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Created December 9, 2015 22:38
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igraph c binding code
lib IGraph
VS_ALL = 0
VS_ADJ = 1
VS_1 = 3
VS_SEQ = 6
ES_ALL = 0
ES_1 = 5
ES_SEQ = 8
ES_PATH = 10
fun error_handler_abort = igraph_error_handler_abort
fun error_handler_ignore = igraph_error_handler_ignore
fun error_handler_printignore = igraph_error_handler_printignore
fun set_error_handler = igraph_set_error_handler(new_handler : LibC::Char*, LibC::Char*, LibC::Int, LibC::Int -> Void) : LibC::Char*, LibC::Char*, LibC::Int, LibC::Int -> Void
Success = 0
Failure = 1
Enomem = 2
Parseerror = 3
Einval = 4
Exists = 5
Einvevector = 6
Einvvid = 7
Nonsquare = 8
Einvmode = 9
Efile = 10
Unimplemented = 12
Interrupted = 13
Diverged = 14
ArpackProd = 15
ArpackNpos = 16
ArpackNevnpos = 17
ArpackNcvsmall = 18
ArpackNonposi = 19
ArpackWhichinv = 20
ArpackBmatinv = 21
ArpackWorklsmall = 22
ArpackTriderr = 23
ArpackZerostart = 24
ArpackModeinv = 25
ArpackModebmat = 26
ArpackIshift = 27
ArpackNevbe = 28
ArpackNofact = 29
ArpackFailed = 30
ArpackHowmny = 31
ArpackHowmnys = 32
ArpackEvdiff = 33
ArpackShur = 34
ArpackLapack = 35
ArpackUnknown = 36
Enegloop = 37
Einternal = 38
ArpackMaxit = 39
ArpackNoshift = 40
ArpackReorder = 41
Edivzero = 42
GlpEbound = 43
GlpEroot = 44
GlpEnopfs = 45
GlpEnodfs = 46
GlpEfail = 47
GlpEmipgap = 48
GlpEtmlim = 49
GlpEstop = 50
Eattributes = 51
Eattrcombine = 52
Elapack = 53
Edrl = 54
Eoverflow = 55
Eglp = 56
Cputime = 57
Eunderflow = 58
fun error = igraph_error(reason : LibC::Char*, file : LibC::Char*, line : LibC::Int, errno : LibC::Int) : LibC::Int
fun errorf = igraph_errorf(reason : LibC::Char*, file : LibC::Char*, line : LibC::Int, errno : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun errorvf = igraph_errorvf(reason : LibC::Char*, file : LibC::Char*, line : LibC::Int, errno : LibC::Int, ap : VaList) : LibC::Int
alias VaList = LibC::VaList
fun strerror = igraph_strerror(errno : LibC::Int) : LibC::Char*
struct IProtectedptr
all : LibC::Int
ptr : Void*
func : Void* -> Void
fun finally_real = IGRAPH_FINALLY_REAL(func : Void* -> Void, ptr : Void*)
fun finally_clean = IGRAPH_FINALLY_CLEAN(num : LibC::Int)
fun finally_free = IGRAPH_FINALLY_FREE
fun finally_stack_size = IGRAPH_FINALLY_STACK_SIZE : LibC::Int
fun set_warning_handler = igraph_set_warning_handler(new_handler : LibC::Char*, LibC::Char*, LibC::Int, LibC::Int -> Void) : LibC::Char*, LibC::Char*, LibC::Int, LibC::Int -> Void
fun warning_handler_ignore = igraph_warning_handler_ignore
fun warning_handler_print = igraph_warning_handler_print
fun warning = igraph_warning(reason : LibC::Char*, file : LibC::Char*, line : LibC::Int, errno : LibC::Int) : LibC::Int
fun warningf = igraph_warningf(reason : LibC::Char*, file : LibC::Char*, line : LibC::Int, errno : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun real_printf = igraph_real_printf(val : RealT) : LibC::Int
alias RealT = LibC::Double
fun real_fprintf = igraph_real_fprintf(file : File*, val : RealT) : LibC::Int
struct X__Sfile
_p : UInt8*
_r : LibC::Int
_w : LibC::Int
_flags : LibC::Short
_file : LibC::Short
_bf : X__Sbuf
_lbfsize : LibC::Int
_cookie : Void*
_close : Void* -> LibC::Int
_read : Void*, LibC::Char*, LibC::Int -> LibC::Int
_seek : Void*, FposT, LibC::Int -> FposT
_write : Void*, LibC::Char*, LibC::Int -> LibC::Int
_ub : X__Sbuf
_extra : X__Sfilex*
_ur : LibC::Int
_ubuf : UInt8[3]
_nbuf : UInt8[1]
_lb : X__Sbuf
_blksize : LibC::Int
_offset : FposT
type File = X__Sfile
struct X__Sbuf
_base : UInt8*
_size : LibC::Int
alias X__Int64T = LibC::LongLong
alias X__DarwinOffT = X__Int64T
alias FposT = X__DarwinOffT
alias X__Sfilex = Void
fun real_snprintf = igraph_real_snprintf(str : LibC::Char*, size : LibC::SizeT, val : RealT) : LibC::Int
fun real_printf_precise = igraph_real_printf_precise(val : RealT) : LibC::Int
fun real_fprintf_precise = igraph_real_fprintf_precise(file : File*, val : RealT) : LibC::Int
fun real_snprintf_precise = igraph_real_snprintf_precise(str : LibC::Char*, size : LibC::SizeT, val : RealT) : LibC::Int
fun i_fdiv = igraph_i_fdiv(a : LibC::Double, b : LibC::Double) : LibC::Double
fun finite = igraph_finite(x : LibC::Double) : LibC::Int
fun is_nan = igraph_is_nan(x : LibC::Double) : LibC::Int
fun is_inf = igraph_is_inf(x : LibC::Double) : LibC::Int
fun is_posinf = igraph_is_posinf(x : LibC::Double) : LibC::Int
fun is_neginf = igraph_is_neginf(x : LibC::Double) : LibC::Int
struct ComplexT
dat : RealT[2]
fun complex = igraph_complex(x : RealT, y : RealT) : ComplexT
fun complex_polar = igraph_complex_polar(r : RealT, theta : RealT) : ComplexT
fun complex_eq_tol = igraph_complex_eq_tol(z1 : ComplexT, z2 : ComplexT, tol : RealT) : BoolT
alias BoolT = LibC::Int
fun complex_mod = igraph_complex_mod(z : ComplexT) : RealT
fun complex_arg = igraph_complex_arg(z : ComplexT) : RealT
fun complex_abs = igraph_complex_abs(z : ComplexT) : RealT
fun complex_logabs = igraph_complex_logabs(z : ComplexT) : RealT
fun complex_add = igraph_complex_add(z1 : ComplexT, z2 : ComplexT) : ComplexT
fun complex_sub = igraph_complex_sub(z1 : ComplexT, z2 : ComplexT) : ComplexT
fun complex_mul = igraph_complex_mul(z1 : ComplexT, z2 : ComplexT) : ComplexT
fun complex_div = igraph_complex_div(z1 : ComplexT, z2 : ComplexT) : ComplexT
fun complex_add_real = igraph_complex_add_real(z : ComplexT, x : RealT) : ComplexT
fun complex_add_imag = igraph_complex_add_imag(z : ComplexT, y : RealT) : ComplexT
fun complex_sub_real = igraph_complex_sub_real(z : ComplexT, x : RealT) : ComplexT
fun complex_sub_imag = igraph_complex_sub_imag(z : ComplexT, y : RealT) : ComplexT
fun complex_mul_real = igraph_complex_mul_real(z : ComplexT, x : RealT) : ComplexT
fun complex_mul_imag = igraph_complex_mul_imag(z : ComplexT, y : RealT) : ComplexT
fun complex_div_real = igraph_complex_div_real(z : ComplexT, x : RealT) : ComplexT
fun complex_div_imag = igraph_complex_div_imag(z : ComplexT, y : RealT) : ComplexT
fun complex_conj = igraph_complex_conj(z : ComplexT) : ComplexT
fun complex_neg = igraph_complex_neg(z : ComplexT) : ComplexT
fun complex_inv = igraph_complex_inv(z : ComplexT) : ComplexT
fun complex_sqrt = igraph_complex_sqrt(z : ComplexT) : ComplexT
fun complex_sqrt_real = igraph_complex_sqrt_real(x : RealT) : ComplexT
fun complex_exp = igraph_complex_exp(z : ComplexT) : ComplexT
fun complex_pow = igraph_complex_pow(z1 : ComplexT, z2 : ComplexT) : ComplexT
fun complex_pow_real = igraph_complex_pow_real(z : ComplexT, x : RealT) : ComplexT
fun complex_log = igraph_complex_log(z : ComplexT) : ComplexT
fun complex_log10 = igraph_complex_log10(z : ComplexT) : ComplexT
fun complex_log_b = igraph_complex_log_b(z : ComplexT, b : ComplexT) : ComplexT
fun complex_sin = igraph_complex_sin(z : ComplexT) : ComplexT
fun complex_cos = igraph_complex_cos(z : ComplexT) : ComplexT
fun complex_tan = igraph_complex_tan(z : ComplexT) : ComplexT
fun complex_sec = igraph_complex_sec(z : ComplexT) : ComplexT
fun complex_csc = igraph_complex_csc(z : ComplexT) : ComplexT
fun complex_cot = igraph_complex_cot(z : ComplexT) : ComplexT
struct VectorT
stor_begin : RealT*
stor_end : RealT*
_end : RealT*
struct VectorLongT
stor_begin : LibC::Long*
stor_end : LibC::Long*
_end : LibC::Long*
struct VectorCharT
stor_begin : LibC::Char*
stor_end : LibC::Char*
_end : LibC::Char*
struct VectorBoolT
stor_begin : BoolT*
stor_end : BoolT*
_end : BoolT*
struct VectorIntT
stor_begin : LibC::Int*
stor_end : LibC::Int*
_end : LibC::Int*
struct VectorComplexT
stor_begin : ComplexT*
stor_end : ComplexT*
_end : ComplexT*
fun vector_init = igraph_vector_init(v : VectorT*, size : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_init_copy = igraph_vector_init_copy(v : VectorT*, data : RealT*, length : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_init_seq = igraph_vector_init_seq(v : VectorT*, from : RealT, to : RealT) : LibC::Int
fun vector_copy = igraph_vector_copy(to : VectorT*, from : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_destroy = igraph_vector_destroy(v : VectorT*)
fun vector_capacity = igraph_vector_capacity(v : VectorT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_e = igraph_vector_e(v : VectorT*, pos : LibC::Long) : RealT
fun vector_e_ptr = igraph_vector_e_ptr(v : VectorT*, pos : LibC::Long) : RealT*
fun vector_set = igraph_vector_set(v : VectorT*, pos : LibC::Long, value : RealT)
fun vector_tail = igraph_vector_tail(v : VectorT*) : RealT
fun vector_null = igraph_vector_null(v : VectorT*)
fun vector_fill = igraph_vector_fill(v : VectorT*, e : RealT)
fun vector_view = igraph_vector_view(v : VectorT*, data : RealT*, length : LibC::Long) : VectorT*
fun vector_copy_to = igraph_vector_copy_to(v : VectorT*, to : RealT*)
fun vector_update = igraph_vector_update(to : VectorT*, from : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_append = igraph_vector_append(to : VectorT*, from : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_swap = igraph_vector_swap(v1 : VectorT*, v2 : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_swap_elements = igraph_vector_swap_elements(v : VectorT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_reverse = igraph_vector_reverse(v : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_shuffle = igraph_vector_shuffle(v : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_add_constant = igraph_vector_add_constant(v : VectorT*, plus : RealT)
fun vector_scale = igraph_vector_scale(v : VectorT*, by : RealT)
fun vector_add = igraph_vector_add(v1 : VectorT*, v2 : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_sub = igraph_vector_sub(v1 : VectorT*, v2 : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_mul = igraph_vector_mul(v1 : VectorT*, v2 : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_div = igraph_vector_div(v1 : VectorT*, v2 : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_cumsum = igraph_vector_cumsum(to : VectorT*, from : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_abs = igraph_vector_abs(v : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_all_e = igraph_vector_all_e(lhs : VectorT*, rhs : VectorT*) : BoolT
fun vector_all_l = igraph_vector_all_l(lhs : VectorT*, rhs : VectorT*) : BoolT
fun vector_all_g = igraph_vector_all_g(lhs : VectorT*, rhs : VectorT*) : BoolT
fun vector_all_le = igraph_vector_all_le(lhs : VectorT*, rhs : VectorT*) : BoolT
fun vector_all_ge = igraph_vector_all_ge(lhs : VectorT*, rhs : VectorT*) : BoolT
fun vector_min = igraph_vector_min(v : VectorT*) : RealT
fun vector_max = igraph_vector_max(v : VectorT*) : RealT
fun vector_which_min = igraph_vector_which_min(v : VectorT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_which_max = igraph_vector_which_max(v : VectorT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_minmax = igraph_vector_minmax(v : VectorT*, min : RealT*, max : RealT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_which_minmax = igraph_vector_which_minmax(v : VectorT*, which_min : LibC::Long*, which_max : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_empty = igraph_vector_empty(v : VectorT*) : BoolT
fun vector_size = igraph_vector_size(v : VectorT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_isnull = igraph_vector_isnull(v : VectorT*) : BoolT
fun vector_sum = igraph_vector_sum(v : VectorT*) : RealT
fun vector_sumsq = igraph_vector_sumsq(v : VectorT*) : RealT
fun vector_prod = igraph_vector_prod(v : VectorT*) : RealT
fun vector_isininterval = igraph_vector_isininterval(v : VectorT*, low : RealT, high : RealT) : BoolT
fun vector_any_smaller = igraph_vector_any_smaller(v : VectorT*, limit : RealT) : BoolT
fun vector_is_equal = igraph_vector_is_equal(lhs : VectorT*, rhs : VectorT*) : BoolT
fun vector_maxdifference = igraph_vector_maxdifference(m1 : VectorT*, m2 : VectorT*) : RealT
fun vector_contains = igraph_vector_contains(v : VectorT*, e : RealT) : BoolT
fun vector_search = igraph_vector_search(v : VectorT*, from : LibC::Long, what : RealT, pos : LibC::Long*) : BoolT
fun vector_binsearch = igraph_vector_binsearch(v : VectorT*, what : RealT, pos : LibC::Long*) : BoolT
fun vector_binsearch2 = igraph_vector_binsearch2(v : VectorT*, what : RealT) : BoolT
fun vector_clear = igraph_vector_clear(v : VectorT*)
fun vector_resize = igraph_vector_resize(v : VectorT*, newsize : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_resize_min = igraph_vector_resize_min(v : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_reserve = igraph_vector_reserve(v : VectorT*, size : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_push_back = igraph_vector_push_back(v : VectorT*, e : RealT) : LibC::Int
fun vector_pop_back = igraph_vector_pop_back(v : VectorT*) : RealT
fun vector_insert = igraph_vector_insert(v : VectorT*, pos : LibC::Long, value : RealT) : LibC::Int
fun vector_remove = igraph_vector_remove(v : VectorT*, elem : LibC::Long)
fun vector_remove_section = igraph_vector_remove_section(v : VectorT*, from : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long)
fun vector_sort = igraph_vector_sort(v : VectorT*)
fun vector_qsort_ind = igraph_vector_qsort_ind(v : VectorT*, inds : VectorT*, descending : BoolT) : LibC::Long
fun vector_print = igraph_vector_print(v : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_printf = igraph_vector_printf(v : VectorT*, format : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_fprint = igraph_vector_fprint(v : VectorT*, file : File*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_init_real = igraph_vector_init_real(v : VectorT*, no : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_init_int = igraph_vector_init_int(v : VectorT*, no : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_init_real_end = igraph_vector_init_real_end(v : VectorT*, endmark : RealT, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_init_int_end = igraph_vector_init_int_end(v : VectorT*, endmark : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_move_interval = igraph_vector_move_interval(v : VectorT*, begin : LibC::Long, _end : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_move_interval2 = igraph_vector_move_interval2(v : VectorT*, begin : LibC::Long, _end : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_permdelete = igraph_vector_permdelete(v : VectorT*, index : VectorT*, nremove : LibC::Long)
fun vector_filter_smaller = igraph_vector_filter_smaller(v : VectorT*, elem : RealT) : LibC::Int
fun vector_get_interval = igraph_vector_get_interval(v : VectorT*, res : VectorT*, from : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_difference_sorted = igraph_vector_difference_sorted(v1 : VectorT*, v2 : VectorT*, result : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_intersect_sorted = igraph_vector_intersect_sorted(v1 : VectorT*, v2 : VectorT*, result : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_index = igraph_vector_index(v : VectorT*, newv : VectorT*, idx : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_index_int = igraph_vector_index_int(v : VectorT*, idx : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_init = igraph_vector_long_init(v : VectorLongT*, size : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_init_copy = igraph_vector_long_init_copy(v : VectorLongT*, data : LibC::Long*, length : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_init_seq = igraph_vector_long_init_seq(v : VectorLongT*, from : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_copy = igraph_vector_long_copy(to : VectorLongT*, from : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_destroy = igraph_vector_long_destroy(v : VectorLongT*)
fun vector_long_capacity = igraph_vector_long_capacity(v : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_long_e = igraph_vector_long_e(v : VectorLongT*, pos : LibC::Long) : LibC::Long
