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Created September 21, 2024 15:52
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Deploying nix flakes to nixos hosts using github actions

All Nix(OS) deploy

  • update-flake-lock.yml
  • deploy-host-flake.yml
  • flake.nix
  • some-service somewhere on git

This is an example of (all nix) deployment. The architecture is the following:

  1. you have some-service flake somewhere on a repository; let's assume it's private and hosted at
  2. you have a nixos host used for running github actions and running deploy, in this examples it is tagged as nixos-runner; this is not strictly required and this might also work using github actions with cachix/install-nix-action.
  3. there's a github action update-flake-lock.yml that checks whenever some-service is updated: it will run manually or with a cron job: if the some-service flake is to be updated, a PR will be opened; a SSH key is set up for this action to run so it can access private repos as well.
  4. there's a github action deploy-host-flake.yml that performs nixos-rebuild to deploy a flake; in this example it is run manually, but it might be tweaked to run automatically after the PR is merged.
name: deploy-nix-flakes
required: true
description: flake output to use e.g. .#some-host
required: true
description: for --build and --target e.g. [email protected]
runs-on: [self-hosted, linux, x64, nixos-runner]
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Prepare ssh keys
run: |
# Generate a directory for the config
CONFDIR=$(mktemp -d "${{ runner.temp }}/tmp.XXXXXX")
echo "Preparing SSH key"
mkdir -p $CONFDIR/.ssh && chmod 700 $CONFDIR/.ssh
touch $CONFDIR/.ssh/id_ed25519
chmod 600 $CONFDIR/.ssh/id_ed25519
echo "${{ secrets.CI03_DEPLOY_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}" > $CONFDIR/.ssh/id_ed25519
# Options to pass to NIX for ssh connection
echo "NIX_SSHOPTS=-i $CONFDIR/.ssh/id_ed25519 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" >>$GITHUB_ENV
- name: Run nix deploy
run: nixos-rebuild switch --build-host "${{ }}" --target-host "${{ }}" --flake "${{ github.event.inputs.output }}"
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-24.05";
some-service.url = "git+ssh://[email protected]/foobar/some-service?ref=main";
outputs =
{ self
, nixpkgs
, some-service
}: {
nixosConfigurations.demo = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
name: update-flake-locks
- cron: '0 0 * * 0' # runs weekly on Sunday at 00:00
# note this is running on a nixos-hosted github action runner
runs-on: [self-hosted, linux, x64, nixos-runner]
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Prepare ssh keys
run: |
# Generate a directory for the config
CONFDIR=$(mktemp -d "${{ runner.temp }}/tmp.XXXXXX")
echo "Preparing SSH key"
mkdir -p $CONFDIR/.ssh && chmod 700 $CONFDIR/.ssh
touch $CONFDIR/.ssh/id_ed25519
chmod 600 $CONFDIR/.ssh/id_ed25519
echo "${{ secrets.CI03_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}" > $CONFDIR/.ssh/id_ed25519
# Save the path to config in workflow environment file:
# ssh won't honor $HOME and will expand ~ to passwd entry
echo "GIT_SSH_COMMAND=ssh -i $CONFDIR/.ssh/id_ed25519" >>$GITHUB_ENV
- name: Update flake.lock
uses: DeterminateSystems/update-flake-lock@v23
pr-title: "Update flake.lock" # Title of PR to be created
inputs: some-service
path-to-flake-dir: '/'
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