These are quick notes from making my own Formula and Tap.
set -eux
export GOPATH="$(pwd)/.gobuild"
[ -d ${GOPATH} ] && rm -rf ${GOPATH}
mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/{src,pkg,bin}
mkdir -p ${SRCDIR}
cp tf.go ${SRCDIR}
echo ${GOPATH}
cd ${SRCDIR}
go get .
go install .
You can do this by tagging your Github repository with a version.
brew update
brew create ''
class Tf < Formula
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "b59730cfbc3c62027bd91942c70d3d07c2bbc4f82b0332d17da977bb7f2041bc"
depends_on "go" => :build
def install
system ""
bin.install ".gobuild/bin/tf" => "tf"
test do
system "#{bin}/tf", "--help"
brew audit --strict tf
HOMEBREW_MAKE_JOBS=1 brew install -v tf
Create a Git repo called "homebrew-something".
Add your formula to the root of the repo. After this you can use it like:
The "name" should not include "homebrew-" which is a prefix
brew tap mickep76/funk-gnarge
brew install mickep76/funk-gnarge/tf
@Mickep76 hello!
Can you please write a little bit more about step
Github pull request
? What is it for? The main repository where released archive is already present? Or what?