fun vector_long_e_ptr = igraph_vector_long_e_ptr(v : VectorLongT*, pos : LibC::Long) : LibC::Long*
fun vector_long_set = igraph_vector_long_set(v : VectorLongT*, pos : LibC::Long, value : LibC::Long)
fun vector_long_tail = igraph_vector_long_tail(v : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_long_null = igraph_vector_long_null(v : VectorLongT*)
fun vector_long_fill = igraph_vector_long_fill(v : VectorLongT*, e : LibC::Long)
fun vector_long_view = igraph_vector_long_view(v : VectorLongT*, data : LibC::Long*, length : LibC::Long) : VectorLongT*
fun vector_long_copy_to = igraph_vector_long_copy_to(v : VectorLongT*, to : LibC::Long*)
fun vector_long_update = igraph_vector_long_update(to : VectorLongT*, from : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_append = igraph_vector_long_append(to : VectorLongT*, from : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_swap = igraph_vector_long_swap(v1 : VectorLongT*, v2 : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_swap_elements = igraph_vector_long_swap_elements(v : VectorLongT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_reverse = igraph_vector_long_reverse(v : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_shuffle = igraph_vector_long_shuffle(v : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_add_constant = igraph_vector_long_add_constant(v : VectorLongT*, plus : LibC::Long)
fun vector_long_scale = igraph_vector_long_scale(v : VectorLongT*, by : LibC::Long)
fun vector_long_add = igraph_vector_long_add(v1 : VectorLongT*, v2 : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_sub = igraph_vector_long_sub(v1 : VectorLongT*, v2 : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_mul = igraph_vector_long_mul(v1 : VectorLongT*, v2 : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_div = igraph_vector_long_div(v1 : VectorLongT*, v2 : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_cumsum = igraph_vector_long_cumsum(to : VectorLongT*, from : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_abs = igraph_vector_long_abs(v : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_all_e = igraph_vector_long_all_e(lhs : VectorLongT*, rhs : VectorLongT*) : BoolT
fun vector_long_all_l = igraph_vector_long_all_l(lhs : VectorLongT*, rhs : VectorLongT*) : BoolT
fun vector_long_all_g = igraph_vector_long_all_g(lhs : VectorLongT*, rhs : VectorLongT*) : BoolT
fun vector_long_all_le = igraph_vector_long_all_le(lhs : VectorLongT*, rhs : VectorLongT*) : BoolT
fun vector_long_all_ge = igraph_vector_long_all_ge(lhs : VectorLongT*, rhs : VectorLongT*) : BoolT
fun vector_long_min = igraph_vector_long_min(v : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_long_max = igraph_vector_long_max(v : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_long_which_min = igraph_vector_long_which_min(v : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_long_which_max = igraph_vector_long_which_max(v : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_long_minmax = igraph_vector_long_minmax(v : VectorLongT*, min : LibC::Long*, max : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_which_minmax = igraph_vector_long_which_minmax(v : VectorLongT*, which_min : LibC::Long*, which_max : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_empty = igraph_vector_long_empty(v : VectorLongT*) : BoolT
fun vector_long_size = igraph_vector_long_size(v : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_long_isnull = igraph_vector_long_isnull(v : VectorLongT*) : BoolT
fun vector_long_sum = igraph_vector_long_sum(v : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_long_sumsq = igraph_vector_long_sumsq(v : VectorLongT*) : RealT
fun vector_long_prod = igraph_vector_long_prod(v : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_long_isininterval = igraph_vector_long_isininterval(v : VectorLongT*, low : LibC::Long, high : LibC::Long) : BoolT
fun vector_long_any_smaller = igraph_vector_long_any_smaller(v : VectorLongT*, limit : LibC::Long) : BoolT
fun vector_long_is_equal = igraph_vector_long_is_equal(lhs : VectorLongT*, rhs : VectorLongT*) : BoolT
fun vector_long_maxdifference = igraph_vector_long_maxdifference(m1 : VectorLongT*, m2 : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_long_contains = igraph_vector_long_contains(v : VectorLongT*, e : LibC::Long) : BoolT
fun vector_long_search = igraph_vector_long_search(v : VectorLongT*, from : LibC::Long, what : LibC::Long, pos : LibC::Long*) : BoolT
fun vector_long_binsearch = igraph_vector_long_binsearch(v : VectorLongT*, what : LibC::Long, pos : LibC::Long*) : BoolT
fun vector_long_binsearch2 = igraph_vector_long_binsearch2(v : VectorLongT*, what : LibC::Long) : BoolT
fun vector_long_clear = igraph_vector_long_clear(v : VectorLongT*)
fun vector_long_resize = igraph_vector_long_resize(v : VectorLongT*, newsize : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_resize_min = igraph_vector_long_resize_min(v : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_reserve = igraph_vector_long_reserve(v : VectorLongT*, size : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_push_back = igraph_vector_long_push_back(v : VectorLongT*, e : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_pop_back = igraph_vector_long_pop_back(v : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_long_insert = igraph_vector_long_insert(v : VectorLongT*, pos : LibC::Long, value : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_remove = igraph_vector_long_remove(v : VectorLongT*, elem : LibC::Long)
fun vector_long_remove_section = igraph_vector_long_remove_section(v : VectorLongT*, from : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long)
fun vector_long_sort = igraph_vector_long_sort(v : VectorLongT*)
fun vector_long_qsort_ind = igraph_vector_long_qsort_ind(v : VectorLongT*, inds : VectorT*, descending : BoolT) : LibC::Long
fun vector_long_print = igraph_vector_long_print(v : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_printf = igraph_vector_long_printf(v : VectorLongT*, format : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_fprint = igraph_vector_long_fprint(v : VectorLongT*, file : File*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_init_real = igraph_vector_long_init_real(v : VectorLongT*, no : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_init_int = igraph_vector_long_init_int(v : VectorLongT*, no : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_init_real_end = igraph_vector_long_init_real_end(v : VectorLongT*, endmark : LibC::Long, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_init_int_end = igraph_vector_long_init_int_end(v : VectorLongT*, endmark : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_move_interval = igraph_vector_long_move_interval(v : VectorLongT*, begin : LibC::Long, _end : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_move_interval2 = igraph_vector_long_move_interval2(v : VectorLongT*, begin : LibC::Long, _end : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_permdelete = igraph_vector_long_permdelete(v : VectorLongT*, index : VectorT*, nremove : LibC::Long)
fun vector_long_filter_smaller = igraph_vector_long_filter_smaller(v : VectorLongT*, elem : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_get_interval = igraph_vector_long_get_interval(v : VectorLongT*, res : VectorLongT*, from : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_difference_sorted = igraph_vector_long_difference_sorted(v1 : VectorLongT*, v2 : VectorLongT*, result : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_intersect_sorted = igraph_vector_long_intersect_sorted(v1 : VectorLongT*, v2 : VectorLongT*, result : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_index = igraph_vector_long_index(v : VectorLongT*, newv : VectorLongT*, idx : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_long_index_int = igraph_vector_long_index_int(v : VectorLongT*, idx : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_init = igraph_vector_char_init(v : VectorCharT*, size : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_init_copy = igraph_vector_char_init_copy(v : VectorCharT*, data : LibC::Char*, length : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_init_seq = igraph_vector_char_init_seq(v : VectorCharT*, from : LibC::Char, to : LibC::Char) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_copy = igraph_vector_char_copy(to : VectorCharT*, from : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_destroy = igraph_vector_char_destroy(v : VectorCharT*)
fun vector_char_capacity = igraph_vector_char_capacity(v : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_char_e = igraph_vector_char_e(v : VectorCharT*, pos : LibC::Long) : LibC::Char
fun vector_char_e_ptr = igraph_vector_char_e_ptr(v : VectorCharT*, pos : LibC::Long) : LibC::Char*
fun vector_char_set = igraph_vector_char_set(v : VectorCharT*, pos : LibC::Long, value : LibC::Char)
fun vector_char_tail = igraph_vector_char_tail(v : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Char
fun vector_char_null = igraph_vector_char_null(v : VectorCharT*)
fun vector_char_fill = igraph_vector_char_fill(v : VectorCharT*, e : LibC::Char)
fun vector_char_view = igraph_vector_char_view(v : VectorCharT*, data : LibC::Char*, length : LibC::Long) : VectorCharT*
fun vector_char_copy_to = igraph_vector_char_copy_to(v : VectorCharT*, to : LibC::Char*)
fun vector_char_update = igraph_vector_char_update(to : VectorCharT*, from : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_append = igraph_vector_char_append(to : VectorCharT*, from : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_swap = igraph_vector_char_swap(v1 : VectorCharT*, v2 : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_swap_elements = igraph_vector_char_swap_elements(v : VectorCharT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_reverse = igraph_vector_char_reverse(v : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_shuffle = igraph_vector_char_shuffle(v : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_add_constant = igraph_vector_char_add_constant(v : VectorCharT*, plus : LibC::Char)
fun vector_char_scale = igraph_vector_char_scale(v : VectorCharT*, by : LibC::Char)
fun vector_char_add = igraph_vector_char_add(v1 : VectorCharT*, v2 : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_sub = igraph_vector_char_sub(v1 : VectorCharT*, v2 : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_mul = igraph_vector_char_mul(v1 : VectorCharT*, v2 : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_div = igraph_vector_char_div(v1 : VectorCharT*, v2 : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_cumsum = igraph_vector_char_cumsum(to : VectorCharT*, from : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_abs = igraph_vector_char_abs(v : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_all_e = igraph_vector_char_all_e(lhs : VectorCharT*, rhs : VectorCharT*) : BoolT
fun vector_char_all_l = igraph_vector_char_all_l(lhs : VectorCharT*, rhs : VectorCharT*) : BoolT
fun vector_char_all_g = igraph_vector_char_all_g(lhs : VectorCharT*, rhs : VectorCharT*) : BoolT
fun vector_char_all_le = igraph_vector_char_all_le(lhs : VectorCharT*, rhs : VectorCharT*) : BoolT
fun vector_char_all_ge = igraph_vector_char_all_ge(lhs : VectorCharT*, rhs : VectorCharT*) : BoolT
fun vector_char_min = igraph_vector_char_min(v : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Char
fun vector_char_max = igraph_vector_char_max(v : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Char
fun vector_char_which_min = igraph_vector_char_which_min(v : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_char_which_max = igraph_vector_char_which_max(v : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_char_minmax = igraph_vector_char_minmax(v : VectorCharT*, min : LibC::Char*, max : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_which_minmax = igraph_vector_char_which_minmax(v : VectorCharT*, which_min : LibC::Long*, which_max : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_empty = igraph_vector_char_empty(v : VectorCharT*) : BoolT
fun vector_char_size = igraph_vector_char_size(v : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_char_isnull = igraph_vector_char_isnull(v : VectorCharT*) : BoolT
fun vector_char_sum = igraph_vector_char_sum(v : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Char
fun vector_char_sumsq = igraph_vector_char_sumsq(v : VectorCharT*) : RealT
fun vector_char_prod = igraph_vector_char_prod(v : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Char
fun vector_char_isininterval = igraph_vector_char_isininterval(v : VectorCharT*, low : LibC::Char, high : LibC::Char) : BoolT
fun vector_char_any_smaller = igraph_vector_char_any_smaller(v : VectorCharT*, limit : LibC::Char) : BoolT
fun vector_char_is_equal = igraph_vector_char_is_equal(lhs : VectorCharT*, rhs : VectorCharT*) : BoolT
fun vector_char_maxdifference = igraph_vector_char_maxdifference(m1 : VectorCharT*, m2 : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Char
fun vector_char_contains = igraph_vector_char_contains(v : VectorCharT*, e : LibC::Char) : BoolT
fun vector_char_search = igraph_vector_char_search(v : VectorCharT*, from : LibC::Long, what : LibC::Char, pos : LibC::Long*) : BoolT
fun vector_char_binsearch = igraph_vector_char_binsearch(v : VectorCharT*, what : LibC::Char, pos : LibC::Long*) : BoolT
fun vector_char_binsearch2 = igraph_vector_char_binsearch2(v : VectorCharT*, what : LibC::Char) : BoolT
fun vector_char_clear = igraph_vector_char_clear(v : VectorCharT*)
fun vector_char_resize = igraph_vector_char_resize(v : VectorCharT*, newsize : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_resize_min = igraph_vector_char_resize_min(v : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_reserve = igraph_vector_char_reserve(v : VectorCharT*, size : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_push_back = igraph_vector_char_push_back(v : VectorCharT*, e : LibC::Char) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_pop_back = igraph_vector_char_pop_back(v : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Char
fun vector_char_insert = igraph_vector_char_insert(v : VectorCharT*, pos : LibC::Long, value : LibC::Char) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_remove = igraph_vector_char_remove(v : VectorCharT*, elem : LibC::Long)
fun vector_char_remove_section = igraph_vector_char_remove_section(v : VectorCharT*, from : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long)
fun vector_char_sort = igraph_vector_char_sort(v : VectorCharT*)
fun vector_char_qsort_ind = igraph_vector_char_qsort_ind(v : VectorCharT*, inds : VectorT*, descending : BoolT) : LibC::Long
fun vector_char_print = igraph_vector_char_print(v : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_printf = igraph_vector_char_printf(v : VectorCharT*, format : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_fprint = igraph_vector_char_fprint(v : VectorCharT*, file : File*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_init_real = igraph_vector_char_init_real(v : VectorCharT*, no : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_init_int = igraph_vector_char_init_int(v : VectorCharT*, no : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_init_real_end = igraph_vector_char_init_real_end(v : VectorCharT*, endmark : LibC::Char, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_init_int_end = igraph_vector_char_init_int_end(v : VectorCharT*, endmark : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_move_interval = igraph_vector_char_move_interval(v : VectorCharT*, begin : LibC::Long, _end : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_move_interval2 = igraph_vector_char_move_interval2(v : VectorCharT*, begin : LibC::Long, _end : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_permdelete = igraph_vector_char_permdelete(v : VectorCharT*, index : VectorT*, nremove : LibC::Long)
