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Last active May 9, 2020 05:35
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Save akhil-reni/aa001c76748b1dddb3d50d141098905e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
from lxml import html
import re
class ContextAnalyzer:
def __init__(self, response_text, search_string):
self.get_contexts(response_text, search_string)
def get_contexts(response_text, search_string):
page_html_tree = html.fromstring(response_text)
results = dict()
results["payload"] = search_string
results["contexts"] = []
# check in attribute name <x xxxINPUT=xxx>
xpath = '//*[@' + search_string + ']'
n = page_html_tree.xpath(xpath)
if len(n):
context = {}
context['type'] = 'attribname'
context['count'] = len(n)
# check in attribute value <x xxx=INPUTxxx>
xpath = '//*[@*[contains(.,\'' + search_string + '\')]]'
n = page_html_tree.xpath(xpath)
if len(n):
context = {}
context['type'] = 'attribval'
context['count'] = len(n)
# payload inside HTML Tags <x> input </x>
xpath = '//*[contains(text(),\'' + search_string + '\')]'
n = page_html_tree.xpath(xpath)
if len(n):
context = {}
context['type'] = 'htmltag'
context['count'] = len(n)
# HTML Comments <!---sadsadds dasdasdsa INPUT >
xpath = '//*[comment()[contains(.,\'' + search_string + '\')]]'
n = page_html_tree.xpath(xpath)
if len(n):
context = {}
context['type'] = 'comment'
context['count'] = len(n)
# Style <style>INPUT</style>
xpath = '//style[contains(text(),\'' + search_string + '\')]'
n = page_html_tree.xpath(xpath)
if len(n):
context = {}
context['type'] = 'style'
context['count'] = len(n)
# inside style attribute value <style>.test {INPUT}</style>
xpath = '//*[@style[contains(.,\'' + search_string + '\')]]'
n = page_html_tree.xpath(xpath)
if len(n):
context = {}
context['type'] = 'styleattribval'
context['count'] = len(n)
# inside href <a href=INPUT>a</a>
xpath = '//*[@href[contains(.,\'' + search_string + '\')]]'
n = page_html_tree.xpath(xpath)
if len(n):
context = {}
context['type'] = 'href'
context['count'] = len(n)
# inside <Script>INPUT</script>
xpath = '//script[contains(text(),\'' + search_string + '\')]'
n = page_html_tree.xpath(xpath)
if len(n):
context = {}
context['type'] = 'jsnode'
context['count'] = len(n)
# check for JS Single quote and double quotes <Script>var x='x';</script> <Script>var x="x";</script>
js_single_quote = 0
js_double_quote = 0
xpath = '//script[contains(text(),\'' + search_string + '\')]'
n = page_html_tree.xpath(xpath)
if len(n):
for js_finding in n:
js_string = js_finding.text
# TODO below line is a mix of Javascript and Python, implement for some rare cases...
#escaped_search = search.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')
sqre = re.compile('\'(?:[^\'\\\\]|\\\\.)*' + search_string + '(?:[^\'\\\\]|\\\\.)*\'')
#sqre = re.compile('\'(?:[^\'\\\\]|\\\\.)*' + escaped_search + '(?:[^\'\\\\]|\\\\.)*\'')
dqre = re.compile('"(?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\.)*' + search_string + '(?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\.)*"')
#dqre = re.compile('(?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\.)*' + escaped_search + '(?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\.)*"')
sq = sqre.findall(js_string)
dq = dqre.findall(js_string)
js_single_quote += len(sq)
js_double_quote += len(dq)
if js_single_quote:
context = {}
context['type'] = 'jssinglequote'
context['count'] = js_single_quote
if js_double_quote:
context = {}
context['type'] = 'jsdoublequote'
context['count'] = js_double_quote
# inside any onXXXX() attribute <a onxxx=INPUT>a</a>
xpath = '//*[@onerror[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onload[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onclick[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @oncontextmenu[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @ondblclick[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onmousedown[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onmouseenter[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onmouseleave[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onmousemove[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onmouseover[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onmouseout[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onmouseup[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onkeydown[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onkeypress[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onkeyup[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onabort[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onbeforeunload[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onhashchange[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onpageshow[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onpagehide[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onresize[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onscroll[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onunload[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onblur[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onchange[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onfocus[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onfocusin[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onfocusout[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @oninput[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @oninvalid[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onreset[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onsearch[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onselect[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @ondrag[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @ondragend[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @ondragenter[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @ondragleave[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @ondragover[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @ondragstart[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @ondrop[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @oncopy[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @oncut[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onpaste[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onafterprint[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onbeforeprint[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onabort[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @oncanplay[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @oncanplaythrough[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @ondurationchange[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onemptied[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onended[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onloadeddata[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onloadedmetadata[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onloadstart[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onpause[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onplay[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onplaying[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onprogress[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onratechange[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onseeked[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onseeking[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onstalled[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onsuspend[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @ontimeupdate[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onvolumechange[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onwaiting[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onopen[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onmessage[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onmousewheel[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @ononline[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onoffline[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onpopstate[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onshow[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onstorage[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @ontoggle[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onwheel[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @ontouchcancel[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @ontouchend[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @ontouchmove[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @ontouchstart[contains(.,\'' + search_string \
+ '\')] or @onsubmit[contains(.,\'' + search_string + '\')]]'
n = page_html_tree.xpath(xpath)
if len(n):
context = {}
context['type'] = 'onattrib'
context['count'] = len(n)
return results
with open("requests.txt", "rb") as f:
parser = RequestParser(
i_p = GetInsertionPoints(parser.request)
for request in i_p.requests:
response = send_request(request, "http")
if "teyascan" in response.text:
print("probe reflection found in "+request.insertion)
contexts = ContextAnalyzer.get_contexts(response.text, "teyascan")
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