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Last active July 25, 2019 10:27
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Save ajbrock/4ec90294edbe77bf8feae89334e45422 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Situationally faster dilated convolutions through subpixel reshapes
# A Brock, 2016
# Script adapted from by Jan Schluter.
# Outputs of this script from my tests on a GTX 980 are available here:
# Outputs of this script from my tests on a Titan X are available here:
# This script benchmarks the forward and backward (wrt inputs and weights) passes of my implementation of dilated convolutions
# through subpixel reshapes and compares it to the lasagne implementation. The basic idea is that a subpixel downsample operation into an additional spatial dimension
# (i.e. where the elements are reordered from [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] to [[1,3,5,7],[2,4,6,8]]) allows one to perform dilated convolution
# (AKA atrous convolution, convolution with holes, convolution when you're on shrooms) without having to use a dilated filter.
# This implementation only works out-of-the-box when the spatial dimensions and dilated filter size line up nicely, but a little
# bit of clever zero-padding could probably overcome this.
# I've found that this can be significantly faster if you're dealing with high dimensional (high number of channels, high number
# of output filters) during the backward pass, particularly. I suspect the optimal solution to this issue is to integrate dilated convolutions
# into a library's im2col function, but this workaround could be useful given how computationally expensive dilated convs are.
# I alo suspect that, barring such an implementation, this hack could be made much faster if someone could figure out a faster
# version of my subpixel layer, which I'm pretty sure is the most expensive part (though I haven't bothered to profile it, so I
# can't say for certain. Right now it uses r^2 set_subtensor calls, which is faster than anything else I've tried,
# including two different reshape/concatenate methods, and an advanced indexing method.
## Subpixel Reshape
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import math
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import lasagne
from lasagne.layers.dnn import Conv2DDNNLayer as C2D
import lasagne.layers as ll
if not theano.config.device.startswith('gpu'):
import theano.sandbox.cuda
theano.config.floatX = 'float32'
import theano.misc.pycuda_init
import pycuda.driver
except ImportError:
print "Note: pycuda not available, no timing via CUDA events possible"
import time
pycuda = None
import theano
import theano.sandbox.cuda.dnn
if not theano.sandbox.cuda.dnn.dnn_available():
del theano.sandbox.cuda.dnn
raise ImportError
except (ImportError, NameError):
print "Note: cuDNN not available"
# try:
# from pylearn2.sandbox.cuda_convnet.filter_acts import FilterActs
# except ImportError:
FilterActs = None
# print "Note: pylearn2's cuda-convnet wrapper not available"
# else:
from theano.sandbox.cuda.basic_ops import gpu_contiguous
f1=open('./benchmark_TITAN_stack.txt', 'w')
number = 10 # nb of steps in loop to average over
repeat = 1 # nb of trials to pick the minimum of
def di(ni,no,iw,ih,scale):
return {
'ni': ni,
'no': no,
'kw': 3,
'kh': 3,
'iw': iw,
'ih': ih,
'bs': 128,
'dw': 1,
'dh': 1,
runs = [di(3,128,64,64,2),di(3,128,32,32,2),di(3,128,16,16,2),
def time_run(fn):
times = []
fn() # warm-up call, not timed
if pycuda:
start = pycuda.driver.Event()
end = pycuda.driver.Event()
for _ in range(repeat):
for _ in range(number):
times.append(start.time_till(end) / 1e3 / number)
for _ in range(repeat):
start = time.time()
for _ in range(number):
times.append((time.time() - start) / number)
return min(times)
def print_graph(fn):
if int(os.environ.get('PRINT_GRAPH', 0)):
# debugprint of graph (in blue text)
print '\033[1;34m'
print '\033[1;m'
