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F# : Event Sourcing in a nutshell
// ========= Event Sourcing in a nutshell
FriendlyName: string
Aggregate friendly name.
Initial: 'State
Initial (empty) state we will start with.
Decide: 'Command -> 'State -> 'Event list
Given the current state and what has been requested, decide what should happen.
Evolve: 'State -> 'Event -> 'State
Given the current state and what happened, evolve to a new state.
Build: 'State -> 'Event list -> 'State
Given the current state and the history, build the state.
Rebuild: 'Event list -> 'State
Rebuild the current state from the entire history.
// 1 ========= domain
module User =
let FriendlyName = "User"
// domain is identification agnostic, userId must never be present
type Info =
{ Name: string
Age: int
Email: string }
// events and commands should never leak out of the domain
// they should be mapped to a dto if needed
type Event =
| Registered of Info
| Verified
| EmailModified of string
type Command =
| Register of Info
| WasVerified
| ModifyEmail of string
// state is internal to the domain
// depending on requirements it could be anything
// as it's not stored, it could be fixed and replayed
type State =
{ Registered: bool
Verified: bool }
let initialState =
{ Registered = false
Verified = false }
let private evolve state event =
match event with
| Registered _ -> { state with Registered = true }
| Verified -> { state with Verified = true }
| EmailModified _ -> { state with Verified = false }
let decide command state =
match (command, state) with
| Register userInfo, { Registered = false } -> [ Registered userInfo ]
| WasVerified, { Verified = false } -> [ Verified ]
| ModifyEmail email, { Registered = true } -> [ EmailModified email ]
| _ -> [ ] // could be some Result.Error instead
let build = List.fold evolve
let rebuild = build initialState
// 2 ========= application
module Handlers =
let handleCommand
(read: unit -> User.Event list)
(write: User.Event list -> unit)
// command handler is pretty generic and could be shared
let history = read ()
let currentState = User.rebuild history
let events = User.decide command currentState
let state = currentState events
write events
(events, state)
// IRL, everything here must be idempotent
// caution, avoid distributed transaction and instead prefer queueing by case
let handleEvents
(project: User.Event list -> User.State -> unit)
(requestVerification: string -> unit)
events state // state can be used for more complex scenarios
for event in events do
match event with
| User.Registered info -> requestVerification info.Email
| User.Verified -> ()
| User.EmailModified email -> requestVerification email
project events state
module Projector =
type UserModel =
{ Name: string
Age: int
Email: string
Status: string }
let project
(addUser: UserModel -> unit)
(updateEmail: string -> unit)
(updateStatus: string -> unit)
events state
for event in events do
match event with
| User.Registered info ->
{ Name = info.Name
Age = info.Age
Email = info.Email
Status = "pending" }
|> addUser
| User.Verified ->
updateStatus "ok"
| User.EmailModified email ->
updateEmail email
updateStatus "pending"
// 3 ========= infra
type StreamKey =
{ FriendlyName: string
FriendlyId: string }
module EventStore =
// event store can be anything, depending on the context
let db = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary ()
let read key =
match db.TryGetValue key with
| true, events -> events
| _ -> []
let write key events =
let history = read key
db.[key] <- history @ events
module ReadModel =
// print functions could be database operations
let addUser userId = printfn "user saved:\n%A"
let updateEmail userId = printfn "email updated to %A"
let updateStatus userId = printfn "status changed to %A"
module Mailing =
let requestVerification = printfn "verification email sent to %A"
// 4 ========= startup
module Startup =
let handleCommand userId =
let key = { FriendlyName = User.FriendlyName; FriendlyId = userId }
Handlers.handleCommand (fun () -> key) (EventStore.write key)
let project userId =
// dependencies could be a record of functions, if too large
(ReadModel.addUser userId)
(ReadModel.updateEmail userId)
(ReadModel.updateStatus userId)
let handleEvents userId =
Handlers.handleEvents (project userId) Mailing.requestVerification
let handle userId command =
// must be transactional
handleCommand userId command
||> handleEvents userId
// demo
let userId = "abc123"
printfn "\n==== Register User"
User.Register { Name = "John Doe"; Age = 42; Email = "[email protected]" }
|> Startup.handle userId
printfn "\n==== Was Verified"
|> Startup.handle userId
printfn "\n==== Email Changed"
User.ModifyEmail "[email protected]"
|> Startup.handle userId
printfn "\n==== Was Verified"
|> Startup.handle userId
printfn "\n==== Event Store State"
|> Seq.collect (fun kv -> kv.Value)
|> Seq.iteri (fun i v -> printfn "%i- %A" (i+1) v)
//> dotnet fsi event-sourced-user.fsx
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