Length of the path L(P) is the number of edges in the path.
The distance between two vertices is the length of the shortest path between them.
for all u ∈ V:
dist[u] ← ∞ // you can assign infinity to number of nodes + 1 or number of edges + 1
dist[S] ← 0
Q ← {S} {queue containing just S}
while Q is not empty:
u ← Dequeue(Q)
for all (u, v) ∈ E:
if dist[v] = ∞:
Enqueue(Q, v)
dist[v] ← dist[u] + 1
Note : The efficient way to implement for all (u, v) ∈ E is go through the adjacency list of vertex u.
The running time of breadth-first search is O(|E| + |V|).
- Each vertex is enqueued at most once.
- Each edge is examined eith once (for directed graphs) or twice (for undirected graphs).
Node u is reachable from node S if there is a path from S to u.
Reachable nodes are discovered at some point, so they get a finite distance estimate from the source. Unreachable nodes are not discovered at any point, and the distance to them stays infinite.
By the time node u at distance d from S is dequeued, all the nodes at distance at most d have already been discovered (enqueued).
When node u is discovered (enqueued), dist[u] is assigned exactly d(S, u).
At any moment, if the first node in the queue is at distance d from S, then all the nodes in the queue are either at distance d from S or at distance d+1 from S. All the nodes in the queue at distance d go before (if any) all the nodes at distance d+1.
Shortest-path tree in indeed a tree, i.e. it doesn't contain cycles (it is a connected component by construction).
for all u ∈ V:
dist[u] ← ∞, prev[u] ← nil
dist[S] ← 0
Q ← {S} {queue containing just S}
while Q is not empty:
u ← Dequeue(Q)
for all (u, v) ∈ E:
if dist[v] = ∞:
Enqueue(Q, v)
dist[v] ← dist[u] + 1, prev[v] ← u
ReconstructPath(S, u, prev)
result ← empty
while u ̸= S:
u ← prev[u]
return Reverse(result)