These scripts are somewhat complicated way of using a stateful GCE VM as a Jenkins agent.
Rather than creating fresh new instances every time an agent is need, as the GCE Plugin currently does, an existing VM is simply started and stopped as needed.
This can yield significant speed ups in build time, as the VM's persistent disk retains Gradle's dependency caches, previously downloaded Docker images, etc.
If the build system, like Gradle, supports task avoidance, and you are confident enough in your configuration to rebuild without cleaning, then you can gain further speedups without the complications of a distributed cache.
Copy these scripts to the Jenkin's Controller in /var/lib/jenkins
(or somewhere else convenient).
Create a new "Permanent Agent" node.
Select "Launch agent via execution of command on the controller" as the Launch method
Enter the script location, together with the instance zone and name as arguments. For example:
/var/lib/jenkins/ europe-west4-b jenkins-agent-small-01
Note the instance you specify must already be created, though it can be stopped. You'll need to manually (or with Terraform and Packer) set up the instances with Java 11+ and all the required build tools installed.