This is just a draft, I'm writing down few notes and I'll try to make this workable knowledge when I'll have actually tested it thoroughly.
Assuming you got a decent version. I'm running F28, but F29 is out since a few days. With GNOME 3.30 you should have your life easier.
With Wayland, remote desktop is (was) a bit of a hassle. Now things should be much better and technically they might work. I'm not sure if in F29 things will work out of the box, anyway here's a little guide to help you remoting.
In my case, I work very often in the terminal. This helps a lot when working on remote systems. Especially if you are comfortable with a text editor that runs in console. I use neovim.
Few things from the GUI are actually useful in console as well.
In my case, I use the trash, which I prefer to rm.
Use gio trash
or dnf install trash-cli, which is nicer.
Use sftp
to access files. It works pretty well and Nautilus
supports it, so it should be as comfortable as normally.
This was the Pain In The Neck, but it is no more. Apparently, the hero we need but we don't deserve is Joas Ådal, that implemented some functionalities in mutter to record the desktop and stream it.
Here's tons of interesting info:
TL;DR version
- libmutter now has an additional support for DBus that allows to stream data as screencast or as remote desktop;
- dnf install gnome-remote-desktop to add it, you might want to install pipewire as well if it's not installed;
- you might have to activate gnome experimental features: (check the wiki)
gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features "\['screen-cast', 'remote-desktop']"
- you should find an entry in your settings for enabling desktop sharing