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Last active January 4, 2016 15:39
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Save akkartik/8642131 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Highlight a word from inside vim. The color is chosen at random but persisted across sessions.
" Highlight a word from inside vim. The color is chosen at random but
" persisted across sessions.
" By Kartik Agaram -- -- [email protected]
" Experimenting with an idea by Evan Brooks:
" Discussion:
let highlight_file = &viewdir."/highlights"
if !filereadable(highlight_file)
call system("mkdir -p ".&viewdir)
call system("echo 'call clearmatches()' > ".highlight_file)
autocmd BufReadPost,WinEnter * silent! exec "source ".highlight_file
function! s:highlight(x)
let l:wrap = &wrap | set nowrap
exec ":new ".g:highlight_file
silent exec "%!grep -v '\\<".s:group(a:x)."\\>'"
normal G
exec "normal ohighlight ".s:group(a:x)." ctermfg=".s:randomColor()
if match(a:x, '\W') == -1
exec "normal ocall matchadd('".s:group(a:x)."', '\\<".a:x."\\>')"
exec "normal ocall matchadd('".s:group(a:x)."', '".a:x."')"
write | bdelete
if l:wrap | set wrap | endif
exec "source ".g:highlight_file
function! s:unhighlight(x)
let l:wrap = &wrap | set nowrap
exec ":new ".g:highlight_file
silent exec "%!grep -v '\\<".s:group(a:x)."\\>'"
write | bdelete
if l:wrap | set wrap | endif
exec "source ".g:highlight_file
function! s:group(x)
return 'highlight_'.strpart(system("echo '".a:x."'|md5sum"), 0, 8)
function! s:randomColor()
return system("echo $RANDOM") % &t_Co " num colors
command! -nargs=1 Highlight call s:highlight(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=1 Unhighlight call s:unhighlight(<q-args>)
map - :Highlight <C-r><C-w><CR>
map _ :Unhighlight <C-r><C-w><CR>
" Scenarios considered:
" should instantly update colors
" shouldn't change the window in any other way (nowrap suppresses scrolling on new)
" should overrule existing syntax highlighting (matchadd)
" quitting and restarting should preserve colors
" should work in multiple vim sessions at once (bdelete)
" repeatedly highlighting a single word shouldn't grow the highlights file (grep -v)
" repeatedly highlighting a single word should give uniformly random colors
" should start up with non-existent viewdir
" should handle phrases with special chars, except single quotes (md5sum)
" should continue to highlight on both windows after :split
" Minor issues:
" Color might sometimes be hard to see. Just highlight again.
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