) +
(bg.B * 0.114d));
var bgDelta = (int)lightness;
var isLight = (255 - bgDelta < nThreshold) ? true : false;
//Console.WriteLine(string.Format(@"Color is {0} with delta {1} lightness {2}", isLight ? "Light" : "dark", bgDelta, lightness));
return isLight;
private class HSLColor
// Private data members below are on scale 0-1
// They are scaled for use externally based on scale
private double hue = 1.0;
private double saturation = 1.0;
private double luminosity = 1.0;
private const double scale = 240.0;
public double Hue
get { return hue * scale; }
set { hue = CheckRange(value / scale); }
public double Saturation
get { return saturation * scale; }
set { saturation = CheckRange(value / scale); }
public double Luminosity
get { return luminosity * scale; }
set { luminosity = CheckRange(value / scale); }
private double CheckRange(double value)
if (value < 0.0)
value = 0.0;
else if (value > 1.0)
value = 1.0;
return value;
public override string ToString()
return String.Format("H: {0:#0.##} S: {1:#0.##} L: {2:#0.##}", Hue, Saturation, Luminosity);
public string ToRGBString()
Color color = (Color)this;
return String.Format("R: {0:#0.##} G: {1:#0.##} B: {2:#0.##}", color.R, color.G, color.B);
#region Casts to/from System.Drawing.Color
public static implicit operator Color(HSLColor hslColor)
double r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
if (hslColor.luminosity != 0)
if (hslColor.saturation == 0)
r = g = b = hslColor.luminosity;
double temp2 = GetTemp2(hslColor);
double temp1 = 2.0 * hslColor.luminosity - temp2;
r = GetColorComponent(temp1, temp2, hslColor.hue + 1.0 / 3.0);
g = GetColorComponent(temp1, temp2, hslColor.hue);
b = GetColorComponent(temp1, temp2, hslColor.hue - 1.0 / 3.0);
return Color.FromArgb((int)(255 * r), (int)(255 * g), (int)(255 * b));
private static double GetColorComponent(double temp1, double temp2, double temp3)
temp3 = MoveIntoRange(temp3);
if (temp3 < 1.0 / 6.0)
return temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * 6.0 * temp3;
else if (temp3 < 0.5)
return temp2;
else if (temp3 < 2.0 / 3.0)
return temp1 + ((temp2 - temp1) * ((2.0 / 3.0) - temp3) * 6.0);
return temp1;
private static double MoveIntoRange(double temp3)
if (temp3 < 0.0)
temp3 += 1.0;
else if (temp3 > 1.0)
temp3 -= 1.0;
return temp3;
private static double GetTemp2(HSLColor hslColor)
double temp2;
if (hslColor.luminosity < 0.5) //<=??
temp2 = hslColor.luminosity * (1.0 + hslColor.saturation);
temp2 = hslColor.luminosity + hslColor.saturation - (hslColor.luminosity * hslColor.saturation);
return temp2;
public static implicit operator HSLColor(Color color)
HSLColor hslColor = new HSLColor();
hslColor.hue = color.GetHue() / 360.0; // we store hue as 0-1 as opposed to 0-360
hslColor.luminosity = color.GetBrightness();
hslColor.saturation = color.GetSaturation();
return hslColor;
public void SetRGB(int red, int green, int blue)
HSLColor hslColor = (HSLColor)Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue);
this.hue = hslColor.hue;
this.saturation = hslColor.saturation;
this.luminosity = hslColor.luminosity;
public HSLColor() { }
public HSLColor(Color color)
SetRGB(color.R, color.G, color.B);
public HSLColor(int red, int green, int blue)
SetRGB(red, green, blue);
public HSLColor(double hue, double saturation, double luminosity)
this.Hue = hue;
this.Saturation = saturation;
this.Luminosity = luminosity;
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