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Ajay lakhimale ajaylakhimale

  • pune
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ajaylakhimale / transaction_tile.dart
Created September 15, 2024 04:23
awesome tile widget for alt of ListTile in flutter
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import '../theme/theme.dart';
import 'my_container.dart';
class TransactionTile extends StatelessWidget {
const TransactionTile({
required this.categoryName,
required this.transactionNote,
ajaylakhimale / tab_bar.dart
Created September 15, 2024 04:21
awesome tab bar view for flutter app
import 'package:budget360/screens/budget_screen.dart';
import 'package:budget360/screens/home_screen.dart';
import 'package:budget360/screens/report_screen.dart';
import 'package:budget360/screens/settings_screen.dart';
import 'package:budget360/theme/theme.dart';
import 'package:budget360/theme/theme_provider.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
void main() {
ajaylakhimale / main.dart
Created October 5, 2023 19:45
void main() {
removeWhiteSpaces("Ajay Lakhimale");
replaceAllOcc('Ajay is very good man yo and bo and kho and lo', "o", "ok");
// problem Link:
// given : apples(m[]), oranges(n[]), distance(d) the falled on. home length[s,t], position of trees a, b
// st = [7,10], a =4 , b = 12, m =3, n = 3, apples = [2, 3 -4], oranges = [3, -2, -4]
// add distance of apples[] with distance of tree located, |||'ly for oranges.
// apples[4+2, 4+3, 4+-4] = [6, 7, 0]
// so in the resulting list 7 is the common element in apple distance and sam's house that
// mean they are intersectin. thats what we have to find.
import 'dart:math' as math;
ajaylakhimale / README.MD
Last active March 18, 2022 15:23 — forked from AstralJohn/Reset Udemy
Reset Udemy Progress

Reset Udemy Progress

Last Updated: 18/03/2022

Step 1. Go to Udemy course in browser

Go to the course and have any video up. The following code relies on the right sidebar to be visible to uncheck all your progress.

Step 2. Open browser console

You can do this with ctrl+shift+j and making sure the console tab is selected for chrome/brave

ajaylakhimale / matrix3.dart
Created March 16, 2022 08:15
it's fun coding matrix.
// As Dart does not have multidimensional arrays or lists to be specific.
// I'm trying to create a matrix of 3x3.
class MatrixT{
// matrix has 9 elements as follows
// R11, R12, R13
// R21, R22, R23
// R31, R32, R33
// to create a matrix we're gonna create a list of length 9
// each 3 elements represent each row. 1 2 3 respectively.
// Hackerrank's Triplet comparison problem.
// we have two lists of elements 3.
// our task is to compare element of one list to other list of simmilar index.
// list names are a and b,
// comparison has a point system. as follows.
// if a[0]>b[0] then a gets 1 point. if b[0]>a[0]
// then b get 1 point. if bothe are same at same index then nobody gets point.
//proble name : Compare The Triplate

Mobile development Life Cycle.

  • Mobile Software Development life cycle by Microsoft. (click to Go).
  • Understanding the app development life cycle by DevOps(Click to Go).
  • 6 Stages of Mobile app development (Click to Go)
  • 7 Proven steps of App Development Cycle. (Link is here)
  • Mobile App Development Process: From Idea to App (you can see here)
  • Android Specific app development life cycle. (See here)
  • IoS specific App Development process. ([See if you w
import 'dart:math' as math;
// This code is just for fun and do not take it seriously
//But share the results with me .
//my results was : never , never , she did but i lost, try 3 times like me and the average of the 3 will be the result.
void main() {
int i = math.Random().nextInt(100);
if (i <= 30) {