def benchmark_three_ways(name, sharedX, sharedY, sharedW, X, Y, gW, gX, mode=None):
# benchmark fprop
fprop = theano.function([], [],
givens=[(X, sharedX)],
updates=[(sharedY, Y)],
name=name + " fprop")
tm = time_run(fprop)
print '{: <50} ==> {: <13} ==> {: >7}'.format(name, 'fprop', int(tm*1000))
print >>f1, '{: <50} ==> {: <13} ==> {: >7}'.format(name, 'fprop', int(tm*1000))
# f1.write('{: <50} ==> {: <13} ==> {: >7}'.format(name, 'fprop', int(tm*1000)))
del fprop
except Exception, e:
print name, 'fprop: FAILED', str(e).split('\n', 1)[0]
# benchmark bprop wrt input
bprop = theano.function([], [],
# the nvidia wrapper need this (in fact could be optional for subsample==(1, 1)
givens=[(X, sharedX)],
updates=[(sharedX, gX)],
name=name + " bprop inputs")
tm = time_run(bprop)
print '{: <50} ==> {: <13} ==> {: >7}'.format(name, 'bprop inputs', int(tm*1000))
print >>f1, '{: <50} ==> {: <13} ==> {: >7}'.format(name, 'bprop inputs', int(tm*1000))
# f1.write('{: <50} ==> {: <13} ==> {: >7}'.format(name, 'bprop inputs', int(tm*1000)))
del bprop
except Exception, e:
print name, 'bprop inputs: FAILED', str(e).split('\n', 1)[0]
# benchmark bprop wrt weights
bprop = theano.function([], [],
givens=[(X, sharedX)],
updates=[(sharedW, gW)],
name=name + " bprop weights")
tm = time_run(bprop)
print '{: <50} ==> {: <13} ==> {: >7}'.format(name, 'bprop weights', int(tm*1000))
print >>f1, '{: <50} ==> {: <13} ==> {: >7}'.format(name, 'bprop weights', int(tm*1000))
# f1.write('{: <50} ==> {: <13} ==> {: >7}'.format(name, 'bprop weights', int(tm*1000)))
del bprop
except Exception, e:
print name, 'bprop weights: FAILED', str(e).split('\n', 1)[0]
print ''
def parse_custom_config(s):
# parses a custom configuration string of the format:
# iAxBxC,kDxExF,bG,sHxJ where A: input channels, B: input width, C: input height,
# D: output channels, E: kernel width, F: kernel height, G: batchsize,
# H: horizontal stride, J: vertical stride (with G, H, J being optional)
run = {'bs': 128, 'dw': 1, 'dh': 1}
defs = {'i': ['ni', 'iw', 'ih'],
'k': ['no', 'kw', 'kh'],
'b': ['bs'],
's': ['dw', 'dh']}
for part in s.split(','):
p, args = part[0], map(int, part[1:].split('x'))
run.update(zip(defs[p], args))
return run
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
# allow specifying the runs on command line, 1-indexed (i.e., 1 2 5)
runs = [runs[int(r) - 1] for r in sys.argv[1:] if r[0] != 'i']
# allow specifying custom configurations on command line (e.g., i3x80x15,k32x3x7,b256)
runs.extend([parse_custom_config(r) for r in sys.argv[1:] if r[0] == 'i'])
class SubpixelLayer(lasagne.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, incoming,r,c, **kwargs):
super(SubpixelLayer, self).__init__(incoming, **kwargs)
def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shape):
return (input_shape[0],self.c,self.r*input_shape[2],self.r*input_shape[3])
def get_output_for(self, input, deterministic=False, **kwargs):
out = T.zeros((input.shape[0],self.output_shape[1],self.output_shape[2],self.output_shape[3]))
# im = np.zeros(input.shape[0],self.output_shape[1],self.output_shape[2],self.output_shape[3],dtype=theano.config.floatX)
# out=theano.shared(im)
for x in xrange(self.r): # loop across all feature maps belonging to this channel
for y in xrange(self.r):
return out
class SubpixelDownsampleLayer(lasagne.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, incoming,r, **kwargs):
super(SubpixelDownsampleLayer, self).__init__(incoming, **kwargs)
def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shape):
return (input_shape[0],input_shape[1],self.r**2,input_shape[2]//self.r,input_shape[3]//self.r)
def get_output_for(self, input, deterministic=False, **kwargs):
out = T.zeros((input.shape[0],self.output_shape[1],self.output_shape[2],self.output_shape[3],self.output_shape[4]))
# im = np.zeros((input.shape[0],self.output_shape[1],self.output_shape[2],self.output_shape[3],self.output_shape[4]),dtype=theano.config.floatX)
# out = theano.shared(im)
for x in xrange(self.r):
