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klaaspieter /
Created June 22, 2017 07:59 — forked from anonymous/
Acronyms Seriously Suck - Elon Musk

From time to time, Musk will send out an e-mail to the entire company to enforce a new policy or let them know about something that's bothering him. One of the more famous e-mails arrived in May 2010 with the subject line: Acronyms Seriously Suck:

There is a creeping tendency to use made up acronyms at SpaceX. Excessive use of made up acronyms is a significant impediment to communication and keeping communication good as we grow is incredibly important. Individually, a few acronyms here and there may not seem so bad, but if a thousand people are making these up, over time the result will be a huge glossary that we have to issue to new employees. No one can actually remember all these acronyms and people don't want to seem dumb in a meeting, so they just sit there in ignorance. This is particularly tough on new employees.

That needs to stop immediately or I will take drastic action - I have given enough warning over the years. Unless an acronym is approved by me, it should not enter the SpaceX glossary.

odan /
Last active February 25, 2025 20:49
Installing Xdebug for XAMPP
astrolitterbox / sunrise_simulator
Last active February 15, 2025 05:54
Arduino sunrise simulator
int duty = 0;
int steps = 256; //no. of light levels
int sunrisespeed = 20;//no. of pulses, change to ~5400 to have 30min-long sunrise
int minutesUntilSunrise = 0; //change to time until sunrise in minutes
int i;
int j;
int pulsepin = 9;
unsigned long currentMillis = 0;
int previousMillis = 0;
Schnouki /
Last active November 12, 2024 00:33
OpenVPN for a single application using network namespaces -- helper scripts
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# Initialize VPN
sudo vpnns up
sudo vpnns start_vpn
# Popcorn time!
sudo ip netns exec frootvpn sudo -u $USER popcorntime
# Cleanup
mlocati / color-scale.js
Last active January 15, 2025 16:07
Javascript color scale from 0% to 100%, rendering it from red to yellow to green
// License: MIT -
// Author: Michele Locati <[email protected]>
// Source:
function perc2color(perc) {
var r, g, b = 0;
if(perc < 50) {
r = 255;
g = Math.round(5.1 * perc);
else {
mig /
Created July 10, 2013 17:07
Reset Gnome 3 config to default
rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity .cache .dbus .dmrc .mission-control .thumbnails ~/.config/dconf/user ~.compiz*