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Last active January 28, 2021 01:14
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Benchmarking Enum vs MapSet usage for ajvondrak/remote_ip
defmodule Algorithm do
@enum ~w[forwarded x-forwarded-for x-client-ip x-real-ip]
def using_enum(input) do
Enum.filter(input, &Enum.member?(@enum, &1))
def using_mapset(input) do
Enum.filter(input, &MapSet.member?(@mapset, &1))
# This is effectively what RemoteIp.from/2 does.
def using_mapset_at_runtime(input) do
Enum.filter(input, &MapSet.member?(, &1))
algorithms = %{
"algorithm using Enum" => &Algorithm.using_enum/1,
"algorithm using MapSet" => &Algorithm.using_mapset/1,
"algorithm using MapSet at runtime" => &Algorithm.using_mapset_at_runtime/1,
inputs = %{
"hit 1" => ~w[forwarded],
"hit 2" => ~w[x-forwarded-for],
"hit 3" => ~w[x-client-ip],
"hit 4" => ~w[x-real-ip],
"miss 1" => ~w[via],
"miss 2" => ~w[x-forwarded-fo],
"representative browser headers" => Enum.shuffle(~w[
}, inputs: inputs)
defmodule Bench.MixProject do
use Mix.Project
def project do
[app: :bench, version: "0.0.1", deps: deps()]
def application do
[extra_applications: [:logger]]
defp deps do
[{:benchee, "~> 1.0"}]
$ mix do deps.get, deps.compile, run bench.exs | tee -a output
Resolving Hex dependencies...
Dependency resolution completed:
benchee 1.0.1
deep_merge 1.0.0
* Getting benchee (Hex package)
* Getting deep_merge (Hex package)
==> deep_merge
Compiling 2 files (.ex)
Generated deep_merge app
==> benchee
Compiling 39 files (.ex)
Generated benchee app
==> bench
Generated bench app
Operating System: macOS
CPU Information: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1038NG7 CPU @ 2.00GHz
Number of Available Cores: 8
Available memory: 16 GB
Elixir 1.11.3
Erlang 23.2.2
Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 5 s
memory time: 0 ns
parallel: 1
inputs: hit 1, hit 2, hit 3, hit 4, miss 1, miss 2, representative browser headers
Estimated total run time: 2.45 min
Benchmarking algorithm using Enum with input hit 1...
Benchmarking algorithm using Enum with input hit 2...
Benchmarking algorithm using Enum with input hit 3...
Benchmarking algorithm using Enum with input hit 4...
Benchmarking algorithm using Enum with input miss 1...
Benchmarking algorithm using Enum with input miss 2...
Benchmarking algorithm using Enum with input representative browser headers...
Benchmarking algorithm using MapSet with input hit 1...
Benchmarking algorithm using MapSet with input hit 2...
Benchmarking algorithm using MapSet with input hit 3...
Benchmarking algorithm using MapSet with input hit 4...
Benchmarking algorithm using MapSet with input miss 1...
Benchmarking algorithm using MapSet with input miss 2...
Benchmarking algorithm using MapSet with input representative browser headers...
Benchmarking algorithm using MapSet at runtime with input hit 1...
Benchmarking algorithm using MapSet at runtime with input hit 2...
Benchmarking algorithm using MapSet at runtime with input hit 3...
Benchmarking algorithm using MapSet at runtime with input hit 4...
Benchmarking algorithm using MapSet at runtime with input miss 1...
Benchmarking algorithm using MapSet at runtime with input miss 2...
Benchmarking algorithm using MapSet at runtime with input representative browser headers...
##### With input hit 1 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
algorithm using MapSet 3.60 M 277.49 ns ±2480.55% 0 ns 1000 ns
algorithm using Enum 3.59 M 278.63 ns ±2393.10% 0 ns 1000 ns
algorithm using MapSet at runtime 1.47 M 682.14 ns ±4208.20% 1000 ns 1000 ns
algorithm using MapSet 3.60 M
algorithm using Enum 3.59 M - 1.00x slower +1.14 ns
algorithm using MapSet at runtime 1.47 M - 2.46x slower +404.65 ns
##### With input hit 2 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
algorithm using Enum 3.56 M 280.58 ns ±2230.71% 0 ns 1000 ns
algorithm using MapSet 2.92 M 342.15 ns ±2374.57% 0 ns 1000 ns
algorithm using MapSet at runtime 1.34 M 747.36 ns ±4383.74% 1000 ns 1000 ns
algorithm using Enum 3.56 M
algorithm using MapSet 2.92 M - 1.22x slower +61.57 ns
algorithm using MapSet at runtime 1.34 M - 2.66x slower +466.77 ns
##### With input hit 3 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
algorithm using Enum 3.48 M 287.70 ns ±2254.13% 0 ns 1000 ns
algorithm using MapSet 3.34 M 299.79 ns ±2258.34% 0 ns 1000 ns
algorithm using MapSet at runtime 1.36 M 733.00 ns ±4158.46% 1000 ns 1000 ns
algorithm using Enum 3.48 M
algorithm using MapSet 3.34 M - 1.04x slower +12.09 ns
algorithm using MapSet at runtime 1.36 M - 2.55x slower +445.30 ns
##### With input hit 4 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
algorithm using Enum 3.35 M 298.54 ns ±2080.90% 0 ns 1000 ns
algorithm using MapSet 3.12 M 320.89 ns ±2317.90% 0 ns 1000 ns
algorithm using MapSet at runtime 1.46 M 683.78 ns ±3906.30% 1000 ns 1000 ns
algorithm using Enum 3.35 M
algorithm using MapSet 3.12 M - 1.07x slower +22.35 ns
algorithm using MapSet at runtime 1.46 M - 2.29x slower +385.23 ns
##### With input miss 1 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
algorithm using Enum 3.67 M 272.20 ns ±3208.98% 0 ns 1000 ns
algorithm using MapSet 3.32 M 300.76 ns ±3106.08% 0 ns 1000 ns
algorithm using MapSet at runtime 1.57 M 638.71 ns ±4331.06% 1000 ns 1000 ns
algorithm using Enum 3.67 M
algorithm using MapSet 3.32 M - 1.10x slower +28.56 ns
algorithm using MapSet at runtime 1.57 M - 2.35x slower +366.51 ns
##### With input miss 2 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
algorithm using Enum 3.65 M 274.18 ns ±3484.37% 0 ns 1000 ns
algorithm using MapSet 3.20 M 312.64 ns ±3018.26% 0 ns 1000 ns
algorithm using MapSet at runtime 1.58 M 633.82 ns ±4338.29% 1000 ns 1000 ns
algorithm using Enum 3.65 M
algorithm using MapSet 3.20 M - 1.14x slower +38.45 ns
algorithm using MapSet at runtime 1.58 M - 2.31x slower +359.64 ns
##### With input representative browser headers #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
algorithm using Enum 1047.28 K 0.95 μs ±534.49% 1 μs 2 μs
algorithm using MapSet 816.26 K 1.23 μs ±586.98% 1 μs 2 μs
algorithm using MapSet at runtime 220.81 K 4.53 μs ±294.16% 4 μs 8 μs
algorithm using Enum 1047.28 K
algorithm using MapSet 816.26 K - 1.28x slower +0.27 μs
algorithm using MapSet at runtime 220.81 K - 4.74x slower +3.57 μs
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