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Created July 6, 2020 23:12
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gh-ost itest output
❯ docker run --rm -it itest
Creating replication sandbox
Installing and starting master
. sandbox server started
Installing and starting slave1
. sandbox server started
Installing and starting slave2
. sandbox server started
initializing slave 1
initializing slave 2
Replication directory installed in $HOME/sandboxes/gh-ost-test
run 'dbdeployer usage multiple' for basic instructions'
Creating gh-ost user
Reading database topology
Testing: unsigned-rename... pass
Testing: geometry57... pass
Testing: fail-password-length... pass
Testing: rename-none-column... pass
Testing: gbk-charset... pass
Testing: bit-dml... pass
Testing: json57dml... pass
Testing: datetime-to-timestamp... pass
Testing: bigint-change-nullable... pass
Testing: reorder-columns... pass
Testing: generated-columns-rename57... pass
Testing: decimal... pass
Testing: fail-rename-table... pass
Testing: swap-uk... pass
Testing: mixed-charset... pass
Testing: fail-drop-pk... pass
Testing: trivial... pass
Testing: unsigned... pass
Testing: convert-utf8mb4...ERROR 1136 (21S01) at line 10: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Testing: rename-inserts-only... pass
Testing: tz... pass
Testing: json57... pass
Testing: bit-add... pass
Testing: timestamp... pass
Testing: generated-columns57... pass
Testing: latin1text... pass
Testing: fail-float-unique-key... pass
Testing: datetime... pass
Testing: swap-pk-uk... pass
Testing: datetime-submillis... pass
Testing: modify-change-case-pk... pass
Testing: datetime-1970... pass
Testing: alter-charset... pass
Testing: spatial57... pass
Testing: rename-reorder-column... pass
Testing: enum... pass
Testing: keyword-column... pass
Testing: datetime-submillis-zeroleading... pass
Testing: unsigned-modify... pass
Testing: tz-datetime... pass
Testing: datetime-to-timestamp-pk-fail... pass
Testing: enum-pk... pass
Testing: drop-null-add-not-null... pass
Testing: unsigned-reorder... pass
Testing: rename-none-comment... pass
Testing: rename... pass
Testing: timestamp-datetime... pass
Testing: utf8... pass
Testing: fail-update-pk-column... pass
Testing: autoinc-zero-value... pass
Testing: alter-charset-all-dml... pass
Testing: swap-uk-uk... pass
Testing: latin1... pass
Testing: utf8mb4... pass
Testing: varbinary... pass
Testing: timestamp-to-datetime... pass
Testing: tz-datetime-ts... pass
Testing: generated-columns-add57... pass
Testing: rename-reorder-columns... pass
Testing: fail-fk-parent... pass
Testing: fail-no-shared-uk... pass
Testing: discard-fk... pass
Testing: fail-no-unique-key... pass
Testing: fail-fk... pass
Testing: modify-change-case... pass
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