fun vector_char_filter_smaller = igraph_vector_char_filter_smaller(v : VectorCharT*, elem : LibC::Char) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_get_interval = igraph_vector_char_get_interval(v : VectorCharT*, res : VectorCharT*, from : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_difference_sorted = igraph_vector_char_difference_sorted(v1 : VectorCharT*, v2 : VectorCharT*, result : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_intersect_sorted = igraph_vector_char_intersect_sorted(v1 : VectorCharT*, v2 : VectorCharT*, result : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_index = igraph_vector_char_index(v : VectorCharT*, newv : VectorCharT*, idx : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_char_index_int = igraph_vector_char_index_int(v : VectorCharT*, idx : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_init = igraph_vector_bool_init(v : VectorBoolT*, size : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_init_copy = igraph_vector_bool_init_copy(v : VectorBoolT*, data : BoolT*, length : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_init_seq = igraph_vector_bool_init_seq(v : VectorBoolT*, from : BoolT, to : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_copy = igraph_vector_bool_copy(to : VectorBoolT*, from : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_destroy = igraph_vector_bool_destroy(v : VectorBoolT*)
fun vector_bool_capacity = igraph_vector_bool_capacity(v : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_bool_e = igraph_vector_bool_e(v : VectorBoolT*, pos : LibC::Long) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_e_ptr = igraph_vector_bool_e_ptr(v : VectorBoolT*, pos : LibC::Long) : BoolT*
fun vector_bool_set = igraph_vector_bool_set(v : VectorBoolT*, pos : LibC::Long, value : BoolT)
fun vector_bool_tail = igraph_vector_bool_tail(v : VectorBoolT*) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_null = igraph_vector_bool_null(v : VectorBoolT*)
fun vector_bool_fill = igraph_vector_bool_fill(v : VectorBoolT*, e : BoolT)
fun vector_bool_view = igraph_vector_bool_view(v : VectorBoolT*, data : BoolT*, length : LibC::Long) : VectorBoolT*
fun vector_bool_copy_to = igraph_vector_bool_copy_to(v : VectorBoolT*, to : BoolT*)
fun vector_bool_update = igraph_vector_bool_update(to : VectorBoolT*, from : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_append = igraph_vector_bool_append(to : VectorBoolT*, from : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_swap = igraph_vector_bool_swap(v1 : VectorBoolT*, v2 : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_swap_elements = igraph_vector_bool_swap_elements(v : VectorBoolT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_reverse = igraph_vector_bool_reverse(v : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_shuffle = igraph_vector_bool_shuffle(v : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_add_constant = igraph_vector_bool_add_constant(v : VectorBoolT*, plus : BoolT)
fun vector_bool_scale = igraph_vector_bool_scale(v : VectorBoolT*, by : BoolT)
fun vector_bool_add = igraph_vector_bool_add(v1 : VectorBoolT*, v2 : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_sub = igraph_vector_bool_sub(v1 : VectorBoolT*, v2 : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_mul = igraph_vector_bool_mul(v1 : VectorBoolT*, v2 : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_div = igraph_vector_bool_div(v1 : VectorBoolT*, v2 : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_cumsum = igraph_vector_bool_cumsum(to : VectorBoolT*, from : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_abs = igraph_vector_bool_abs(v : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_all_e = igraph_vector_bool_all_e(lhs : VectorBoolT*, rhs : VectorBoolT*) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_all_l = igraph_vector_bool_all_l(lhs : VectorBoolT*, rhs : VectorBoolT*) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_all_g = igraph_vector_bool_all_g(lhs : VectorBoolT*, rhs : VectorBoolT*) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_all_le = igraph_vector_bool_all_le(lhs : VectorBoolT*, rhs : VectorBoolT*) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_all_ge = igraph_vector_bool_all_ge(lhs : VectorBoolT*, rhs : VectorBoolT*) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_min = igraph_vector_bool_min(v : VectorBoolT*) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_max = igraph_vector_bool_max(v : VectorBoolT*) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_which_min = igraph_vector_bool_which_min(v : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_bool_which_max = igraph_vector_bool_which_max(v : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_bool_minmax = igraph_vector_bool_minmax(v : VectorBoolT*, min : BoolT*, max : BoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_which_minmax = igraph_vector_bool_which_minmax(v : VectorBoolT*, which_min : LibC::Long*, which_max : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_empty = igraph_vector_bool_empty(v : VectorBoolT*) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_size = igraph_vector_bool_size(v : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_bool_isnull = igraph_vector_bool_isnull(v : VectorBoolT*) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_sum = igraph_vector_bool_sum(v : VectorBoolT*) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_sumsq = igraph_vector_bool_sumsq(v : VectorBoolT*) : RealT
fun vector_bool_prod = igraph_vector_bool_prod(v : VectorBoolT*) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_isininterval = igraph_vector_bool_isininterval(v : VectorBoolT*, low : BoolT, high : BoolT) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_any_smaller = igraph_vector_bool_any_smaller(v : VectorBoolT*, limit : BoolT) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_is_equal = igraph_vector_bool_is_equal(lhs : VectorBoolT*, rhs : VectorBoolT*) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_maxdifference = igraph_vector_bool_maxdifference(m1 : VectorBoolT*, m2 : VectorBoolT*) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_contains = igraph_vector_bool_contains(v : VectorBoolT*, e : BoolT) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_search = igraph_vector_bool_search(v : VectorBoolT*, from : LibC::Long, what : BoolT, pos : LibC::Long*) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_binsearch = igraph_vector_bool_binsearch(v : VectorBoolT*, what : BoolT, pos : LibC::Long*) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_binsearch2 = igraph_vector_bool_binsearch2(v : VectorBoolT*, what : BoolT) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_clear = igraph_vector_bool_clear(v : VectorBoolT*)
fun vector_bool_resize = igraph_vector_bool_resize(v : VectorBoolT*, newsize : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_resize_min = igraph_vector_bool_resize_min(v : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_reserve = igraph_vector_bool_reserve(v : VectorBoolT*, size : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_push_back = igraph_vector_bool_push_back(v : VectorBoolT*, e : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_pop_back = igraph_vector_bool_pop_back(v : VectorBoolT*) : BoolT
fun vector_bool_insert = igraph_vector_bool_insert(v : VectorBoolT*, pos : LibC::Long, value : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_remove = igraph_vector_bool_remove(v : VectorBoolT*, elem : LibC::Long)
fun vector_bool_remove_section = igraph_vector_bool_remove_section(v : VectorBoolT*, from : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long)
fun vector_bool_sort = igraph_vector_bool_sort(v : VectorBoolT*)
fun vector_bool_qsort_ind = igraph_vector_bool_qsort_ind(v : VectorBoolT*, inds : VectorT*, descending : BoolT) : LibC::Long
fun vector_bool_print = igraph_vector_bool_print(v : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_printf = igraph_vector_bool_printf(v : VectorBoolT*, format : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_fprint = igraph_vector_bool_fprint(v : VectorBoolT*, file : File*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_init_real = igraph_vector_bool_init_real(v : VectorBoolT*, no : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_init_int = igraph_vector_bool_init_int(v : VectorBoolT*, no : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_init_real_end = igraph_vector_bool_init_real_end(v : VectorBoolT*, endmark : BoolT, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_init_int_end = igraph_vector_bool_init_int_end(v : VectorBoolT*, endmark : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_move_interval = igraph_vector_bool_move_interval(v : VectorBoolT*, begin : LibC::Long, _end : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_move_interval2 = igraph_vector_bool_move_interval2(v : VectorBoolT*, begin : LibC::Long, _end : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_permdelete = igraph_vector_bool_permdelete(v : VectorBoolT*, index : VectorT*, nremove : LibC::Long)
fun vector_bool_filter_smaller = igraph_vector_bool_filter_smaller(v : VectorBoolT*, elem : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_get_interval = igraph_vector_bool_get_interval(v : VectorBoolT*, res : VectorBoolT*, from : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_difference_sorted = igraph_vector_bool_difference_sorted(v1 : VectorBoolT*, v2 : VectorBoolT*, result : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_intersect_sorted = igraph_vector_bool_intersect_sorted(v1 : VectorBoolT*, v2 : VectorBoolT*, result : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_index = igraph_vector_bool_index(v : VectorBoolT*, newv : VectorBoolT*, idx : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_bool_index_int = igraph_vector_bool_index_int(v : VectorBoolT*, idx : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_init = igraph_vector_int_init(v : VectorIntT*, size : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_init_copy = igraph_vector_int_init_copy(v : VectorIntT*, data : LibC::Int*, length : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_init_seq = igraph_vector_int_init_seq(v : VectorIntT*, from : LibC::Int, to : LibC::Int) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_copy = igraph_vector_int_copy(to : VectorIntT*, from : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_destroy = igraph_vector_int_destroy(v : VectorIntT*)
fun vector_int_capacity = igraph_vector_int_capacity(v : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_int_e = igraph_vector_int_e(v : VectorIntT*, pos : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_e_ptr = igraph_vector_int_e_ptr(v : VectorIntT*, pos : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int*
fun vector_int_set = igraph_vector_int_set(v : VectorIntT*, pos : LibC::Long, value : LibC::Int)
fun vector_int_tail = igraph_vector_int_tail(v : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_null = igraph_vector_int_null(v : VectorIntT*)
fun vector_int_fill = igraph_vector_int_fill(v : VectorIntT*, e : LibC::Int)
fun vector_int_view = igraph_vector_int_view(v : VectorIntT*, data : LibC::Int*, length : LibC::Long) : VectorIntT*
fun vector_int_copy_to = igraph_vector_int_copy_to(v : VectorIntT*, to : LibC::Int*)
fun vector_int_update = igraph_vector_int_update(to : VectorIntT*, from : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_append = igraph_vector_int_append(to : VectorIntT*, from : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_swap = igraph_vector_int_swap(v1 : VectorIntT*, v2 : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_swap_elements = igraph_vector_int_swap_elements(v : VectorIntT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_reverse = igraph_vector_int_reverse(v : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_shuffle = igraph_vector_int_shuffle(v : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_add_constant = igraph_vector_int_add_constant(v : VectorIntT*, plus : LibC::Int)
fun vector_int_scale = igraph_vector_int_scale(v : VectorIntT*, by : LibC::Int)
fun vector_int_add = igraph_vector_int_add(v1 : VectorIntT*, v2 : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_sub = igraph_vector_int_sub(v1 : VectorIntT*, v2 : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_mul = igraph_vector_int_mul(v1 : VectorIntT*, v2 : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_div = igraph_vector_int_div(v1 : VectorIntT*, v2 : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_cumsum = igraph_vector_int_cumsum(to : VectorIntT*, from : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_abs = igraph_vector_int_abs(v : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_all_e = igraph_vector_int_all_e(lhs : VectorIntT*, rhs : VectorIntT*) : BoolT
fun vector_int_all_l = igraph_vector_int_all_l(lhs : VectorIntT*, rhs : VectorIntT*) : BoolT
fun vector_int_all_g = igraph_vector_int_all_g(lhs : VectorIntT*, rhs : VectorIntT*) : BoolT
fun vector_int_all_le = igraph_vector_int_all_le(lhs : VectorIntT*, rhs : VectorIntT*) : BoolT
fun vector_int_all_ge = igraph_vector_int_all_ge(lhs : VectorIntT*, rhs : VectorIntT*) : BoolT
fun vector_int_min = igraph_vector_int_min(v : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_max = igraph_vector_int_max(v : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_which_min = igraph_vector_int_which_min(v : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_int_which_max = igraph_vector_int_which_max(v : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_int_minmax = igraph_vector_int_minmax(v : VectorIntT*, min : LibC::Int*, max : LibC::Int*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_which_minmax = igraph_vector_int_which_minmax(v : VectorIntT*, which_min : LibC::Long*, which_max : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_empty = igraph_vector_int_empty(v : VectorIntT*) : BoolT
fun vector_int_size = igraph_vector_int_size(v : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_int_isnull = igraph_vector_int_isnull(v : VectorIntT*) : BoolT
fun vector_int_sum = igraph_vector_int_sum(v : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_sumsq = igraph_vector_int_sumsq(v : VectorIntT*) : RealT
fun vector_int_prod = igraph_vector_int_prod(v : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_isininterval = igraph_vector_int_isininterval(v : VectorIntT*, low : LibC::Int, high : LibC::Int) : BoolT
fun vector_int_any_smaller = igraph_vector_int_any_smaller(v : VectorIntT*, limit : LibC::Int) : BoolT
fun vector_int_is_equal = igraph_vector_int_is_equal(lhs : VectorIntT*, rhs : VectorIntT*) : BoolT
fun vector_int_maxdifference = igraph_vector_int_maxdifference(m1 : VectorIntT*, m2 : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_contains = igraph_vector_int_contains(v : VectorIntT*, e : LibC::Int) : BoolT
fun vector_int_search = igraph_vector_int_search(v : VectorIntT*, from : LibC::Long, what : LibC::Int, pos : LibC::Long*) : BoolT
fun vector_int_binsearch = igraph_vector_int_binsearch(v : VectorIntT*, what : LibC::Int, pos : LibC::Long*) : BoolT
fun vector_int_binsearch2 = igraph_vector_int_binsearch2(v : VectorIntT*, what : LibC::Int) : BoolT
fun vector_int_clear = igraph_vector_int_clear(v : VectorIntT*)
fun vector_int_resize = igraph_vector_int_resize(v : VectorIntT*, newsize : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_resize_min = igraph_vector_int_resize_min(v : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_reserve = igraph_vector_int_reserve(v : VectorIntT*, size : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_push_back = igraph_vector_int_push_back(v : VectorIntT*, e : LibC::Int) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_pop_back = igraph_vector_int_pop_back(v : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_insert = igraph_vector_int_insert(v : VectorIntT*, pos : LibC::Long, value : LibC::Int) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_remove = igraph_vector_int_remove(v : VectorIntT*, elem : LibC::Long)