for y in xrange(self.r):
return out
class Subpixel3DLayer(lasagne.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, incoming,r,c, **kwargs):
super(Subpixel3DLayer, self).__init__(incoming, **kwargs)
def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shape):
return (input_shape[0],self.c,self.r*input_shape[3],self.r*input_shape[4])
def get_output_for(self, input, deterministic=False, **kwargs):
out = T.zeros((input.shape[0],self.output_shape[1],self.output_shape[2],self.output_shape[3]))
# im = np.zeros((input.shape[0],self.output_shape[1],self.output_shape[2],self.output_shape[3]),dtype=theano.config.floatX)
# out = theano.shared(im)
# input =T.reshape(input,(input.shape[0],input.shape[1]*input.shape[2],input.shape[3],input.shape[4]))
for x in xrange(self.r): # loop across all feature maps belonging to this channel
for y in xrange(self.r):
return out
# Similar to the 3D subpixel layer, except with the extra dims stacked into the batch dimension
class SubpixelBatchLayer(lasagne.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, incoming,r, **kwargs):
super(SubpixelBatchLayer, self).__init__(incoming, **kwargs)
def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shape):
return (input_shape[0]//self.r**2,self.input_shape[1],self.r*input_shape[2],self.r*input_shape[3])
def get_output_for(self, input, deterministic=False, **kwargs):
out = T.zeros((input.shape[0]//self.r**2,self.output_shape[1],self.output_shape[2],self.output_shape[3]))
batch_size = input.shape[0]//self.r**2
for x in xrange(self.r): # loop across all feature maps belonging to this channel
for y in xrange(self.r):
return out
class SubpixelBatchDSL(lasagne.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, incoming,r, **kwargs):
super(SubpixelBatchDSL, self).__init__(incoming, **kwargs)
def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shape):
return (input_shape[0]*self.r**2,input_shape[1],input_shape[2]//self.r,input_shape[3]//self.r)
def get_output_for(self, input, deterministic=False, **kwargs):
out = T.zeros((input.shape[0]*self.r**2,self.output_shape[1],self.output_shape[2],self.output_shape[3]))
batch_size = input.shape[0]
for x in xrange(self.r): # loop across all feature maps belonging to this channel
for y in xrange(self.r):
return out
class SubpixelBatchStackDSL(lasagne.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, incoming,r, **kwargs):
super(SubpixelBatchStackDSL, self).__init__(incoming, **kwargs)
def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shape):
return (input_shape[0]*self.r**2,input_shape[1],input_shape[2]//self.r,input_shape[3]//self.r)
def get_output_for(self, input, deterministic=False, **kwargs):
return T.concatenate([input[:,:,x::self.r,y::self.r] for x in xrange(self.r) for y in xrange(self.r)])
# Dilated conv2d layer with theano's im2col implementation of filter dilation
class IM2COLDCD(lasagne.layers.conv.BaseConvLayer):
def __init__(self, incoming, num_filters, filter_size,dilation, stride=(1, 1),
pad=0, untie_biases=False,
W=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), b=lasagne.init.Constant(0.),
nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.rectify, flip_filters=False,
convolution=T.nnet.conv2d, **kwargs):
super(IM2COLDCD, self).__init__(incoming, num_filters, filter_size,
stride, pad, untie_biases, W, b,
nonlinearity, flip_filters, n=2,
self.convolution = convolution
def get_W_shape(self):
num_input_channels = self.input_shape[1]
# first two sizes are swapped compared to a forward convolution
return (self.num_filters,num_input_channels) + (self.filter_size[0]+self.dilation[0],)+(self.filter_size[1]+self.dilation[1],)
def convolve(self, input, **kwargs):
border_mode = 'half' if self.pad == 'same' else self.pad
conved = self.convolution(input, self.W,
self.input_shape, self.get_W_shape(),
return conved
