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Alessandro Re akiross

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akiross /
Last active May 18, 2018 10:24
Could be useful to let a human pick an image in a small set.
import cv2
import tkinter
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
def inter_evo(solutions, geometry=None, load=False, to_pil=False):
"""Ask user to select one image among the set.
Will open a window with some buttons and images over those buttons,
returns the index of the clicked image (button).
akiross /
Last active March 1, 2018 18:41
How to use async __init__ magic method in Python
import asyncio
class AsyncClass:
async def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
o = super().__new__(cls)
# Explicit async call
await o.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
return o # __init__ will be called anyway
async def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
akiross /
Created July 18, 2017 07:54
Simple example on using dates as index
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pandas as pd
import io
# Make up some data
example_csv = '''Birthday,Name,Surname
akiross /
Created July 6, 2017 12:06
Generating prime numbers in chunks
def extend(old, new):
for p in old:
cand = []
for n in new:
if n % p != 0:
if not cand:
return old
new = cand[1:]
akiross /
Last active February 17, 2025 23:07
Approximate Pi using usual Monte-Carlo simulation, in CUDA (with bonus Python snippet!).
// Approximation of Pi using a simple, and not optimized, CUDA program
// Copyleft Alessandro Re
// GCC 6.x not supported by CUDA 8, I used compat version
// nvcc -std=c++11 -ccbin=gcc5 -c
// g++5 pigreco.o -lcudart -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -o pigreco
// This code is basically equivalent to the following Python code:
akiross / Understanding_queues_in_TF.ipynb
Created April 3, 2017 16:50
This notebook aims to explain how queues are used in tensorflow, in a bit more practical way than the official docs. I developed and tested this with TF 1.0
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akiross / autoencoder.ipynb
Created March 22, 2017 12:04
Super-simple autoencoder with tensorflow and MNIST data
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akiross /
Created February 23, 2017 21:40
Google Hash Code 2017 - Youtube video caching solution using Genetic Algorithms
#!/usr/bin/env python3
'''So, I entered the Google Hash Code 2017 competition with a team named PiedPiper,
with a guy from UK and a girl from Palestine, but in the end each one of us worked
in her/his own. I came up with a solution using Genetic Algorithms (via DEAP).
I used the score function to build an algorithm that used 1-bit encodings to represent
the presence of a video over a certain cache server.
I wasted some time during the competition, so I managed to run briefly the algo on the
akiross / zshrc
Created January 13, 2017 16:35
A very handy function to auto-activate specific python virtual environments upon entering a directory containing a magic file.
# Setup python virtual environment in a given directory subtree
function chpwd_auto_pyvenv() {
local MAGIC=".zsh_pyvenv"
# Check if we encountered a magic previously
if [[ -z ${ZSH_PYVENV_PARENT+x} ]]; then
# Check if this directory contains a MAGIC
if [[ -a "$PWD/$MAGIC" ]]; then
echo "Activating virtual environment"
# Activate the environment specified
akiross / Convolutional Arithmetic.ipynb
Last active October 24, 2024 07:04
Few experiments on how convolution and transposed convolution (deconvolution) should work in tensorflow.
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