fun vector_int_remove_section = igraph_vector_int_remove_section(v : VectorIntT*, from : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long)
fun vector_int_sort = igraph_vector_int_sort(v : VectorIntT*)
fun vector_int_qsort_ind = igraph_vector_int_qsort_ind(v : VectorIntT*, inds : VectorT*, descending : BoolT) : LibC::Long
fun vector_int_print = igraph_vector_int_print(v : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_printf = igraph_vector_int_printf(v : VectorIntT*, format : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_fprint = igraph_vector_int_fprint(v : VectorIntT*, file : File*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_init_real = igraph_vector_int_init_real(v : VectorIntT*, no : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_init_int = igraph_vector_int_init_int(v : VectorIntT*, no : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_init_real_end = igraph_vector_int_init_real_end(v : VectorIntT*, endmark : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_init_int_end = igraph_vector_int_init_int_end(v : VectorIntT*, endmark : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_move_interval = igraph_vector_int_move_interval(v : VectorIntT*, begin : LibC::Long, _end : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_move_interval2 = igraph_vector_int_move_interval2(v : VectorIntT*, begin : LibC::Long, _end : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_permdelete = igraph_vector_int_permdelete(v : VectorIntT*, index : VectorT*, nremove : LibC::Long)
fun vector_int_filter_smaller = igraph_vector_int_filter_smaller(v : VectorIntT*, elem : LibC::Int) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_get_interval = igraph_vector_int_get_interval(v : VectorIntT*, res : VectorIntT*, from : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_difference_sorted = igraph_vector_int_difference_sorted(v1 : VectorIntT*, v2 : VectorIntT*, result : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_intersect_sorted = igraph_vector_int_intersect_sorted(v1 : VectorIntT*, v2 : VectorIntT*, result : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_index = igraph_vector_int_index(v : VectorIntT*, newv : VectorIntT*, idx : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_int_index_int = igraph_vector_int_index_int(v : VectorIntT*, idx : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_init = igraph_vector_complex_init(v : VectorComplexT*, size : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_init_copy = igraph_vector_complex_init_copy(v : VectorComplexT*, data : ComplexT*, length : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_init_seq = igraph_vector_complex_init_seq(v : VectorComplexT*, from : ComplexT, to : ComplexT) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_copy = igraph_vector_complex_copy(to : VectorComplexT*, from : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_destroy = igraph_vector_complex_destroy(v : VectorComplexT*)
fun vector_complex_capacity = igraph_vector_complex_capacity(v : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_complex_e = igraph_vector_complex_e(v : VectorComplexT*, pos : LibC::Long) : ComplexT
fun vector_complex_e_ptr = igraph_vector_complex_e_ptr(v : VectorComplexT*, pos : LibC::Long) : ComplexT*
fun vector_complex_set = igraph_vector_complex_set(v : VectorComplexT*, pos : LibC::Long, value : ComplexT)
fun vector_complex_tail = igraph_vector_complex_tail(v : VectorComplexT*) : ComplexT
fun vector_complex_null = igraph_vector_complex_null(v : VectorComplexT*)
fun vector_complex_fill = igraph_vector_complex_fill(v : VectorComplexT*, e : ComplexT)
fun vector_complex_view = igraph_vector_complex_view(v : VectorComplexT*, data : ComplexT*, length : LibC::Long) : VectorComplexT*
fun vector_complex_copy_to = igraph_vector_complex_copy_to(v : VectorComplexT*, to : ComplexT*)
fun vector_complex_update = igraph_vector_complex_update(to : VectorComplexT*, from : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_append = igraph_vector_complex_append(to : VectorComplexT*, from : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_swap = igraph_vector_complex_swap(v1 : VectorComplexT*, v2 : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_swap_elements = igraph_vector_complex_swap_elements(v : VectorComplexT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_reverse = igraph_vector_complex_reverse(v : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_shuffle = igraph_vector_complex_shuffle(v : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_add_constant = igraph_vector_complex_add_constant(v : VectorComplexT*, plus : ComplexT)
fun vector_complex_scale = igraph_vector_complex_scale(v : VectorComplexT*, by : ComplexT)
fun vector_complex_add = igraph_vector_complex_add(v1 : VectorComplexT*, v2 : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_sub = igraph_vector_complex_sub(v1 : VectorComplexT*, v2 : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_mul = igraph_vector_complex_mul(v1 : VectorComplexT*, v2 : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_div = igraph_vector_complex_div(v1 : VectorComplexT*, v2 : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_cumsum = igraph_vector_complex_cumsum(to : VectorComplexT*, from : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_all_e = igraph_vector_complex_all_e(lhs : VectorComplexT*, rhs : VectorComplexT*) : BoolT
fun vector_complex_all_l = igraph_vector_complex_all_l(lhs : VectorComplexT*, rhs : VectorComplexT*) : BoolT
fun vector_complex_all_g = igraph_vector_complex_all_g(lhs : VectorComplexT*, rhs : VectorComplexT*) : BoolT
fun vector_complex_all_le = igraph_vector_complex_all_le(lhs : VectorComplexT*, rhs : VectorComplexT*) : BoolT
fun vector_complex_all_ge = igraph_vector_complex_all_ge(lhs : VectorComplexT*, rhs : VectorComplexT*) : BoolT
fun vector_complex_min = igraph_vector_complex_min(v : VectorComplexT*) : ComplexT
fun vector_complex_max = igraph_vector_complex_max(v : VectorComplexT*) : ComplexT
fun vector_complex_which_min = igraph_vector_complex_which_min(v : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_complex_which_max = igraph_vector_complex_which_max(v : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_complex_minmax = igraph_vector_complex_minmax(v : VectorComplexT*, min : ComplexT*, max : ComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_which_minmax = igraph_vector_complex_which_minmax(v : VectorComplexT*, which_min : LibC::Long*, which_max : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_empty = igraph_vector_complex_empty(v : VectorComplexT*) : BoolT
fun vector_complex_size = igraph_vector_complex_size(v : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_complex_isnull = igraph_vector_complex_isnull(v : VectorComplexT*) : BoolT
fun vector_complex_sum = igraph_vector_complex_sum(v : VectorComplexT*) : ComplexT
fun vector_complex_sumsq = igraph_vector_complex_sumsq(v : VectorComplexT*) : RealT
fun vector_complex_prod = igraph_vector_complex_prod(v : VectorComplexT*) : ComplexT
fun vector_complex_isininterval = igraph_vector_complex_isininterval(v : VectorComplexT*, low : ComplexT, high : ComplexT) : BoolT
fun vector_complex_any_smaller = igraph_vector_complex_any_smaller(v : VectorComplexT*, limit : ComplexT) : BoolT
fun vector_complex_is_equal = igraph_vector_complex_is_equal(lhs : VectorComplexT*, rhs : VectorComplexT*) : BoolT
fun vector_complex_maxdifference = igraph_vector_complex_maxdifference(m1 : VectorComplexT*, m2 : VectorComplexT*) : ComplexT
fun vector_complex_contains = igraph_vector_complex_contains(v : VectorComplexT*, e : ComplexT) : BoolT
fun vector_complex_search = igraph_vector_complex_search(v : VectorComplexT*, from : LibC::Long, what : ComplexT, pos : LibC::Long*) : BoolT
fun vector_complex_binsearch = igraph_vector_complex_binsearch(v : VectorComplexT*, what : ComplexT, pos : LibC::Long*) : BoolT
fun vector_complex_binsearch2 = igraph_vector_complex_binsearch2(v : VectorComplexT*, what : ComplexT) : BoolT
fun vector_complex_clear = igraph_vector_complex_clear(v : VectorComplexT*)
fun vector_complex_resize = igraph_vector_complex_resize(v : VectorComplexT*, newsize : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_resize_min = igraph_vector_complex_resize_min(v : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_reserve = igraph_vector_complex_reserve(v : VectorComplexT*, size : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_push_back = igraph_vector_complex_push_back(v : VectorComplexT*, e : ComplexT) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_pop_back = igraph_vector_complex_pop_back(v : VectorComplexT*) : ComplexT
fun vector_complex_insert = igraph_vector_complex_insert(v : VectorComplexT*, pos : LibC::Long, value : ComplexT) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_remove = igraph_vector_complex_remove(v : VectorComplexT*, elem : LibC::Long)
fun vector_complex_remove_section = igraph_vector_complex_remove_section(v : VectorComplexT*, from : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long)
fun vector_complex_sort = igraph_vector_complex_sort(v : VectorComplexT*)
fun vector_complex_qsort_ind = igraph_vector_complex_qsort_ind(v : VectorComplexT*, inds : VectorT*, descending : BoolT) : LibC::Long
fun vector_complex_print = igraph_vector_complex_print(v : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_printf = igraph_vector_complex_printf(v : VectorComplexT*, format : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_fprint = igraph_vector_complex_fprint(v : VectorComplexT*, file : File*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_real = igraph_vector_complex_real(v : VectorComplexT*, real : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_imag = igraph_vector_complex_imag(v : VectorComplexT*, imag : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_realimag = igraph_vector_complex_realimag(v : VectorComplexT*, real : VectorT*, imag : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_create = igraph_vector_complex_create(v : VectorComplexT*, real : VectorT*, imag : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_create_polar = igraph_vector_complex_create_polar(v : VectorComplexT*, r : VectorT*, theta : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_init_real = igraph_vector_complex_init_real(v : VectorComplexT*, no : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_init_int = igraph_vector_complex_init_int(v : VectorComplexT*, no : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_init_real_end = igraph_vector_complex_init_real_end(v : VectorComplexT*, endmark : ComplexT, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_init_int_end = igraph_vector_complex_init_int_end(v : VectorComplexT*, endmark : LibC::Int, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_move_interval = igraph_vector_complex_move_interval(v : VectorComplexT*, begin : LibC::Long, _end : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_move_interval2 = igraph_vector_complex_move_interval2(v : VectorComplexT*, begin : LibC::Long, _end : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_permdelete = igraph_vector_complex_permdelete(v : VectorComplexT*, index : VectorT*, nremove : LibC::Long)
fun vector_complex_filter_smaller = igraph_vector_complex_filter_smaller(v : VectorComplexT*, elem : ComplexT) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_get_interval = igraph_vector_complex_get_interval(v : VectorComplexT*, res : VectorComplexT*, from : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_difference_sorted = igraph_vector_complex_difference_sorted(v1 : VectorComplexT*, v2 : VectorComplexT*, result : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_intersect_sorted = igraph_vector_complex_intersect_sorted(v1 : VectorComplexT*, v2 : VectorComplexT*, result : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_index = igraph_vector_complex_index(v : VectorComplexT*, newv : VectorComplexT*, idx : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_complex_index_int = igraph_vector_complex_index_int(v : VectorComplexT*, idx : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_floor = igraph_vector_floor(from : VectorT*, to : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_round = igraph_vector_round(from : VectorT*, to : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_e_tol = igraph_vector_e_tol(lhs : VectorT*, rhs : VectorT*, tol : RealT) : BoolT
fun vector_order = igraph_vector_order(v : VectorT*, v2 : VectorT*, res : VectorT*, maxval : RealT) : LibC::Int
fun vector_order1 = igraph_vector_order1(v : VectorT*, res : VectorT*, maxval : RealT) : LibC::Int
fun vector_order1_int = igraph_vector_order1_int(v : VectorT*, res : VectorIntT*, maxval : RealT) : LibC::Int
fun vector_order2 = igraph_vector_order2(v : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_rank = igraph_vector_rank(v : VectorT*, res : VectorT*, nodes : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
struct S
n : IntegerT
directed : BoolT
from : VectorT
to : VectorT
oi : VectorT
ii : VectorT
os : VectorT
is : VectorT
attr : Void*
alias IntegerT = LibC::Int
Undirected = 0
Directed = 1
NoLoops = 0
Loops = 1
NoMultiple = 0
Multiple = 1
Ascending = 0
Descending = 1
Minimum = 0
Maximum = 1
Out = 1
In = 2
All = 3
Total = 3
Weak = 1
Strong = 2
ReciprocityDefault = 0
ReciprocityRatio = 1
AdjDirected = 0
AdjUndirected = 1
AdjMax = 1
AdjUpper = 2
AdjLower = 3
AdjMin = 4
AdjPlus = 5
StarOut = 0
StarIn = 1
StarUndirected = 2
StarMutual = 3
TreeOut = 0
TreeIn = 1
TreeUndirected = 2
ErdosRenyiGnp = 0
ErdosRenyiGnm = 1
GetAdjacencyUpper = 0
GetAdjacencyLower = 1
GetAdjacencyBoth = 2
DegseqSimple = 0
DegseqVl = 1
DegseqSimpleNoMultiple = 2
FileformatEdgelist = 0
FileformatNcol = 1
FileformatPajek = 2
FileformatLgl = 3
FileformatGraphml = 4
RewiringSimple = 0
RewiringSimpleLoops = 1
EdgeorderId = 0
EdgeorderFrom = 1
EdgeorderTo = 2
ToDirectedArbitrary = 0
ToDirectedMutual = 1
ToUndirectedEach = 0
ToUndirectedCollapse = 1
ToUndirectedMutual = 2
VconnNeiError = 0
VconnNeiNumberOfNodes = 1
VconnNeiIgnore = 2
VconnNeiNegative = 3
SpincommUpdateSimple = 0
SpincommUpdateConfig = 1
DontSimplify = 0
Simplify = 1
TransitivityNan = 0
TransitivityZero = 1
SpincommImpOrig = 0
SpincommImpNeg = 1
CommcmpVi = 0
CommcmpNmi = 1
CommcmpSplitJoin = 2
CommcmpRand = 3
CommcmpAdjustedRand = 4
AddWeightsNo = 0
AddWeightsYes = 1
AddWeightsIfPresent = 2
BarabasiBag = 0
BarabasiPsumtree = 1
BarabasiPsumtreeMultiple = 2
FasExactIp = 0
FasApproxEades = 1
SubgraphAuto = 0
SubgraphCopyAndDelete = 1
SubgraphCreateFromScratch = 2
ImitateAugmented = 0
ImitateBlind = 1
ImitateContracted = 2
struct MatrixT
data : VectorT
nrow : LibC::Long
ncol : LibC::Long
fun matrix_init = igraph_matrix_init(m : MatrixT*, nrow : LibC::Long, ncol : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_copy = igraph_matrix_copy(to : MatrixT*, from : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_destroy = igraph_matrix_destroy(m : MatrixT*)
fun matrix_capacity = igraph_matrix_capacity(m : MatrixT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_e = igraph_matrix_e(m : MatrixT*, row : LibC::Long, col : LibC::Long) : RealT
fun matrix_e_ptr = igraph_matrix_e_ptr(m : MatrixT*, row : LibC::Long, col : LibC::Long) : RealT*
fun matrix_set = igraph_matrix_set(m : MatrixT*, row : LibC::Long, col : LibC::Long, value : RealT)
fun matrix_null = igraph_matrix_null(m : MatrixT*)
