Getting Knife Version
knife --version
Create Cookbook
knife cookbook create <cookbookName>
Getting List of all the client nodes
knife client list
Server Bootstrap
knife bootstrap <hostname/ipaddr> -x <username> -P <password> -N <nodeName>
Server Bootstrap with Runlist
knife bootsrap <hostname> -x root -P <password> -N module3 -r "receipe[apache]"
Server Bootstrap with Sudo with providing user pem file as ssh identity with , and and additional <json_attribute> passing to the node
knife bootstrap <hostname> --sudo -x <user> -i <SSH Itentityfile> --node-name <nodename> --run-list <runlist> -E <Environment> --no-host-key-verify -j <json_attribute>
Add Receipe to RunList for Node
knife node run_list add module2 "receipe[apache]"
Ohai Command
Knife Node Show
knife node show <nodename>
know node show <nodename> -a <keyName>
knife node show module2 -a apache
knife node show module2
Knife Remove Item from run_list
knife node run_list remove module2 "receipe[apache]"
kitchen list
kitchen create
kitchen login <InstanceName>
####Knife Configure Knife Configure command is used to create knife.rb and client.rb so that they can distribute to workstation and nodes.
Configure client.rb
knife configure client <directory>
Configure knife.rb
knife configure