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Last active December 10, 2022 05:31
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Export Kubernetes namespace to Disk 💾
# Prerequisites:
# [GNU Parallel](
# [kubectl-neat](
# [mikefarah/yq](
# Usage:
# - Copy and paste the below into your active shell session. Alternatively, add to your shell initialization scripts.
# - kubectl_export <namespace>
# The folder structure will be created: <namespace>/<kind>/<resource_name>.yaml
# Inspired from
function kubectl_export {
NAMESPACE=${1:?"Supply a namespace with this command"}
mkdir -p $NAMESPACE
kubectl api-resources --verbs=list --namespaced -o name | grep -v "" | grep -v "events" | sort | uniq | parallel --tag --env NAMESPACE -- '\
kubectl get {} -n '$NAMESPACE' 2>&1 | grep -vq "No resources found in '$NAMESPACE' namespace" && \
mkdir -p '$NAMESPACE'/{} && \
kubectl neat get -- {} -n '$NAMESPACE' --ignore-not-found -o yaml | yq --split-exp "\"'$NAMESPACE'/{}/\" +" ".items[]"
export -f kubectl_export
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