fun matrix_fill = igraph_matrix_fill(m : MatrixT*, e : RealT)
fun matrix_copy_to = igraph_matrix_copy_to(m : MatrixT*, to : RealT*)
fun matrix_update = igraph_matrix_update(to : MatrixT*, from : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_rbind = igraph_matrix_rbind(to : MatrixT*, from : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_cbind = igraph_matrix_cbind(to : MatrixT*, from : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_swap = igraph_matrix_swap(m1 : MatrixT*, m2 : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_get_row = igraph_matrix_get_row(m : MatrixT*, res : VectorT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_get_col = igraph_matrix_get_col(m : MatrixT*, res : VectorT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_set_row = igraph_matrix_set_row(m : MatrixT*, v : VectorT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_set_col = igraph_matrix_set_col(m : MatrixT*, v : VectorT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_select_rows = igraph_matrix_select_rows(m : MatrixT*, res : MatrixT*, rows : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_select_cols = igraph_matrix_select_cols(m : MatrixT*, res : MatrixT*, cols : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_select_rows_cols = igraph_matrix_select_rows_cols(m : MatrixT*, res : MatrixT*, rows : VectorT*, cols : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_swap_rows = igraph_matrix_swap_rows(m : MatrixT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_swap_cols = igraph_matrix_swap_cols(m : MatrixT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_swap_rowcol = igraph_matrix_swap_rowcol(m : MatrixT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_transpose = igraph_matrix_transpose(m : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_add = igraph_matrix_add(m1 : MatrixT*, m2 : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_sub = igraph_matrix_sub(m1 : MatrixT*, m2 : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_mul_elements = igraph_matrix_mul_elements(m1 : MatrixT*, m2 : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_div_elements = igraph_matrix_div_elements(m1 : MatrixT*, m2 : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_scale = igraph_matrix_scale(m : MatrixT*, by : RealT)
fun matrix_add_constant = igraph_matrix_add_constant(m : MatrixT*, plus : RealT)
fun matrix_min = igraph_matrix_min(m : MatrixT*) : RealT
fun matrix_max = igraph_matrix_max(m : MatrixT*) : RealT
fun matrix_which_min = igraph_matrix_which_min(m : MatrixT*, i : LibC::Long*, j : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_which_max = igraph_matrix_which_max(m : MatrixT*, i : LibC::Long*, j : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_minmax = igraph_matrix_minmax(m : MatrixT*, min : RealT*, max : RealT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_which_minmax = igraph_matrix_which_minmax(m : MatrixT*, imin : LibC::Long*, jmin : LibC::Long*, imax : LibC::Long*, jmax : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_all_e = igraph_matrix_all_e(lhs : MatrixT*, rhs : MatrixT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_all_l = igraph_matrix_all_l(lhs : MatrixT*, rhs : MatrixT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_all_g = igraph_matrix_all_g(lhs : MatrixT*, rhs : MatrixT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_all_le = igraph_matrix_all_le(lhs : MatrixT*, rhs : MatrixT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_all_ge = igraph_matrix_all_ge(lhs : MatrixT*, rhs : MatrixT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_isnull = igraph_matrix_isnull(m : MatrixT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_empty = igraph_matrix_empty(m : MatrixT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_size = igraph_matrix_size(m : MatrixT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_nrow = igraph_matrix_nrow(m : MatrixT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_ncol = igraph_matrix_ncol(m : MatrixT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_is_symmetric = igraph_matrix_is_symmetric(m : MatrixT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_sum = igraph_matrix_sum(m : MatrixT*) : RealT
fun matrix_prod = igraph_matrix_prod(m : MatrixT*) : RealT
fun matrix_rowsum = igraph_matrix_rowsum(m : MatrixT*, res : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_colsum = igraph_matrix_colsum(m : MatrixT*, res : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_is_equal = igraph_matrix_is_equal(m1 : MatrixT*, m2 : MatrixT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_maxdifference = igraph_matrix_maxdifference(m1 : MatrixT*, m2 : MatrixT*) : RealT
fun matrix_contains = igraph_matrix_contains(m : MatrixT*, e : RealT) : BoolT
fun matrix_search = igraph_matrix_search(m : MatrixT*, from : LibC::Long, what : RealT, pos : LibC::Long*, row : LibC::Long*, col : LibC::Long*) : BoolT
fun matrix_resize = igraph_matrix_resize(m : MatrixT*, nrow : LibC::Long, ncol : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_resize_min = igraph_matrix_resize_min(m : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_add_cols = igraph_matrix_add_cols(m : MatrixT*, n : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_add_rows = igraph_matrix_add_rows(m : MatrixT*, n : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_remove_col = igraph_matrix_remove_col(m : MatrixT*, col : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_remove_row = igraph_matrix_remove_row(m : MatrixT*, row : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_print = igraph_matrix_print(m : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_printf = igraph_matrix_printf(m : MatrixT*, format : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_fprint = igraph_matrix_fprint(m : MatrixT*, file : File*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_permdelete_rows = igraph_matrix_permdelete_rows(m : MatrixT*, index : LibC::Long*, nremove : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_delete_rows_neg = igraph_matrix_delete_rows_neg(m : MatrixT*, neg : VectorT*, nremove : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
struct MatrixIntT
data : VectorIntT
nrow : LibC::Long
ncol : LibC::Long
fun matrix_int_init = igraph_matrix_int_init(m : MatrixIntT*, nrow : LibC::Long, ncol : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_copy = igraph_matrix_int_copy(to : MatrixIntT*, from : MatrixIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_destroy = igraph_matrix_int_destroy(m : MatrixIntT*)
fun matrix_int_capacity = igraph_matrix_int_capacity(m : MatrixIntT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_int_e = igraph_matrix_int_e(m : MatrixIntT*, row : LibC::Long, col : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_e_ptr = igraph_matrix_int_e_ptr(m : MatrixIntT*, row : LibC::Long, col : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int*
fun matrix_int_set = igraph_matrix_int_set(m : MatrixIntT*, row : LibC::Long, col : LibC::Long, value : LibC::Int)
fun matrix_int_null = igraph_matrix_int_null(m : MatrixIntT*)
fun matrix_int_fill = igraph_matrix_int_fill(m : MatrixIntT*, e : LibC::Int)
fun matrix_int_copy_to = igraph_matrix_int_copy_to(m : MatrixIntT*, to : LibC::Int*)
fun matrix_int_update = igraph_matrix_int_update(to : MatrixIntT*, from : MatrixIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_rbind = igraph_matrix_int_rbind(to : MatrixIntT*, from : MatrixIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_cbind = igraph_matrix_int_cbind(to : MatrixIntT*, from : MatrixIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_swap = igraph_matrix_int_swap(m1 : MatrixIntT*, m2 : MatrixIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_get_row = igraph_matrix_int_get_row(m : MatrixIntT*, res : VectorIntT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_get_col = igraph_matrix_int_get_col(m : MatrixIntT*, res : VectorIntT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_set_row = igraph_matrix_int_set_row(m : MatrixIntT*, v : VectorIntT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_set_col = igraph_matrix_int_set_col(m : MatrixIntT*, v : VectorIntT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_select_rows = igraph_matrix_int_select_rows(m : MatrixIntT*, res : MatrixIntT*, rows : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_select_cols = igraph_matrix_int_select_cols(m : MatrixIntT*, res : MatrixIntT*, cols : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_select_rows_cols = igraph_matrix_int_select_rows_cols(m : MatrixIntT*, res : MatrixIntT*, rows : VectorT*, cols : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_swap_rows = igraph_matrix_int_swap_rows(m : MatrixIntT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_swap_cols = igraph_matrix_int_swap_cols(m : MatrixIntT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_swap_rowcol = igraph_matrix_int_swap_rowcol(m : MatrixIntT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_transpose = igraph_matrix_int_transpose(m : MatrixIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_add = igraph_matrix_int_add(m1 : MatrixIntT*, m2 : MatrixIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_sub = igraph_matrix_int_sub(m1 : MatrixIntT*, m2 : MatrixIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_mul_elements = igraph_matrix_int_mul_elements(m1 : MatrixIntT*, m2 : MatrixIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_div_elements = igraph_matrix_int_div_elements(m1 : MatrixIntT*, m2 : MatrixIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_scale = igraph_matrix_int_scale(m : MatrixIntT*, by : LibC::Int)
fun matrix_int_add_constant = igraph_matrix_int_add_constant(m : MatrixIntT*, plus : LibC::Int)
fun matrix_int_min = igraph_matrix_int_min(m : MatrixIntT*) : RealT
fun matrix_int_max = igraph_matrix_int_max(m : MatrixIntT*) : RealT
fun matrix_int_which_min = igraph_matrix_int_which_min(m : MatrixIntT*, i : LibC::Long*, j : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_which_max = igraph_matrix_int_which_max(m : MatrixIntT*, i : LibC::Long*, j : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_minmax = igraph_matrix_int_minmax(m : MatrixIntT*, min : LibC::Int*, max : LibC::Int*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_which_minmax = igraph_matrix_int_which_minmax(m : MatrixIntT*, imin : LibC::Long*, jmin : LibC::Long*, imax : LibC::Long*, jmax : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_all_e = igraph_matrix_int_all_e(lhs : MatrixIntT*, rhs : MatrixIntT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_int_all_l = igraph_matrix_int_all_l(lhs : MatrixIntT*, rhs : MatrixIntT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_int_all_g = igraph_matrix_int_all_g(lhs : MatrixIntT*, rhs : MatrixIntT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_int_all_le = igraph_matrix_int_all_le(lhs : MatrixIntT*, rhs : MatrixIntT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_int_all_ge = igraph_matrix_int_all_ge(lhs : MatrixIntT*, rhs : MatrixIntT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_int_isnull = igraph_matrix_int_isnull(m : MatrixIntT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_int_empty = igraph_matrix_int_empty(m : MatrixIntT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_int_size = igraph_matrix_int_size(m : MatrixIntT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_int_nrow = igraph_matrix_int_nrow(m : MatrixIntT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_int_ncol = igraph_matrix_int_ncol(m : MatrixIntT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_int_is_symmetric = igraph_matrix_int_is_symmetric(m : MatrixIntT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_int_sum = igraph_matrix_int_sum(m : MatrixIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_prod = igraph_matrix_int_prod(m : MatrixIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_rowsum = igraph_matrix_int_rowsum(m : MatrixIntT*, res : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_colsum = igraph_matrix_int_colsum(m : MatrixIntT*, res : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_is_equal = igraph_matrix_int_is_equal(m1 : MatrixIntT*, m2 : MatrixIntT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_int_maxdifference = igraph_matrix_int_maxdifference(m1 : MatrixIntT*, m2 : MatrixIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_contains = igraph_matrix_int_contains(m : MatrixIntT*, e : LibC::Int) : BoolT
fun matrix_int_search = igraph_matrix_int_search(m : MatrixIntT*, from : LibC::Long, what : LibC::Int, pos : LibC::Long*, row : LibC::Long*, col : LibC::Long*) : BoolT
fun matrix_int_resize = igraph_matrix_int_resize(m : MatrixIntT*, nrow : LibC::Long, ncol : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_resize_min = igraph_matrix_int_resize_min(m : MatrixIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_add_cols = igraph_matrix_int_add_cols(m : MatrixIntT*, n : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_add_rows = igraph_matrix_int_add_rows(m : MatrixIntT*, n : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_remove_col = igraph_matrix_int_remove_col(m : MatrixIntT*, col : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_remove_row = igraph_matrix_int_remove_row(m : MatrixIntT*, row : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_print = igraph_matrix_int_print(m : MatrixIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_printf = igraph_matrix_int_printf(m : MatrixIntT*, format : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_fprint = igraph_matrix_int_fprint(m : MatrixIntT*, file : File*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_permdelete_rows = igraph_matrix_int_permdelete_rows(m : MatrixIntT*, index : LibC::Long*, nremove : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_int_delete_rows_neg = igraph_matrix_int_delete_rows_neg(m : MatrixIntT*, neg : VectorT*, nremove : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
struct MatrixLongT
data : VectorLongT
nrow : LibC::Long
ncol : LibC::Long
fun matrix_long_init = igraph_matrix_long_init(m : MatrixLongT*, nrow : LibC::Long, ncol : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_copy = igraph_matrix_long_copy(to : MatrixLongT*, from : MatrixLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_destroy = igraph_matrix_long_destroy(m : MatrixLongT*)
fun matrix_long_capacity = igraph_matrix_long_capacity(m : MatrixLongT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_long_e = igraph_matrix_long_e(m : MatrixLongT*, row : LibC::Long, col : LibC::Long) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_long_e_ptr = igraph_matrix_long_e_ptr(m : MatrixLongT*, row : LibC::Long, col : LibC::Long) : LibC::Long*
fun matrix_long_set = igraph_matrix_long_set(m : MatrixLongT*, row : LibC::Long, col : LibC::Long, value : LibC::Long)
fun matrix_long_null = igraph_matrix_long_null(m : MatrixLongT*)
fun matrix_long_fill = igraph_matrix_long_fill(m : MatrixLongT*, e : LibC::Long)
fun matrix_long_copy_to = igraph_matrix_long_copy_to(m : MatrixLongT*, to : LibC::Long*)
