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Created August 7, 2011 01:48
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The simplest Monad instance
-- Single value must be Monad.
-- Akira Hayakawa, 2011
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
data Single a = Single a deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
instance Functor Single where
-- fmap :: (a->b) -> Single a -> Single b
-- Error : "parse error in pattern" WHY???
-- fmap f $ Single x = Single (f x)
fmap f (Single x) = Single (f x)
instance Applicative Single where
-- pure :: a -> Single a
pure x = Single x
-- (<*>) :: Single (a->b) -> Single a -> Single b
Single f <*> Single x = Single (f x)
instance Monad Single where
-- return :: a -> Single a
return = pure
-- (>>=) :: Single a -> (a->Single b) -> Single b
Single a >>= f = f a
main = do
-- For Functor
print $ fmap (\x -> 3*x) (Single 10)
-- For Applicative
print $ (\x -> 30*x) <$> Single 10
print $ Single (\x -> 300*x) <*> Single 10
-- For Monad
print $ Single 10 >>= \x -> Single (3000*x)
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