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Every day is a brand new day

Alexander Salas Bastidas ajsb85

Every day is a brand new day
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ajsb85 /
Created January 8, 2025 21:46
¿Cómo leer la lógica?


Una persona común mira esto y ve un desorden incomprensible. Un matemático lo mira y dice: "Bueno, sí, obviamente." Una persona común o un matemático que no quiere admitir que no lo comprende también se encogerá de hombros y dirá: "Bueno, sí, obviamente." Pero no quiero que seas una de esas personas. El problema es que la lógica simbólica, si no estás familiarizado con ella, puede ser realmente intimidante en la superficie. Pero te prometo que al final de este breve video, entenderás todo lo que está sucediendo aquí y estarás de acuerdo en que sí, esto es obviamente verdadero.

Descargo de Responsabilidad

Este video está pensado como una introducción a la lógica de primer orden para ayudar a los estudiantes que están aprendiendo esta materia por primera vez. Si es algo con lo que ya estás familiarizado, este video podría no ser para ti. O tal vez verás una perspectiva fresca, nuevas formas de pensar o nuevas formas de enseñar el material que nunca habías considerado antes. Probablemente no de

ajsb85 /
Last active January 8, 2025 21:46
How to Read Logic


A layperson looks at this and sees an incomprehensible mess. A mathematician looks at this and says, "Well, yeah, obviously." A layperson or mathematician who doesn't want to admit they don't comprehend this will also shrug and say, "Well, yeah, obviously." But I don't want you to be one of those people. The problem is that symbolic logic, if you're unfamiliar with it, can be really intimidating on the surface. But I promise you that at the end of this short video, you'll understand everything that's going on here and agree that yes, this is obviously true.


This video is intended as a primer on first-order logic to help students who are learning this subject for the first time. If it's something that you're already familiar with, this might not be the video for you. Or maybe you'll see a fresh perspective, new ways of thinking about, or new ways to teach the material that you'd never considered before. I probably shouldn't discourage people from watching my own video, but I just w

ajsb85 /
Created December 19, 2024 18:49
GNOME Shell Extensions Installer

GNOME Shell Extensions Installer

This script automates the installation of several popular GNOME Shell extensions. It uses the gnome-shell-extension-installer utility to download and install extensions directly from the GNOME Extensions Website.


The script installs the following extensions:

  • apps-menu: Adds a GNOME 2.x style menu on the panel.
  • auto-move-windows: Automatically assigns windows to specific workspaces.
ajsb85 /
Created December 19, 2024 18:20
GNOME Circle App Installer

GNOME Circle App Installer

This script automates the installation of GNOME Circle apps on Ubuntu systems. It attempts to install apps using snap, flatpak, and apt in a non-interactive manner.


  • Installs GNOME Circle apps from snap, flatpak, and apt.
  • Prioritizes flathub for Flatpak installations.
  • Automatically tries the edge channel for missing Snaps (optional).
  • Detects and skips already installed apps.
ajsb85 /
Created December 12, 2024 14:44
My name in various writings
  • Arabic: الإسكندر
  • Hindi: अलेक्जेंडर
  • Chinese simplified: 亚历山大
  • Japanese: アレクサンダー (Arekusandā)
  • Korean: 알렉산더 (Allekseandeo)
  • Tamazight (Berber): ⴰⵍⴻⴽⵙⴰⵏⴷⴻⵔ (Aleksander)
  • Russian: Александр
  • Ancient Greek: Ἀλέξανδρος
  • Modern Greek: Αλέξανδρος
  • Ukrainian: Олександр
ajsb85 /
Last active December 12, 2024 14:42
My name in various writings
  • Ancient Greek: Ἀλέξανδρος
  • Modern Greek: Αλέξανδρος
  • Russian: Александр
  • Ukrainian: Олександр
  • Bulgarian: Александър
  • Serbian: Александар
  • Macedonian: Александар
  • Hebrew: אלכסנדר
  • Arabic: الإسكندر
  • Hindi: अलेक्जेंडर
ajsb85 /
Created March 13, 2024 10:09 — forked from irwincong/
Finding the Philips Hue Firmware Download API

Philips Hue Firmware Download API discovery

Laste Update: Fri 05 Jun 2020 02:22:05 PM UTC

Easy Way

With hardware, you could intercept traffic.

Hard(er) Way

  1. Download APK
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
static void set_time(void);
static void get_time(void);
int main(void)
Debug: 4105 10249 riscv.c:3517 riscv_get_register(): [esp32c3] tp: 0 (cached)
Debug: 4106 10249 riscv.c:3888 register_get(): [esp32c3] read 0x00000000 from tp (valid=1)
Debug: 4107 10249 esp_riscv.c:321 esp_riscv_start_algorithm(): save t0
Debug: 4108 10249 riscv.c:3517 riscv_get_register(): [esp32c3] t0: 0 (cached)
Debug: 4109 10249 riscv.c:3888 register_get(): [esp32c3] read 0x00000000 from t0 (valid=1)
Debug: 4110 10250 esp_riscv.c:321 esp_riscv_start_algorithm(): save t1
Debug: 4111 10250 riscv.c:3517 riscv_get_register(): [esp32c3] t1: 0 (cached)
Debug: 4112 10250 riscv.c:3888 register_get(): [esp32c3] read 0x00000000 from t1 (valid=1)
Debug: 4113 10250 esp_riscv.c:321 esp_riscv_start_algorithm(): save t2
Debug: 4114 10250 riscv.c:3517 riscv_get_register(): [esp32c3] t2: 0 (cached)
ajsb85 / launch.json
Created January 5, 2023 09:55
ESP32-C3: Built-In USB JTAG
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
"name": "Arduino on ESP32-C3",
"request": "attach",
"type": "cortex-debug",
"executable": "C:\\Users\\ajsb85\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino-sketch-24D205A16753448794B9DE06E581D6E3/MAX14521E_Example1_Blink.ino.elf",
"servertype": "openocd",