# allow specifying benchmarks to skip via a SKIP environment variable
skip_tests = os.environ.get("SKIP", '').lower().split(',')
for run in runs:
# params for run:
# (input channels, output channels, kernel width, kernel height, batchsize, image width, image height, horizontal stride, vertical stride)
ni, no, kw, kh, bs, iw, ih, dw, dh = run['ni'], run['no'], run['kw'], run['kh'], run['bs'], run['iw'], run['ih'], run['dw'], run['dh']
print 'CONFIG: input =', ni, 'x', iw, 'x', ih, '* ker =', ni, 'x', no, 'x', kw, 'x', kh, '( bs =', bs, ', stride =', dw, 'scale =',run['scale'],')'
print >>f1, 'CONFIG: input =', ni, 'x', iw, 'x', ih, '* ker =', ni, 'x', no, 'x', kw, 'x', kh, '( bs =', bs, ', stride =', dw, 'scale =',run['scale'],')'
# f1.write(('CONFIG: input =', ni, 'x', iw, 'x', ih, '* ker =', ni, 'x', no, 'x', kw, 'x', kh, '( bs =', bs, ', stride =', dw, 'scale =',run['scale'],')'))
ops = 2 # ops per point
mode = theano.compile.get_default_mode()
# benchmark Theano legacy convolution
# Mimic THEANO_FLAGS=optimizer_excluding=conv_gemm:conv_dnn
input_shape = (bs, ni, ih, iw)
filter_shape = (no, ni, kh, kw)
sharedX = theano.shared(np.random.randn(*input_shape).astype('float32'), name='sharedX')
sharedY = theano.shared(np.random.randn(bs, no, (ih-kh)/dh+1, (iw-kw)/dw+1).astype('float32'), name='sharedY')
sharedW = theano.shared(np.random.randn(*filter_shape).astype('float32'), name='sharedW')
except MemoryError, e:
print "SKIPPING config due to the memory error below"
print e
X = theano.tensor.tensor4('X')
scale = run['scale']
nf = no
l_in = ll.InputLayer(input_shape)
s0 = SubpixelDownsampleLayer(l_in,r=scale)
sc = lasagne.layers.dnn.Conv3DDNNLayer(incoming = s0,
num_filters = nf,
filter_size = [1,3,3],
stride = [1,1,1],
pad = [0,1,1],
W = sharedW.dimshuffle(0,1,'x',2,3),
b = None,
nonlinearity = None,
name = 'subpixel_conv')
s1 = Subpixel3DLayer(sc,r=scale,c=nf)
d1 = lasagne.layers.DilatedConv2DLayer(incoming = lasagne.layers.PadLayer(incoming = l_in, width=(scale,scale)),
num_filters = nf,
filter_size = [3,3],
W = sharedW.dimshuffle(1,0,2,3),
b = None,
nonlinearity = None,
name = 'dilated_conv')
dcd1 = IM2COLDCD(incoming = l_in,
num_filters = nf,
filter_size = [3,3],
W = sharedW,
b = None,
pad = 'same',
nonlinearity = None,
name = 'i2mcol')
BatchStackDSL = SubpixelBatchStackDSL(l_in,r=scale)
BatchStackConv = lasagne.layers.dnn.Conv2DDNNLayer(incoming = BatchStackDSL,
num_filters = nf,
filter_size = [3,3],
stride = [1,1],
pad = 'same',
W = sharedW,
b = None,
nonlinearity = None,
name = 'BatchStackConv')
BatchStackOut = SubpixelBatchLayer(BatchStackConv,r=scale)
BatchDSL = SubpixelBatchDSL(l_in,r=scale)
BatchConv = lasagne.layers.dnn.Conv2DDNNLayer(incoming = BatchDSL,
num_filters = nf,
filter_size = [3,3],
stride = [1,1],
pad = 'same',
W = sharedW,
b = None,
nonlinearity = None,
name = 'BatchConv')
BatchOut = SubpixelBatchLayer(BatchConv,r=scale)
Y = ll.get_output(s1,X)
gW = theano.grad(None, wrt=sharedW, known_grads={Y: sharedY})
gX = theano.grad(None, wrt=X, known_grads={Y: sharedY})
'Subpixel DCD',
sharedX, sharedY, sharedW, X, Y, gW, gX)
Y = ll.get_output(d1,X)
gW = theano.grad(None, wrt=sharedW, known_grads={Y: sharedY})
gX = theano.grad(None, wrt=X, known_grads={Y: sharedY})
'Normal DCD',
sharedX, sharedY, sharedW, X, Y, gW, gX)
Y = ll.get_output(dcd1,X)
gW = theano.grad(None, wrt=sharedW, known_grads={Y: sharedY})
gX = theano.grad(None, wrt=X, known_grads={Y: sharedY})
sharedX, sharedY, sharedW, X, Y, gW, gX)
Y = ll.get_output(BatchOut,X)
gW = theano.grad(None, wrt=sharedW, known_grads={Y: sharedY})
gX = theano.grad(None, wrt=X, known_grads={Y: sharedY})
'Batchroll DCD',
sharedX, sharedY, sharedW, X, Y, gW, gX)
Y = ll.get_output(BatchStackOut,X)
gW = theano.grad(None, wrt=sharedW, known_grads={Y: sharedY})
gX = theano.grad(None, wrt=X, known_grads={Y: sharedY})
'BatchStack DCD',
sharedX, sharedY, sharedW, X, Y, gW, gX)
del sharedX
del sharedY
del sharedW
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