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ChristopherA /
Last active March 4, 2025 20:59
Brew Bundle Brewfile Tips

Brew Bundle Brewfile Tips

Copyright & License

Unless otherwise noted (either in this file or in a file's copyright section) the contents of this gist are Copyright ©️2020 by Christopher Allen, and are shared under spdx:Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International (CC-BY-SA-4.) open-source license.


If you more tips and advice like these, you can become a monthly patron on my GitHub Sponsor Page for as little as $5 a month; and your contributions will be multipled, as GitHub is matching the first $5,000! This gist is all about Homebrew, so if you like it you can support it by donating to them or becoming one of their Github Sponsors.

croaky / App.tsx
Last active July 25, 2021 19:55
Parcel + TypeScript + React
import * as React from 'react'
// routing, etc.
import { Reset } from '~/ui/shared/Reset'
export class App extends React.Component {
public render() {
return (
mandubian / CODE.scala
Last active September 30, 2021 20:03 — forked from playxamplez-admin/CODE
#Json #Reads/#Writes for a sealed #trait & inheriting caseclasses without type indication in Json #Play2.1
import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
sealed trait Shape
case class Circle(c: (Float, Float), r: Float) extends Shape
object Circle {
// reader is covariant and can be implicit in inheriting caseclasses
implicit val reader = Json.reads[Circle]
// writer is contravariant and can't be implicit in inheriting caseclasses
artero / launch_sublime_from_terminal.markdown
Last active September 12, 2024 02:13 — forked from olivierlacan/launch_sublime_from_terminal.markdown
Launch Sublime Text 2 from the Mac OS X Terminal

Launch Sublime Text 2 from the Mac OS X Terminal

Sublime Text 2 ships with a CLI called subl (why not "sublime", go figure). This utility is hidden in the following folder (assuming you installed Sublime in /Applications like normal folk. If this following line opens Sublime Text for you, then bingo, you're ready.

open /Applications/Sublime\ Text\

You can find more (official) details about subl here:
