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Created April 22, 2012 11:39
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"ontology" : {
"ArchetypeOntology" : {
"languages" : [ ],
"term_definitions" : { "en" : { "at0000" : { "text" : "Body mass index", "description" : "Calculated measurement which compares a person's weight and height." }, "at0001" : { "text" : "history", "description" : "@ internal @" }, "at0002" : { "text" : "Any event", "description" : "Any timed recording of Body Mass Index." }, "at0003" : { "text" : "Single", "description" : "@ internal @" }, "at0004" : { "text" : "Body Mass Index", "description" : "Index describing ratio of weight to height." }, "at0005" : { "text" : "List", "description" : "@ internal @" }, "at0006" : { "text" : "Method", "description" : "The method of entering the Body Mass Index." }, "at0007" : { "text" : "Automatic entry", "description" : "Body Mass Index calculated and entered automatically without user intervention." }, "at0008" : { "text" : "Direct entry", "description" : "Body Mass Index calculated and entered directly by user." }, "at0010" : { "text" : "Formula", "description" : "Formula used to derive the Body Mass Index." }, "at0011" : { "text" : "Comment", "description" : "Comment about the Body Mass Index measurement eg noting that the measurements used were adjusted weight/height." } }, "nl" : { "at0000" : { "text" : "Body mass index", "description" : "Berekende meting welke gewicht en lengte van een persoon vergelijkt." }, "at0001" : { "text" : "*history(en)", "description" : "*@ internal @(en)" }, "at0002" : { "text" : "Elke gebeurtenis", "description" : "Opslag van iedere meting van de Body Mass Index" }, "at0003" : { "text" : "*Single(en)", "description" : "*@ internal @(en)" }, "at0004" : { "text" : "Body Mass Index", "description" : "Index om ratio gewicht - lengte te beschrijven" }, "at0005" : { "text" : "*List(en)", "description" : "*@ internal @(en)" }, "at0006" : { "text" : "Methode", "description" : "De methode om de Body Mass Index in te voeren." }, "at0007" : { "text" : "Automatische invoer", "description" : "Body Mass Index is automatisch berekend en ingevoerd, zonder tussenkomst van gebruikers." }, "at0008" : { "text" : "Direkte invoer", "description" : "Body Mass Index is berekend en ingevoerd door de gebruiker." }, "at0010" : { "text" : "Formule", "description" : "De formule die gebruikt wordt om de Body Mass Index te berekenen" }, "at0011" : { "text" : "Opmerking", "description" : "Opmerking over de Body Mass Index meting, b.v. dat de metingen die gebruikt werden voor de berekening, aangepaste lengte/gewicht zijn." } }, "pt-br" : { "at0000" : { "text" : "Indice de massa corpórea", "description" : "IMC - medida que compara o peso de uma pessoa com a altura." }, "at0001" : { "text" : "history", "description" : "@ internal @" }, "at0002" : { "text" : "Qualquer evento", "description" : "Gravação a qualquer momento do Índice de Massa Corpórea." }, "at0003" : { "text" : "Single", "description" : "@ internal @" }, "at0004" : { "text" : "Indice de massa corpórea", "description" : "Índice que descreve a relação de peso com a altura." }, "at0005" : { "text" : "List", "description" : "@ internal @" }, "at0006" : { "text" : "Método", "description" : "Método de entrada do IMC." }, "at0007" : { "text" : "Entrada automática", "description" : "IMC registrado automaticamente, sem a intervenção do usuário." }, "at0008" : { "text" : "Entrada direta", "description" : "IMC registrado diretamente pelo usuário." }, "at0010" : { "text" : "Fórmula", "description" : "Fórmula usada para calcular o IMC (somente se for diferente de peso/altura^2)." }, "at0011" : { "text" : "Comentário", "description" : "Comentário sobre a medição, por exemplo, IMC observando que as medidas utilizadas foram ajustadas para peso / altura." } }, "fa" : { "at0000" : { "text" : "شاخص توده بدن", "description" : "شاخص نشاندهنده چاقی" }, "at0001" : { "text" : "*history(en)", "description" : "*@ internal @(en)" }, "at0002" : { "text" : "هر واقعه", "description" : "BMIثبت زمان مند" }, "at0003" : { "text" : "*Single(en)", "description" : "*@ internal @(en)" }, "at0004" : { "text" : "شاخص توده بدن", "description" : "وزن بر حسب كيلوگرم) تقسيم بر (مجذور قد بر حسب متر)محاسبه شاخص از" }, "at0005" : { "text" : "*List(en)", "description" : "*@ internal @(en)" }, "at0006" : { "text" : "روش", "description" : "BMIروش محاسبه" }, "at0007" : { "text" : "محاسبه خودکار", "description" : "محاسبه از ثبت قد و وزن" }, "at0008" : { "text" : "ورود مستقیم داده ها", "description" : "نیستEHRبطور مستقیم وارد شده ، محاسبه از طریق داده های" }, "at0010" : { "text" : "فرمول", "description" : "فرمول مورد استفاده برای استخراج شاخص توده بدن" }, "at0011" : { "text" : "نظر", "description" : "نظر در مورد توده بدن به عنوان مثال اندازه گیری شاخص و اشاره کرد که اندازه گیری استفاده می شود وزن / قد همسان شدند." } } },
"term_bindings" : { } } } } ], "archetype_id" : "openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.body_mass_index.v1", "namespaceId" : "first4.cloudehr.archetype" }
"ontology" : {
"ArchetypeOntology" : {
"languages" : [ ], "term_definitions" : {
"en" : {
"at0000" : {
"text" : "Body mass index", "description" : "Calculated measurement which compares a person's weight and height." },
"at0001" : { "text" : "history", "description" : "@ internal @" },
"at0002" : { "text" : "Any event", "description" : "Any timed recording of Body Mass Index." },
"at0003" : { "text" : "Single", "description" : "@ internal @" },
"at0004" : { "text" : "Body Mass Index", "description" : "Index describing ratio of weight to height." },
"at0005" : { "text" : "List", "description" : "@ internal @" },
"at0006" : { "text" : "Method", "description" : "The method of entering the Body Mass Index." },
"at0007" : { "text" : "Automatic entry", "description" : "Body Mass Index calculated and entered automatically without user intervention." },
"at0008" : { "text" : "Direct entry", "description" : "Body Mass Index calculated and entered directly by user." },
"at0010" : { "text" : "Formula", "description" : "Formula used to derive the Body Mass Index." },
"at0011" : { "text" : "Comment", "description" : "Comment about the Body Mass Index measurement eg noting that the measurements used were adjusted weight/height." } },
"nl" : {
"at0000" : { "text" : "Body mass index", "description" : "Berekende meting welke gewicht en lengte van een persoon vergelijkt." },
"at0001" : { "text" : "*history(en)", "description" : "*@ internal @(en)" }, "at0002" : { "text" : "Elke gebeurtenis", "description" : "Opslag van iedere meting van de Body Mass Index" }, "at0003" : { "text" : "*Single(en)", "description" : "*@ internal @(en)" }, "at0004" : { "text" : "Body Mass Index", "description" : "Index om ratio gewicht - lengte te beschrijven" }, "at0005" : { "text" : "*List(en)", "description" : "*@ internal @(en)" }, "at0006" : { "text" : "Methode", "description" : "De methode om de Body Mass Index in te voeren." }, "at0007" : { "text" : "Automatische invoer", "description" : "Body Mass Index is automatisch berekend en ingevoerd, zonder tussenkomst van gebruikers." }, "at0008" : { "text" : "Direkte invoer", "description" : "Body Mass Index is berekend en ingevoerd door de gebruiker." }, "at0010" : { "text" : "Formule", "description" : "De formule die gebruikt wordt om de Body Mass Index te berekenen" }, "at0011" : { "text" : "Opmerking", "description" : "Opmerking over de Body Mass Index meting, b.v. dat de metingen die gebruikt werden voor de berekening, aangepaste lengte/gewicht zijn." } }, "pt-br" : { "at0000" : { "text" : "Indice de massa corpórea", "description" : "IMC - medida que compara o peso de uma pessoa com a altura." }, "at0001" : { "text" : "history", "description" : "@ internal @" }, "at0002" : { "text" : "Qualquer evento", "description" : "Gravação a qualquer momento do Índice de Massa Corpórea." }, "at0003" : { "text" : "Single", "description" : "@ internal @" }, "at0004" : { "text" : "Indice de massa corpórea", "description" : "Índice que descreve a relação de peso com a altura." }, "at0005" : { "text" : "List", "description" : "@ internal @" }, "at0006" : { "text" : "Método", "description" : "Método de entrada do IMC." }, "at0007" : { "text" : "Entrada automática", "description" : "IMC registrado automaticamente, sem a intervenção do usuário." }, "at0008" : { "text" : "Entrada direta", "description" : "IMC registrado diretamente pelo usuário." }, "at0010" : { "text" : "Fórmula", "description" : "Fórmula usada para calcular o IMC (somente se for diferente de peso/altura^2)." }, "at0011" : { "text" : "Comentário", "description" : "Comentário sobre a medição, por exemplo, IMC observando que as medidas utilizadas foram ajustadas para peso / altura." } }, "fa" : { "at0000" : { "text" : "شاخص توده بدن", "description" : "شاخص نشاندهنده چاقی" }, "at0001" : { "text" : "*history(en)", "description" : "*@ internal @(en)" }, "at0002" : { "text" : "هر واقعه", "description" : "BMIثبت زمان مند" }, "at0003" : { "text" : "*Single(en)", "description" : "*@ internal @(en)" }, "at0004" : { "text" : "شاخص توده بدن", "description" : "وزن بر حسب كيلوگرم) تقسيم بر (مجذور قد بر حسب متر)محاسبه شاخص از" }, "at0005" : { "text" : "*List(en)", "description" : "*@ internal @(en)" }, "at0006" : { "text" : "روش", "description" : "BMIروش محاسبه" }, "at0007" : { "text" : "محاسبه خودکار", "description" : "محاسبه از ثبت قد و وزن" }, "at0008" : { "text" : "ورود مستقیم داده ها", "description" : "نیستEHRبطور مستقیم وارد شده ، محاسبه از طریق داده های" }, "at0010" : { "text" : "فرمول", "description" : "فرمول مورد استفاده برای استخراج شاخص توده بدن" }, "at0011" : { "text" : "نظر", "description" : "نظر در مورد توده بدن به عنوان مثال اندازه گیری شاخص و اشاره کرد که اندازه گیری استفاده می شود وزن / قد همسان شدند." } } }, "term_bindings" : { } } } } ], "archetype_id" : "openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.body_mass_index.v1", "namespaceId" : "first4.cloudehr.archetype" }
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