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Last active September 18, 2024 00:02
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elastic tabstop

Though it is riddled with TypeScript ! operator, it does work...

// taken from
// rust impl. at
// original impl. at
function range(stop: number): number[]
function range(start: number, stop: number, step?: number): number[]
function range(start: number, stop?: number, step = 1): number[] {
if (stop === undefined) [start, stop] = [0, start]
const result = []
for (let i = start; i < stop; i += step) {
return result
function splitArray<T>(array: T[], shouldSplit: (curr: T, prev: T) => boolean) {
const n = array.length
if (n === 0) return []
// get each position in the array where a split should occur
let indexes = range(1, n).filter(i => shouldSplit(array[i]!, array[i - 1]!))
// insert start/end points
indexes = [0, ...indexes, n]
// group elements between the indexes
return range(0, indexes.length - 1).map(i => array.slice(indexes[i], indexes[i + 1]))
function computeElasticTabs(text: string) {
// We ignore the last cell of each line
// since the standard says we only count cells _behind_ a tab character.
const table = text.split('\n').map(line => line.split('\t').slice(0, -1))
// result objects
const tableUnpruned = text.split('\n').map(line => line.split('\t'))
const cellBlocks: Record<string, number> = {} // map a cell coordinate `${row},${col}` to a block index
const blockWidths = [] // map a block index to a width
// cells by coordinate
const numRows = table.length
const numCols = Math.max( => cells.length))
const getCell = (r: number, c: number) => ({ r, c, text: table[r]![c] })
// for each column, we group cells into blocks
for (const c of range(numCols)) {
// Get every cell in this column.
const column = range(numRows)
.map(r => getCell(r, c))
.filter(({ text }) => text != null)
// Group contiguous cells into blocks.
const blocks = splitArray(column, (curr, prev) => curr.r !== prev.r + 1)
// process each block
for (const cells of blocks) {
// compute block width
const w = Math.max({ text }) => text!.length))
// create a new index to identify this block
const blockI = blockWidths.length
// associate each of our cell coordinates to this block
for (const { r } of cells) {
cellBlocks[`${r},${c}`] = blockI
// store the width of the block
return { table: tableUnpruned, cellBlocks, blockWidths }
// View the given text with the elastic tabs expanded into spaces.
export function expandElasticTabs(text: string, { blockPad = 1, minBlockWidth = 3 } = {}) {
const { table, cellBlocks, blockWidths } = computeElasticTabs(text)
const expandCell = (r: number, c: number) => {
const text = table[r]![c]
const i = cellBlocks[`${r},${c}`]
const w = Math.max(minBlockWidth, blockWidths[i!]!)
return text!.padEnd(w)
const numRows = table.length
const numCols = (r: number) => table[r]!.length
const lines = range(numRows).map(r => {
const cells = range(numCols(r)).map(c => expandCell(r, c))
const pad = ' '.repeat(blockPad)
return cells.join(pad)
return lines.join('\n')
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