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Created July 6, 2018 04:34
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package main
import (
func blist(p *pdfgen.PDFDoc, x, y, size, ls float64, list []string, color string) {
qsize := size/4
for _, s := range list {
p.Circle(x+qsize, y, qsize, color)
p.Text(x+size, y-qsize, s, "sans", size, color)
y -= size * ls
func nlist(p *pdfgen.PDFDoc, x, y, size, ls float64, list []string, color string) {
for i, s := range list {
p.Text(x, y, fmt.Sprintf("%d. %s", i+1, s), "sans", size, color)
y -= size * ls
func list(p *pdfgen.PDFDoc, x, y, size, ls float64, list []string, color string) {
for _, s := range list {
p.Text(x, y, s, "sans", size, color)
y -= size * ls
func grid(p *pdfgen.PDFDoc, width, height, interval float64, color string) {
bottom := interval
left := interval
for x := left; x < width; x += interval {
p.Line(x, 0, x, height, 0.5, color)
p.Text(x, bottom, fmt.Sprintf("%v", x), "sans", 8, "gray")
for y := bottom; y < height; y += interval {
p.Line(0, y, width, y, 0.5, color)
p.Text(left, y, fmt.Sprintf("%v", y), "sans", 8, "gray")
func main() {
width, height, linewidth := 11.0 * 72, 8.5 * 72, 2.0
items := []string{"text, image, list", "rect, ellipse, polygon", "line, arc, curve"}
p := pdfgen.NewDoc(os.Stdout, width, height)
p.Text(100, 512, "Deck Elements", "sans", 48, "black")
p.Image(400, 200, 640, 480, 50, "follow.jpg")
p.Text(400, 175, "Follow your dreams", "sans", 12, "gray")
blist(p, 100, 425, 24, 1.6, items, "black")
p.Rect(100, 85, 50, 30, "maroon")
p.Ellipse(225, 100, 25, 15, "green")
p.Polygon([]float64{300, 350, 300}, []float64{80, 100, 120}, "rgb(0,0,127)")
p.Line(400, 100, 450, 100, linewidth, "black")
p.Arc(525, 100, 25, 25, 0, 180, linewidth, "blue")
p.Curve(600, 100, 750, 180, 700, 100, linewidth, "black")
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