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Akila Wickey akilawickey

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akilawickey / rabbitmq.conf
Created April 20, 2020 06:44
RabbitMQ with tls enabled config
listeners.ssl.default = 5671
ssl_options.cacertfile = /tmp/ca_certificate.pem
ssl_options.certfile = /tmp/server_certificate.pem
ssl_options.keyfile = /tmp/server_key.pem
ssl_options.verify = verify_none
ssl_options.fail_if_no_peer_cert = true
## Default MQTT with TLS port is 8883
mqtt.listeners.ssl.default = 8883
mqtt.vhost = /
akilawickey /
Created May 2, 2018 06:38
Docker with jasperReports
sudo docker ps -a
sudo docker start -ai 8e86223fc5ae
sudo docker start 2c109e8cc592
sudo docker start fc1d8fe2b1c2
akilawickey / app.js
Last active March 11, 2018 08:40
Adding a ssl on nginx with nodejs application
var express = require('express');
var path = require('path');
var favicon = require('serve-favicon');
var logger = require('morgan');
var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var exphbs = require('express-handlebars');
var router = express.Router();
var index = require('./routes/index');
akilawickey / Autoupdating Server from
Last active January 18, 2018 11:30
Autoupdating Server from remote GitHub repository periodically

First you generate ssh key in the server

  1. ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"
  2. Uploading this public key to deploy keys in GitHub
  3. Then you create /home/user/.ssh/config file
  4. Then you clone repository with git clone
  5. create a bash file as
  6. Give privilages to the script by chmod +x
  7. And then put it in cronjob to make it happen peroidly
  8. just go to terminal and type crotab -e and edit it as following structure
akilawickey / Documentation
Last active June 25, 2017 04:59
zebkit packages inside gdp and building process
This is the steps how to include zebkit recipes to gdp and build a target to run the zebra
cd genivi-dev-platform
source qemux86-64
cd ../meta-genivi-dev/meta-genivi-dev/
git am -i *.patch
#Edit the using nano
nano recipes-dev-platform/images/
akilawickey / coders_.cache_v_cache_lastfailed
Created July 10, 2016 15:02
This is a codebank with python
akilawickey / app_.gitignore
Created November 14, 2015 09:57
iot networking app project