fun matrix_long_update = igraph_matrix_long_update(to : MatrixLongT*, from : MatrixLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_rbind = igraph_matrix_long_rbind(to : MatrixLongT*, from : MatrixLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_cbind = igraph_matrix_long_cbind(to : MatrixLongT*, from : MatrixLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_swap = igraph_matrix_long_swap(m1 : MatrixLongT*, m2 : MatrixLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_get_row = igraph_matrix_long_get_row(m : MatrixLongT*, res : VectorLongT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_get_col = igraph_matrix_long_get_col(m : MatrixLongT*, res : VectorLongT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_set_row = igraph_matrix_long_set_row(m : MatrixLongT*, v : VectorLongT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_set_col = igraph_matrix_long_set_col(m : MatrixLongT*, v : VectorLongT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_select_rows = igraph_matrix_long_select_rows(m : MatrixLongT*, res : MatrixLongT*, rows : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_select_cols = igraph_matrix_long_select_cols(m : MatrixLongT*, res : MatrixLongT*, cols : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_select_rows_cols = igraph_matrix_long_select_rows_cols(m : MatrixLongT*, res : MatrixLongT*, rows : VectorT*, cols : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_swap_rows = igraph_matrix_long_swap_rows(m : MatrixLongT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_swap_cols = igraph_matrix_long_swap_cols(m : MatrixLongT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_swap_rowcol = igraph_matrix_long_swap_rowcol(m : MatrixLongT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_transpose = igraph_matrix_long_transpose(m : MatrixLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_add = igraph_matrix_long_add(m1 : MatrixLongT*, m2 : MatrixLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_sub = igraph_matrix_long_sub(m1 : MatrixLongT*, m2 : MatrixLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_mul_elements = igraph_matrix_long_mul_elements(m1 : MatrixLongT*, m2 : MatrixLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_div_elements = igraph_matrix_long_div_elements(m1 : MatrixLongT*, m2 : MatrixLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_scale = igraph_matrix_long_scale(m : MatrixLongT*, by : LibC::Long)
fun matrix_long_add_constant = igraph_matrix_long_add_constant(m : MatrixLongT*, plus : LibC::Long)
fun matrix_long_min = igraph_matrix_long_min(m : MatrixLongT*) : RealT
fun matrix_long_max = igraph_matrix_long_max(m : MatrixLongT*) : RealT
fun matrix_long_which_min = igraph_matrix_long_which_min(m : MatrixLongT*, i : LibC::Long*, j : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_which_max = igraph_matrix_long_which_max(m : MatrixLongT*, i : LibC::Long*, j : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_minmax = igraph_matrix_long_minmax(m : MatrixLongT*, min : LibC::Long*, max : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_which_minmax = igraph_matrix_long_which_minmax(m : MatrixLongT*, imin : LibC::Long*, jmin : LibC::Long*, imax : LibC::Long*, jmax : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_all_e = igraph_matrix_long_all_e(lhs : MatrixLongT*, rhs : MatrixLongT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_long_all_l = igraph_matrix_long_all_l(lhs : MatrixLongT*, rhs : MatrixLongT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_long_all_g = igraph_matrix_long_all_g(lhs : MatrixLongT*, rhs : MatrixLongT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_long_all_le = igraph_matrix_long_all_le(lhs : MatrixLongT*, rhs : MatrixLongT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_long_all_ge = igraph_matrix_long_all_ge(lhs : MatrixLongT*, rhs : MatrixLongT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_long_isnull = igraph_matrix_long_isnull(m : MatrixLongT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_long_empty = igraph_matrix_long_empty(m : MatrixLongT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_long_size = igraph_matrix_long_size(m : MatrixLongT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_long_nrow = igraph_matrix_long_nrow(m : MatrixLongT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_long_ncol = igraph_matrix_long_ncol(m : MatrixLongT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_long_is_symmetric = igraph_matrix_long_is_symmetric(m : MatrixLongT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_long_sum = igraph_matrix_long_sum(m : MatrixLongT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_long_prod = igraph_matrix_long_prod(m : MatrixLongT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_long_rowsum = igraph_matrix_long_rowsum(m : MatrixLongT*, res : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_colsum = igraph_matrix_long_colsum(m : MatrixLongT*, res : VectorLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_is_equal = igraph_matrix_long_is_equal(m1 : MatrixLongT*, m2 : MatrixLongT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_long_maxdifference = igraph_matrix_long_maxdifference(m1 : MatrixLongT*, m2 : MatrixLongT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_long_contains = igraph_matrix_long_contains(m : MatrixLongT*, e : LibC::Long) : BoolT
fun matrix_long_search = igraph_matrix_long_search(m : MatrixLongT*, from : LibC::Long, what : LibC::Long, pos : LibC::Long*, row : LibC::Long*, col : LibC::Long*) : BoolT
fun matrix_long_resize = igraph_matrix_long_resize(m : MatrixLongT*, nrow : LibC::Long, ncol : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_resize_min = igraph_matrix_long_resize_min(m : MatrixLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_add_cols = igraph_matrix_long_add_cols(m : MatrixLongT*, n : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_add_rows = igraph_matrix_long_add_rows(m : MatrixLongT*, n : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_remove_col = igraph_matrix_long_remove_col(m : MatrixLongT*, col : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_remove_row = igraph_matrix_long_remove_row(m : MatrixLongT*, row : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_print = igraph_matrix_long_print(m : MatrixLongT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_printf = igraph_matrix_long_printf(m : MatrixLongT*, format : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_fprint = igraph_matrix_long_fprint(m : MatrixLongT*, file : File*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_permdelete_rows = igraph_matrix_long_permdelete_rows(m : MatrixLongT*, index : LibC::Long*, nremove : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_long_delete_rows_neg = igraph_matrix_long_delete_rows_neg(m : MatrixLongT*, neg : VectorT*, nremove : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
struct MatrixCharT
data : VectorCharT
nrow : LibC::Long
ncol : LibC::Long
fun matrix_char_init = igraph_matrix_char_init(m : MatrixCharT*, nrow : LibC::Long, ncol : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_copy = igraph_matrix_char_copy(to : MatrixCharT*, from : MatrixCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_destroy = igraph_matrix_char_destroy(m : MatrixCharT*)
fun matrix_char_capacity = igraph_matrix_char_capacity(m : MatrixCharT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_char_e = igraph_matrix_char_e(m : MatrixCharT*, row : LibC::Long, col : LibC::Long) : LibC::Char
fun matrix_char_e_ptr = igraph_matrix_char_e_ptr(m : MatrixCharT*, row : LibC::Long, col : LibC::Long) : LibC::Char*
fun matrix_char_set = igraph_matrix_char_set(m : MatrixCharT*, row : LibC::Long, col : LibC::Long, value : LibC::Char)
fun matrix_char_null = igraph_matrix_char_null(m : MatrixCharT*)
fun matrix_char_fill = igraph_matrix_char_fill(m : MatrixCharT*, e : LibC::Char)
fun matrix_char_copy_to = igraph_matrix_char_copy_to(m : MatrixCharT*, to : LibC::Char*)
fun matrix_char_update = igraph_matrix_char_update(to : MatrixCharT*, from : MatrixCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_rbind = igraph_matrix_char_rbind(to : MatrixCharT*, from : MatrixCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_cbind = igraph_matrix_char_cbind(to : MatrixCharT*, from : MatrixCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_swap = igraph_matrix_char_swap(m1 : MatrixCharT*, m2 : MatrixCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_get_row = igraph_matrix_char_get_row(m : MatrixCharT*, res : VectorCharT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_get_col = igraph_matrix_char_get_col(m : MatrixCharT*, res : VectorCharT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_set_row = igraph_matrix_char_set_row(m : MatrixCharT*, v : VectorCharT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_set_col = igraph_matrix_char_set_col(m : MatrixCharT*, v : VectorCharT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_select_rows = igraph_matrix_char_select_rows(m : MatrixCharT*, res : MatrixCharT*, rows : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_select_cols = igraph_matrix_char_select_cols(m : MatrixCharT*, res : MatrixCharT*, cols : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_select_rows_cols = igraph_matrix_char_select_rows_cols(m : MatrixCharT*, res : MatrixCharT*, rows : VectorT*, cols : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_swap_rows = igraph_matrix_char_swap_rows(m : MatrixCharT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_swap_cols = igraph_matrix_char_swap_cols(m : MatrixCharT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_swap_rowcol = igraph_matrix_char_swap_rowcol(m : MatrixCharT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_transpose = igraph_matrix_char_transpose(m : MatrixCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_add = igraph_matrix_char_add(m1 : MatrixCharT*, m2 : MatrixCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_sub = igraph_matrix_char_sub(m1 : MatrixCharT*, m2 : MatrixCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_mul_elements = igraph_matrix_char_mul_elements(m1 : MatrixCharT*, m2 : MatrixCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_div_elements = igraph_matrix_char_div_elements(m1 : MatrixCharT*, m2 : MatrixCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_scale = igraph_matrix_char_scale(m : MatrixCharT*, by : LibC::Char)
fun matrix_char_add_constant = igraph_matrix_char_add_constant(m : MatrixCharT*, plus : LibC::Char)
fun matrix_char_min = igraph_matrix_char_min(m : MatrixCharT*) : RealT
fun matrix_char_max = igraph_matrix_char_max(m : MatrixCharT*) : RealT
fun matrix_char_which_min = igraph_matrix_char_which_min(m : MatrixCharT*, i : LibC::Long*, j : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_which_max = igraph_matrix_char_which_max(m : MatrixCharT*, i : LibC::Long*, j : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_minmax = igraph_matrix_char_minmax(m : MatrixCharT*, min : LibC::Char*, max : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_which_minmax = igraph_matrix_char_which_minmax(m : MatrixCharT*, imin : LibC::Long*, jmin : LibC::Long*, imax : LibC::Long*, jmax : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_all_e = igraph_matrix_char_all_e(lhs : MatrixCharT*, rhs : MatrixCharT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_char_all_l = igraph_matrix_char_all_l(lhs : MatrixCharT*, rhs : MatrixCharT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_char_all_g = igraph_matrix_char_all_g(lhs : MatrixCharT*, rhs : MatrixCharT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_char_all_le = igraph_matrix_char_all_le(lhs : MatrixCharT*, rhs : MatrixCharT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_char_all_ge = igraph_matrix_char_all_ge(lhs : MatrixCharT*, rhs : MatrixCharT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_char_isnull = igraph_matrix_char_isnull(m : MatrixCharT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_char_empty = igraph_matrix_char_empty(m : MatrixCharT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_char_size = igraph_matrix_char_size(m : MatrixCharT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_char_nrow = igraph_matrix_char_nrow(m : MatrixCharT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_char_ncol = igraph_matrix_char_ncol(m : MatrixCharT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_char_is_symmetric = igraph_matrix_char_is_symmetric(m : MatrixCharT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_char_sum = igraph_matrix_char_sum(m : MatrixCharT*) : LibC::Char
fun matrix_char_prod = igraph_matrix_char_prod(m : MatrixCharT*) : LibC::Char
fun matrix_char_rowsum = igraph_matrix_char_rowsum(m : MatrixCharT*, res : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_colsum = igraph_matrix_char_colsum(m : MatrixCharT*, res : VectorCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_is_equal = igraph_matrix_char_is_equal(m1 : MatrixCharT*, m2 : MatrixCharT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_char_maxdifference = igraph_matrix_char_maxdifference(m1 : MatrixCharT*, m2 : MatrixCharT*) : LibC::Char
fun matrix_char_contains = igraph_matrix_char_contains(m : MatrixCharT*, e : LibC::Char) : BoolT
fun matrix_char_search = igraph_matrix_char_search(m : MatrixCharT*, from : LibC::Long, what : LibC::Char, pos : LibC::Long*, row : LibC::Long*, col : LibC::Long*) : BoolT
fun matrix_char_resize = igraph_matrix_char_resize(m : MatrixCharT*, nrow : LibC::Long, ncol : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_resize_min = igraph_matrix_char_resize_min(m : MatrixCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_add_cols = igraph_matrix_char_add_cols(m : MatrixCharT*, n : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_add_rows = igraph_matrix_char_add_rows(m : MatrixCharT*, n : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_remove_col = igraph_matrix_char_remove_col(m : MatrixCharT*, col : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_remove_row = igraph_matrix_char_remove_row(m : MatrixCharT*, row : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_print = igraph_matrix_char_print(m : MatrixCharT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_printf = igraph_matrix_char_printf(m : MatrixCharT*, format : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_fprint = igraph_matrix_char_fprint(m : MatrixCharT*, file : File*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_permdelete_rows = igraph_matrix_char_permdelete_rows(m : MatrixCharT*, index : LibC::Long*, nremove : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_char_delete_rows_neg = igraph_matrix_char_delete_rows_neg(m : MatrixCharT*, neg : VectorT*, nremove : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
struct MatrixBoolT
data : VectorBoolT
nrow : LibC::Long
ncol : LibC::Long
fun matrix_bool_init = igraph_matrix_bool_init(m : MatrixBoolT*, nrow : LibC::Long, ncol : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_copy = igraph_matrix_bool_copy(to : MatrixBoolT*, from : MatrixBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_destroy = igraph_matrix_bool_destroy(m : MatrixBoolT*)
fun matrix_bool_capacity = igraph_matrix_bool_capacity(m : MatrixBoolT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_bool_e = igraph_matrix_bool_e(m : MatrixBoolT*, row : LibC::Long, col : LibC::Long) : BoolT
fun matrix_bool_e_ptr = igraph_matrix_bool_e_ptr(m : MatrixBoolT*, row : LibC::Long, col : LibC::Long) : BoolT*
fun matrix_bool_set = igraph_matrix_bool_set(m : MatrixBoolT*, row : LibC::Long, col : LibC::Long, value : BoolT)
fun matrix_bool_null = igraph_matrix_bool_null(m : MatrixBoolT*)
fun matrix_bool_fill = igraph_matrix_bool_fill(m : MatrixBoolT*, e : BoolT)
fun matrix_bool_copy_to = igraph_matrix_bool_copy_to(m : MatrixBoolT*, to : BoolT*)
