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Alessandro Re akiross

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toraritte /
Last active February 3, 2025 10:06
(work in progress) State of affairs on how to pin versions of individual Nix packages (or how to refer to a specific package version with Nix)

Yes, there are several ways to do this, but none of them are as direct and simple as git v2.1.2; htop v1.2.3 and come with a lot of caveats.

Specifying versions for programming language packages are possible too, but that topic seems to be even messier. The most promising standardization effort to date is [dream2nix][1].

0. Methods

That is, available at the time of this writing:

0.1 "versioned" attribute paths (if available)

The ffast and the Furious

This is a small and admittedly contrived demo showing how some weird but safe code could become vulnerable if run in an environment where some shared library has changed the FPU's FTZ/DAZ bits to force denormals to zero.

To run it:

# Create an empty file
$ touch gofast.c      
emidoots /
Last active December 25, 2024 04:39
Because cross-compiling binaries for Windows is easier than building natively

Because cross-compiling binaries for Windows is easier than building natively

I want Microsoft to do better, want Windows to be a decent development platform-and yet, I constantly see Microsoft playing the open source game: advertising how open-source and developer friendly they are - only to crush developers under the heel of the corporate behemoth's boot.

The people who work at Microsoft are amazing, kind, talented individuals. This is aimed at the company's leadership, who I feel has on many occassions crushed myself and other developers under. It's a plea for help.

The source of truth for the 'open source' C#, C++, Rust, and other Windows SDKs is proprietary

You probably haven't heard of it before, but if you've ever used win32 API bindings in C#, C++, Rust, or other languages, odds are they were generated from a repository called microsoft/win32metadata.

jix /
Created January 29, 2022 17:09
Lifetime GAT emulation on stable rust
// This is a technique to emulate lifetime GATs (generic associated types) on stable rust starting
// with rustc 1.33.
// I haven't seen this exact technique before, but I would be surprised if no one else came up with
// it. I think this avoids most downsides of other lifetime GAT workarounds I've seen.
// In particular, neither implementing nor using traits with emulated lifetime GATs requires adding
// any helper items. Only defining the trait requires a single helper trait (+ a single helper impl
// for the 2nd variant) per GAT. This also makes the technique viable without any boilerplate
// reducing macros.

Postfix macros in Rust

The problem

Rust has many postfix combinators, for example the .unwrap_or(x) and .unwrap_or_else(|| x) functions. They are useful if you want to extract some value from an optionally present value, or if not, provide an alternative value. It's really nice and tidy to read:

StarArawn /
Last active March 27, 2021 15:11
Bevy Render Resources temp docs
// In bevy there are the following macros/derive traits:
// RenderResources, RenderResource, render_resources
// These allow you to link data from bevy to your shader directly.
// Struct data is linked to the shader via a naming convention.
// render_resources allows you to specify some specifics:
// from_self - Specifies that the following struct is a single binding.
// buffer - Specifies the following field is a uniform Buffer
// ignore - Ignores the following field and wont be sent to the GPU

Get pretrained weights:


Remove class weights

checkpoint = torch.load("detr-r50-e632da11.pth", map_location='cpu')
del checkpoint["model"]["class_embed.weight"]
del checkpoint["model"]["class_embed.bias"],"detr-r50_no-class-head.pth")
moorepants / chaos_pendulum_pythreejs_manual.ipynb
Created November 24, 2019 16:09
Example of how to manually use pythreejs to animate a PyDy scene.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.

Okay, I've got a need to build Firefox from source, and I'd like to do that on a remote machine, and then copy build result back to my laptop. With Nix, using bastion host. I'll note details of my successful adventure.

Setup & Sources of knowledge

Here's the list of resources I've used actively:

Here's my setup:

Matthias247 /
Created May 28, 2019 06:09
Async/Await - The challenges besides syntax - Cancellation

Async/Await - The challenges besides syntax - Cancellation

This is the second article in a series of articles around Rusts new async/await feature. The first article about interfaces can be found here.

In this part of the series we want to a look at a mechanism which behaves very different in Rust than in all other languages which feature async/await support. This mechanism is Cancellation.