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Towards a greater vision

Akhil akhildevelops

Towards a greater vision
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CrockAgile /
Last active December 27, 2022 00:47
Floating Point Arcade

Floating Point Arcade

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A Shady Coin Toss

A shady game master approaches...

Hey there! You look like you would enjoy a good game of chance.
amitsaha / ls.rst
Last active June 6, 2024 04:01
How does `ls` work?

How does ls work?

I wanted to be really able to explain to a fair amount of detail how does the program :command:`ls` actually work right from the moment you type the command name and hit ENTER. What goes on in user space and and in kernel space? This is my attempt and what I have learned so far on Linux (Fedora 19, 3.x kernel).

How does the shell find the location of 'ls' ?

JosefJezek /
Last active March 13, 2025 08:47
How to use Pelican on GitHub Pages