fun matrix_bool_update = igraph_matrix_bool_update(to : MatrixBoolT*, from : MatrixBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_rbind = igraph_matrix_bool_rbind(to : MatrixBoolT*, from : MatrixBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_cbind = igraph_matrix_bool_cbind(to : MatrixBoolT*, from : MatrixBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_swap = igraph_matrix_bool_swap(m1 : MatrixBoolT*, m2 : MatrixBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_get_row = igraph_matrix_bool_get_row(m : MatrixBoolT*, res : VectorBoolT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_get_col = igraph_matrix_bool_get_col(m : MatrixBoolT*, res : VectorBoolT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_set_row = igraph_matrix_bool_set_row(m : MatrixBoolT*, v : VectorBoolT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_set_col = igraph_matrix_bool_set_col(m : MatrixBoolT*, v : VectorBoolT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_select_rows = igraph_matrix_bool_select_rows(m : MatrixBoolT*, res : MatrixBoolT*, rows : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_select_cols = igraph_matrix_bool_select_cols(m : MatrixBoolT*, res : MatrixBoolT*, cols : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_select_rows_cols = igraph_matrix_bool_select_rows_cols(m : MatrixBoolT*, res : MatrixBoolT*, rows : VectorT*, cols : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_swap_rows = igraph_matrix_bool_swap_rows(m : MatrixBoolT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_swap_cols = igraph_matrix_bool_swap_cols(m : MatrixBoolT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_swap_rowcol = igraph_matrix_bool_swap_rowcol(m : MatrixBoolT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_transpose = igraph_matrix_bool_transpose(m : MatrixBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_add = igraph_matrix_bool_add(m1 : MatrixBoolT*, m2 : MatrixBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_sub = igraph_matrix_bool_sub(m1 : MatrixBoolT*, m2 : MatrixBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_mul_elements = igraph_matrix_bool_mul_elements(m1 : MatrixBoolT*, m2 : MatrixBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_div_elements = igraph_matrix_bool_div_elements(m1 : MatrixBoolT*, m2 : MatrixBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_scale = igraph_matrix_bool_scale(m : MatrixBoolT*, by : BoolT)
fun matrix_bool_add_constant = igraph_matrix_bool_add_constant(m : MatrixBoolT*, plus : BoolT)
fun matrix_bool_min = igraph_matrix_bool_min(m : MatrixBoolT*) : RealT
fun matrix_bool_max = igraph_matrix_bool_max(m : MatrixBoolT*) : RealT
fun matrix_bool_which_min = igraph_matrix_bool_which_min(m : MatrixBoolT*, i : LibC::Long*, j : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_which_max = igraph_matrix_bool_which_max(m : MatrixBoolT*, i : LibC::Long*, j : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_minmax = igraph_matrix_bool_minmax(m : MatrixBoolT*, min : BoolT*, max : BoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_which_minmax = igraph_matrix_bool_which_minmax(m : MatrixBoolT*, imin : LibC::Long*, jmin : LibC::Long*, imax : LibC::Long*, jmax : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_all_e = igraph_matrix_bool_all_e(lhs : MatrixBoolT*, rhs : MatrixBoolT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_bool_all_l = igraph_matrix_bool_all_l(lhs : MatrixBoolT*, rhs : MatrixBoolT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_bool_all_g = igraph_matrix_bool_all_g(lhs : MatrixBoolT*, rhs : MatrixBoolT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_bool_all_le = igraph_matrix_bool_all_le(lhs : MatrixBoolT*, rhs : MatrixBoolT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_bool_all_ge = igraph_matrix_bool_all_ge(lhs : MatrixBoolT*, rhs : MatrixBoolT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_bool_isnull = igraph_matrix_bool_isnull(m : MatrixBoolT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_bool_empty = igraph_matrix_bool_empty(m : MatrixBoolT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_bool_size = igraph_matrix_bool_size(m : MatrixBoolT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_bool_nrow = igraph_matrix_bool_nrow(m : MatrixBoolT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_bool_ncol = igraph_matrix_bool_ncol(m : MatrixBoolT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_bool_is_symmetric = igraph_matrix_bool_is_symmetric(m : MatrixBoolT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_bool_sum = igraph_matrix_bool_sum(m : MatrixBoolT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_bool_prod = igraph_matrix_bool_prod(m : MatrixBoolT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_bool_rowsum = igraph_matrix_bool_rowsum(m : MatrixBoolT*, res : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_colsum = igraph_matrix_bool_colsum(m : MatrixBoolT*, res : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_is_equal = igraph_matrix_bool_is_equal(m1 : MatrixBoolT*, m2 : MatrixBoolT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_bool_maxdifference = igraph_matrix_bool_maxdifference(m1 : MatrixBoolT*, m2 : MatrixBoolT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_bool_contains = igraph_matrix_bool_contains(m : MatrixBoolT*, e : BoolT) : BoolT
fun matrix_bool_search = igraph_matrix_bool_search(m : MatrixBoolT*, from : LibC::Long, what : BoolT, pos : LibC::Long*, row : LibC::Long*, col : LibC::Long*) : BoolT
fun matrix_bool_resize = igraph_matrix_bool_resize(m : MatrixBoolT*, nrow : LibC::Long, ncol : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_resize_min = igraph_matrix_bool_resize_min(m : MatrixBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_add_cols = igraph_matrix_bool_add_cols(m : MatrixBoolT*, n : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_add_rows = igraph_matrix_bool_add_rows(m : MatrixBoolT*, n : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_remove_col = igraph_matrix_bool_remove_col(m : MatrixBoolT*, col : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_remove_row = igraph_matrix_bool_remove_row(m : MatrixBoolT*, row : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_print = igraph_matrix_bool_print(m : MatrixBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_printf = igraph_matrix_bool_printf(m : MatrixBoolT*, format : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_fprint = igraph_matrix_bool_fprint(m : MatrixBoolT*, file : File*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_permdelete_rows = igraph_matrix_bool_permdelete_rows(m : MatrixBoolT*, index : LibC::Long*, nremove : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_bool_delete_rows_neg = igraph_matrix_bool_delete_rows_neg(m : MatrixBoolT*, neg : VectorT*, nremove : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
struct MatrixComplexT
data : VectorComplexT
nrow : LibC::Long
ncol : LibC::Long
fun matrix_complex_init = igraph_matrix_complex_init(m : MatrixComplexT*, nrow : LibC::Long, ncol : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_copy = igraph_matrix_complex_copy(to : MatrixComplexT*, from : MatrixComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_destroy = igraph_matrix_complex_destroy(m : MatrixComplexT*)
fun matrix_complex_capacity = igraph_matrix_complex_capacity(m : MatrixComplexT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_complex_e = igraph_matrix_complex_e(m : MatrixComplexT*, row : LibC::Long, col : LibC::Long) : ComplexT
fun matrix_complex_e_ptr = igraph_matrix_complex_e_ptr(m : MatrixComplexT*, row : LibC::Long, col : LibC::Long) : ComplexT*
fun matrix_complex_set = igraph_matrix_complex_set(m : MatrixComplexT*, row : LibC::Long, col : LibC::Long, value : ComplexT)
fun matrix_complex_null = igraph_matrix_complex_null(m : MatrixComplexT*)
fun matrix_complex_fill = igraph_matrix_complex_fill(m : MatrixComplexT*, e : ComplexT)
fun matrix_complex_copy_to = igraph_matrix_complex_copy_to(m : MatrixComplexT*, to : ComplexT*)
fun matrix_complex_update = igraph_matrix_complex_update(to : MatrixComplexT*, from : MatrixComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_rbind = igraph_matrix_complex_rbind(to : MatrixComplexT*, from : MatrixComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_cbind = igraph_matrix_complex_cbind(to : MatrixComplexT*, from : MatrixComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_swap = igraph_matrix_complex_swap(m1 : MatrixComplexT*, m2 : MatrixComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_get_row = igraph_matrix_complex_get_row(m : MatrixComplexT*, res : VectorComplexT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_get_col = igraph_matrix_complex_get_col(m : MatrixComplexT*, res : VectorComplexT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_set_row = igraph_matrix_complex_set_row(m : MatrixComplexT*, v : VectorComplexT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_set_col = igraph_matrix_complex_set_col(m : MatrixComplexT*, v : VectorComplexT*, index : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_select_rows = igraph_matrix_complex_select_rows(m : MatrixComplexT*, res : MatrixComplexT*, rows : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_select_cols = igraph_matrix_complex_select_cols(m : MatrixComplexT*, res : MatrixComplexT*, cols : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_select_rows_cols = igraph_matrix_complex_select_rows_cols(m : MatrixComplexT*, res : MatrixComplexT*, rows : VectorT*, cols : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_swap_rows = igraph_matrix_complex_swap_rows(m : MatrixComplexT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_swap_cols = igraph_matrix_complex_swap_cols(m : MatrixComplexT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_swap_rowcol = igraph_matrix_complex_swap_rowcol(m : MatrixComplexT*, i : LibC::Long, j : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_transpose = igraph_matrix_complex_transpose(m : MatrixComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_add = igraph_matrix_complex_add(m1 : MatrixComplexT*, m2 : MatrixComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_sub = igraph_matrix_complex_sub(m1 : MatrixComplexT*, m2 : MatrixComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_mul_elements = igraph_matrix_complex_mul_elements(m1 : MatrixComplexT*, m2 : MatrixComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_div_elements = igraph_matrix_complex_div_elements(m1 : MatrixComplexT*, m2 : MatrixComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_scale = igraph_matrix_complex_scale(m : MatrixComplexT*, by : ComplexT)
fun matrix_complex_add_constant = igraph_matrix_complex_add_constant(m : MatrixComplexT*, plus : ComplexT)
fun matrix_complex_min = igraph_matrix_complex_min(m : MatrixComplexT*) : RealT
fun matrix_complex_max = igraph_matrix_complex_max(m : MatrixComplexT*) : RealT
fun matrix_complex_which_min = igraph_matrix_complex_which_min(m : MatrixComplexT*, i : LibC::Long*, j : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_which_max = igraph_matrix_complex_which_max(m : MatrixComplexT*, i : LibC::Long*, j : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_minmax = igraph_matrix_complex_minmax(m : MatrixComplexT*, min : ComplexT*, max : ComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_which_minmax = igraph_matrix_complex_which_minmax(m : MatrixComplexT*, imin : LibC::Long*, jmin : LibC::Long*, imax : LibC::Long*, jmax : LibC::Long*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_all_e = igraph_matrix_complex_all_e(lhs : MatrixComplexT*, rhs : MatrixComplexT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_complex_all_l = igraph_matrix_complex_all_l(lhs : MatrixComplexT*, rhs : MatrixComplexT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_complex_all_g = igraph_matrix_complex_all_g(lhs : MatrixComplexT*, rhs : MatrixComplexT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_complex_all_le = igraph_matrix_complex_all_le(lhs : MatrixComplexT*, rhs : MatrixComplexT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_complex_all_ge = igraph_matrix_complex_all_ge(lhs : MatrixComplexT*, rhs : MatrixComplexT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_complex_isnull = igraph_matrix_complex_isnull(m : MatrixComplexT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_complex_empty = igraph_matrix_complex_empty(m : MatrixComplexT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_complex_size = igraph_matrix_complex_size(m : MatrixComplexT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_complex_nrow = igraph_matrix_complex_nrow(m : MatrixComplexT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_complex_ncol = igraph_matrix_complex_ncol(m : MatrixComplexT*) : LibC::Long
fun matrix_complex_is_symmetric = igraph_matrix_complex_is_symmetric(m : MatrixComplexT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_complex_sum = igraph_matrix_complex_sum(m : MatrixComplexT*) : ComplexT
fun matrix_complex_prod = igraph_matrix_complex_prod(m : MatrixComplexT*) : ComplexT
fun matrix_complex_rowsum = igraph_matrix_complex_rowsum(m : MatrixComplexT*, res : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_colsum = igraph_matrix_complex_colsum(m : MatrixComplexT*, res : VectorComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_is_equal = igraph_matrix_complex_is_equal(m1 : MatrixComplexT*, m2 : MatrixComplexT*) : BoolT
fun matrix_complex_maxdifference = igraph_matrix_complex_maxdifference(m1 : MatrixComplexT*, m2 : MatrixComplexT*) : ComplexT
fun matrix_complex_contains = igraph_matrix_complex_contains(m : MatrixComplexT*, e : ComplexT) : BoolT
fun matrix_complex_search = igraph_matrix_complex_search(m : MatrixComplexT*, from : LibC::Long, what : ComplexT, pos : LibC::Long*, row : LibC::Long*, col : LibC::Long*) : BoolT
fun matrix_complex_resize = igraph_matrix_complex_resize(m : MatrixComplexT*, nrow : LibC::Long, ncol : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_resize_min = igraph_matrix_complex_resize_min(m : MatrixComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_add_cols = igraph_matrix_complex_add_cols(m : MatrixComplexT*, n : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_add_rows = igraph_matrix_complex_add_rows(m : MatrixComplexT*, n : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_remove_col = igraph_matrix_complex_remove_col(m : MatrixComplexT*, col : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_remove_row = igraph_matrix_complex_remove_row(m : MatrixComplexT*, row : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_print = igraph_matrix_complex_print(m : MatrixComplexT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_printf = igraph_matrix_complex_printf(m : MatrixComplexT*, format : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_fprint = igraph_matrix_complex_fprint(m : MatrixComplexT*, file : File*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_real = igraph_matrix_complex_real(v : MatrixComplexT*, real : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_imag = igraph_matrix_complex_imag(v : MatrixComplexT*, imag : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_realimag = igraph_matrix_complex_realimag(v : MatrixComplexT*, real : MatrixT*, imag : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_create = igraph_matrix_complex_create(v : MatrixComplexT*, real : MatrixT*, imag : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_create_polar = igraph_matrix_complex_create_polar(v : MatrixComplexT*, r : MatrixT*, theta : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_permdelete_rows = igraph_matrix_complex_permdelete_rows(m : MatrixComplexT*, index : LibC::Long*, nremove : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_complex_delete_rows_neg = igraph_matrix_complex_delete_rows_neg(m : MatrixComplexT*, neg : VectorT*, nremove : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_all_e_tol = igraph_matrix_all_e_tol(lhs : MatrixT*, rhs : MatrixT*, tol : RealT) : BoolT
fun create = igraph_create(graph : T*, edges : VectorT*, n : IntegerT, directed : BoolT) : LibC::Int
type T = S
fun small = igraph_small(graph : T*, n : IntegerT, directed : BoolT, ...) : LibC::Int
fun adjacency = igraph_adjacency(graph : T*, adjmatrix : MatrixT*, mode : AdjacencyT) : LibC::Int
