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Created October 30, 2013 17:18
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module Search where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Sequence
import Data.Traversable
import Prelude hiding (foldl)
import Test.QuickCheck
data Node a = Leaf a
| Branch (Node a) (Node a)
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Functor Node where
fmap f (Leaf a) = Leaf (f a)
fmap f (Branch left right) =
Branch (fmap f left) (fmap f right)
instance Foldable Node where
foldMap f (Leaf v) = f v
foldMap f (Branch left right) =
foldMap f left `mappend` foldMap f right
instance Traversable Node where
traverse f (Leaf v) = Leaf <$> f v
traverse f (Branch left right) =
Branch <$> traverse f left <*> traverse f right
instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Node a) where
arbitrary = sized tree where
tree 0 = liftM Leaf arbitrary
tree n | n > 0 =
oneof [liftM Leaf arbitrary,
liftM2 Branch subtree subtree]
| otherwise = undefined where
subtree = tree (n `div` 2)
-- Expand represnets the operation of exploring the
-- current active set of nodes.
type Expand a =
Seq (Node a) -> Node a -> Node a -> Seq (Node a)
search :: Eq a => Expand a -> a -> Seq (Node a) -> Bool
search expand target queue =
let recur = search expand target
in case viewl queue of
EmptyL -> False
Leaf value :< xs -> (value == target) || recur xs
Branch left right :< xs ->
recur (expand xs left right)
bfs :: Eq a => a -> Node a -> Bool
bfs target root =
search (\xs l r -> xs |> l |> r) target (singleton root)
dfs :: Eq a => a -> Node a -> Bool
dfs target root =
search (\xs l r -> l <| r <| xs) target (singleton root)
folding :: Eq a => a -> Node a -> Bool
folding target =
foldl (\found current -> found || current == target) False
correctness :: Eq a => a -> Node a -> Bool
correctness t a = folding t a == bfs t a && bfs t a == dfs t a
main :: IO ()
main = verboseCheck (correctness :: (Int -> Node Int -> Bool))
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