enum AdjacencyT
AdjDirected = 0
AdjUndirected = 1
AdjMax = 1
AdjUpper = 2
AdjLower = 3
AdjMin = 4
AdjPlus = 5
fun weighted_adjacency = igraph_weighted_adjacency(graph : T*, adjmatrix : MatrixT*, mode : AdjacencyT, attr : LibC::Char*, loops : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun star = igraph_star(graph : T*, n : IntegerT, mode : StarModeT, center : IntegerT) : LibC::Int
enum StarModeT
StarOut = 0
StarIn = 1
StarUndirected = 2
StarMutual = 3
fun lattice = igraph_lattice(graph : T*, dimvector : VectorT*, nei : IntegerT, directed : BoolT, mutual : BoolT, circular : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun ring = igraph_ring(graph : T*, n : IntegerT, directed : BoolT, mutual : BoolT, circular : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun tree = igraph_tree(graph : T*, n : IntegerT, children : IntegerT, type : TreeModeT) : LibC::Int
enum TreeModeT
TreeOut = 0
TreeIn = 1
TreeUndirected = 2
fun full = igraph_full(graph : T*, n : IntegerT, directed : BoolT, loops : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun full_citation = igraph_full_citation(graph : T*, n : IntegerT, directed : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun atlas = igraph_atlas(graph : T*, number : LibC::Int) : LibC::Int
fun extended_chordal_ring = igraph_extended_chordal_ring(graph : T*, nodes : IntegerT, w : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun connect_neighborhood = igraph_connect_neighborhood(graph : T*, order : IntegerT, mode : NeimodeT) : LibC::Int
enum NeimodeT
Out = 1
In = 2
All = 3
Total = 3
fun linegraph = igraph_linegraph(graph : T*, linegraph : T*) : LibC::Int
fun de_bruijn = igraph_de_bruijn(graph : T*, m : IntegerT, n : IntegerT) : LibC::Int
fun kautz = igraph_kautz(graph : T*, m : IntegerT, n : IntegerT) : LibC::Int
fun famous = igraph_famous(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun lcf_vector = igraph_lcf_vector(graph : T*, n : IntegerT, shifts : VectorT*, repeats : IntegerT) : LibC::Int
fun lcf = igraph_lcf(graph : T*, n : IntegerT, ...) : LibC::Int
struct VsT
type : LibC::Int
data : VsTData
union VsTData
vid : IntegerT
vecptr : VectorT*
adj : VsTDataAdj
seq : VsTDataSeq
struct VsTDataAdj
vid : IntegerT
mode : NeimodeT
struct VsTDataSeq
from : IntegerT
to : IntegerT
fun vs_all = igraph_vs_all(vs : VsT*) : LibC::Int
fun vss_all = igraph_vss_all : VsT
fun vs_adj = igraph_vs_adj(vs : VsT*, vid : IntegerT, mode : NeimodeT) : LibC::Int
fun vss_adj = igraph_vss_adj(vid : IntegerT, mode : NeimodeT) : VsT
fun vs_nonadj = igraph_vs_nonadj(vs : VsT*, vid : IntegerT, mode : NeimodeT) : LibC::Int
fun vs_none = igraph_vs_none(vs : VsT*) : LibC::Int
fun vss_none = igraph_vss_none : VsT
fun vs_1 = igraph_vs_1(vs : VsT*, vid : IntegerT) : LibC::Int
fun vss_1 = igraph_vss_1(vid : IntegerT) : VsT
fun vs_vector = igraph_vs_vector(vs : VsT*, v : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vss_vector = igraph_vss_vector(v : VectorT*) : VsT
fun vs_vector_small = igraph_vs_vector_small(vs : VsT*, ...) : LibC::Int
fun vs_vector_copy = igraph_vs_vector_copy(vs : VsT*, v : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vs_seq = igraph_vs_seq(vs : VsT*, from : IntegerT, to : IntegerT) : LibC::Int
fun vss_seq = igraph_vss_seq(from : IntegerT, to : IntegerT) : VsT
fun vs_destroy = igraph_vs_destroy(vs : VsT*)
fun vs_is_all = igraph_vs_is_all(vs : VsT*) : BoolT
fun vs_copy = igraph_vs_copy(dest : VsT*, src : VsT*) : LibC::Int
fun vs_as_vector = igraph_vs_as_vector(graph : T*, vs : VsT, v : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vs_size = igraph_vs_size(graph : T*, vs : VsT*, result : IntegerT*) : LibC::Int
fun vs_type = igraph_vs_type(vs : VsT*) : LibC::Int
struct VitT
type : LibC::Int
pos : LibC::Long
start : LibC::Long
_end : LibC::Long
vec : VectorT*
fun vit_create = igraph_vit_create(graph : T*, vs : VsT, vit : VitT*) : LibC::Int
fun vit_destroy = igraph_vit_destroy(vit : VitT*)
fun vit_as_vector = igraph_vit_as_vector(vit : VitT*, v : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
struct EsT
type : LibC::Int
data : EsTData
union EsTData
vid : IntegerT
eid : IntegerT
vecptr : VectorT*
incident : EsTDataIncident
seq : EsTDataSeq
path : EsTDataPath
struct EsTDataIncident
vid : IntegerT
mode : NeimodeT
struct EsTDataSeq
from : IntegerT
to : IntegerT
struct EsTDataPath
ptr : VectorT*
mode : BoolT
fun es_all = igraph_es_all(es : EsT*, order : EdgeorderTypeT) : LibC::Int
enum EdgeorderTypeT
EdgeorderId = 0
EdgeorderFrom = 1
EdgeorderTo = 2
fun ess_all = igraph_ess_all(order : EdgeorderTypeT) : EsT
fun es_adj = igraph_es_adj(es : EsT*, vid : IntegerT, mode : NeimodeT) : LibC::Int
fun es_incident = igraph_es_incident(es : EsT*, vid : IntegerT, mode : NeimodeT) : LibC::Int
fun es_none = igraph_es_none(es : EsT*) : LibC::Int
fun ess_none = igraph_ess_none : EsT
fun es_1 = igraph_es_1(es : EsT*, eid : IntegerT) : LibC::Int
fun ess_1 = igraph_ess_1(eid : IntegerT) : EsT
fun es_vector = igraph_es_vector(es : EsT*, v : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun ess_vector = igraph_ess_vector(v : VectorT*) : EsT
fun es_fromto = igraph_es_fromto(es : EsT*, from : VsT, to : VsT) : LibC::Int
fun es_seq = igraph_es_seq(es : EsT*, from : IntegerT, to : IntegerT) : LibC::Int
fun ess_seq = igraph_ess_seq(from : IntegerT, to : IntegerT) : EsT
fun es_vector_copy = igraph_es_vector_copy(es : EsT*, v : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun es_pairs = igraph_es_pairs(es : EsT*, v : VectorT*, directed : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun es_pairs_small = igraph_es_pairs_small(es : EsT*, directed : BoolT, ...) : LibC::Int
fun es_multipairs = igraph_es_multipairs(es : EsT*, v : VectorT*, directed : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun es_path = igraph_es_path(es : EsT*, v : VectorT*, directed : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun es_path_small = igraph_es_path_small(es : EsT*, directed : BoolT, ...) : LibC::Int
fun es_destroy = igraph_es_destroy(es : EsT*)
fun es_is_all = igraph_es_is_all(es : EsT*) : BoolT
fun es_copy = igraph_es_copy(dest : EsT*, src : EsT*) : LibC::Int
fun es_as_vector = igraph_es_as_vector(graph : T*, es : EsT, v : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun es_size = igraph_es_size(graph : T*, es : EsT*, result : IntegerT*) : LibC::Int
fun es_type = igraph_es_type(es : EsT*) : LibC::Int
struct EitT
type : LibC::Int
pos : LibC::Long
start : LibC::Long
_end : LibC::Long
vec : VectorT*
fun eit_create = igraph_eit_create(graph : T*, es : EsT, eit : EitT*) : LibC::Int
fun eit_destroy = igraph_eit_destroy(eit : EitT*)
fun eit_as_vector = igraph_eit_as_vector(eit : EitT*, v : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
struct ArpackOptionsT
bmat : LibC::Char[1]
n : LibC::Int
which : LibC::Char[2]
nev : LibC::Int
tol : RealT
ncv : LibC::Int
ldv : LibC::Int
ishift : LibC::Int
mxiter : LibC::Int
nb : LibC::Int
mode : LibC::Int
start : LibC::Int
lworkl : LibC::Int
sigma : RealT
sigmai : RealT
info : LibC::Int
ierr : LibC::Int
noiter : LibC::Int
nconv : LibC::Int
numop : LibC::Int
numopb : LibC::Int
numreo : LibC::Int
iparam : LibC::Int[11]
ipntr : LibC::Int[14]
struct ArpackStorageT
maxn : LibC::Int
maxncv : LibC::Int
maxldv : LibC::Int
v : RealT*
workl : RealT*
workd : RealT*
d : RealT*
resid : RealT*
ax : RealT*
select : LibC::Int*
di : RealT*
workev : RealT*
fun arpack_options_init = igraph_arpack_options_init(o : ArpackOptionsT*)
fun arpack_storage_init = igraph_arpack_storage_init(s : ArpackStorageT*, maxn : LibC::Long, maxncv : LibC::Long, maxldv : LibC::Long, symm : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun arpack_storage_destroy = igraph_arpack_storage_destroy(s : ArpackStorageT*)
fun arpack_rssolve = igraph_arpack_rssolve(fun : RealT*, RealT*, LibC::Int, Void* -> LibC::Int, extra : Void*, options : ArpackOptionsT*, storage : ArpackStorageT*, values : VectorT*, vectors : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun arpack_rnsolve = igraph_arpack_rnsolve(fun : RealT*, RealT*, LibC::Int, Void* -> LibC::Int, extra : Void*, options : ArpackOptionsT*, storage : ArpackStorageT*, values : MatrixT*, vectors : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun arpack_unpack_complex = igraph_arpack_unpack_complex(vectors : MatrixT*, values : MatrixT*, nev : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun closeness = igraph_closeness(graph : T*, res : VectorT*, vids : VsT, mode : NeimodeT, weights : VectorT*, normalized : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun closeness_estimate = igraph_closeness_estimate(graph : T*, res : VectorT*, vids : VsT, mode : NeimodeT, cutoff : RealT, weights : VectorT*, normalized : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun betweenness = igraph_betweenness(graph : T*, res : VectorT*, vids : VsT, directed : BoolT, weights : VectorT*, nobigint : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun betweenness_estimate = igraph_betweenness_estimate(graph : T*, res : VectorT*, vids : VsT, directed : BoolT, cutoff : RealT, weights : VectorT*, nobigint : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun edge_betweenness = igraph_edge_betweenness(graph : T*, result : VectorT*, directed : BoolT, weigths : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun edge_betweenness_estimate = igraph_edge_betweenness_estimate(graph : T*, result : VectorT*, directed : BoolT, cutoff : RealT, weights : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun pagerank_old = igraph_pagerank_old(graph : T*, res : VectorT*, vids : VsT, directed : BoolT, niter : IntegerT, eps : RealT, damping : RealT, old : BoolT) : LibC::Int
PagerankAlgoPower = 0
PagerankAlgoArpack = 1
PagerankAlgoPrpack = 2
struct PagerankPowerOptionsT
niter : IntegerT
eps : RealT
fun pagerank = igraph_pagerank(graph : T*, algo : PagerankAlgoT, vector : VectorT*, value : RealT*, vids : VsT, directed : BoolT, damping : RealT, weights : VectorT*, options : Void*) : LibC::Int
enum PagerankAlgoT
PagerankAlgoPower = 0
PagerankAlgoArpack = 1
PagerankAlgoPrpack = 2
fun personalized_pagerank = igraph_personalized_pagerank(graph : T*, algo : PagerankAlgoT, vector : VectorT*, value : RealT*, vids : VsT, directed : BoolT, damping : RealT, reset : VectorT*, weights : VectorT*, options : Void*) : LibC::Int
fun personalized_pagerank_vs = igraph_personalized_pagerank_vs(graph : T*, algo : PagerankAlgoT, vector : VectorT*, value : RealT*, vids : VsT, directed : BoolT, damping : RealT, reset_vids : VsT, weights : VectorT*, options : Void*) : LibC::Int
fun eigenvector_centrality = igraph_eigenvector_centrality(graph : T*, vector : VectorT*, value : RealT*, directed : BoolT, scale : BoolT, weights : VectorT*, options : ArpackOptionsT*) : LibC::Int
fun hub_score = igraph_hub_score(graph : T*, vector : VectorT*, value : RealT*, scale : BoolT, weights : VectorT*, options : ArpackOptionsT*) : LibC::Int
fun authority_score = igraph_authority_score(graph : T*, vector : VectorT*, value : RealT*, scale : BoolT, weights : VectorT*, options : ArpackOptionsT*) : LibC::Int
fun constraint = igraph_constraint(graph : T*, res : VectorT*, vids : VsT, weights : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun strength = igraph_strength(graph : T*, res : VectorT*, vids : VsT, mode : NeimodeT, loops : BoolT, weights : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun convergence_degree = igraph_convergence_degree(graph : T*, result : VectorT*, ins : VectorT*, outs : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun sort_vertex_ids_by_degree = igraph_sort_vertex_ids_by_degree(graph : T*, outvids : VectorT*, vids : VsT, mode : NeimodeT, loops : BoolT, order : OrderT, only_indices : BoolT) : LibC::Int
enum OrderT
Ascending = 0
Descending = 1
fun centralization = igraph_centralization(scores : VectorT*, theoretical_max : RealT, normalized : BoolT) : RealT
fun centralization_degree = igraph_centralization_degree(graph : T*, res : VectorT*, mode : NeimodeT, loops : BoolT, centralization : RealT*, theoretical_max : RealT*, normalized : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun centralization_degree_tmax = igraph_centralization_degree_tmax(graph : T*, nodes : IntegerT, mode : NeimodeT, loops : BoolT, res : RealT*) : LibC::Int
fun centralization_betweenness = igraph_centralization_betweenness(graph : T*, res : VectorT*, directed : BoolT, nobigint : BoolT, centralization : RealT*, theoretical_max : RealT*, normalized : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun centralization_betweenness_tmax = igraph_centralization_betweenness_tmax(graph : T*, nodes : IntegerT, directed : BoolT, res : RealT*) : LibC::Int
fun centralization_closeness = igraph_centralization_closeness(graph : T*, res : VectorT*, mode : NeimodeT, centralization : RealT*, theoretical_max : RealT*, normalized : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun centralization_closeness_tmax = igraph_centralization_closeness_tmax(graph : T*, nodes : IntegerT, mode : NeimodeT, res : RealT*) : LibC::Int
fun centralization_eigenvector_centrality = igraph_centralization_eigenvector_centrality(graph : T*, vector : VectorT*, value : RealT*, directed : BoolT, scale : BoolT, options : ArpackOptionsT*, centralization : RealT*, theoretical_max : RealT*, normalized : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun centralization_eigenvector_centrality_tmax = igraph_centralization_eigenvector_centrality_tmax(graph : T*, nodes : IntegerT, directed : BoolT, scale : BoolT, res : RealT*) : LibC::Int
fun strvector_init = igraph_strvector_init(sv : StrvectorT*, len : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
struct SIgraphStrvector
data : LibC::Char**
len : LibC::Long
type StrvectorT = SIgraphStrvector
fun strvector_destroy = igraph_strvector_destroy(sv : StrvectorT*)
fun strvector_size = igraph_strvector_size(sv : StrvectorT*) : LibC::Long
fun strvector_get = igraph_strvector_get(sv : StrvectorT*, idx : LibC::Long, value : LibC::Char**)
fun strvector_set = igraph_strvector_set(sv : StrvectorT*, idx : LibC::Long, value : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun strvector_set2 = igraph_strvector_set2(sv : StrvectorT*, idx : LibC::Long, value : LibC::Char*, len : LibC::Int) : LibC::Int
fun strvector_clear = igraph_strvector_clear(sv : StrvectorT*)
fun strvector_remove_section = igraph_strvector_remove_section(v : StrvectorT*, from : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long)
fun strvector_remove = igraph_strvector_remove(v : StrvectorT*, elem : LibC::Long)
fun strvector_move_interval = igraph_strvector_move_interval(v : StrvectorT*, begin : LibC::Long, _end : LibC::Long, to : LibC::Long)
fun strvector_copy = igraph_strvector_copy(to : StrvectorT*, from : StrvectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun strvector_append = igraph_strvector_append(to : StrvectorT*, from : StrvectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun strvector_resize = igraph_strvector_resize(v : StrvectorT*, newsize : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun strvector_add = igraph_strvector_add(v : StrvectorT*, value : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun strvector_permdelete = igraph_strvector_permdelete(v : StrvectorT*, index : VectorT*, nremove : LibC::Long)
fun strvector_remove_negidx = igraph_strvector_remove_negidx(v : StrvectorT*, neg : VectorT*, nremove : LibC::Long)
fun strvector_print = igraph_strvector_print(v : StrvectorT*, file : File*, sep : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun strvector_index = igraph_strvector_index(v : StrvectorT*, newv : StrvectorT*, idx : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_ptr_init = igraph_vector_ptr_init(v : VectorPtrT*, size : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
struct SVectorPtr
stor_begin : Void**
stor_end : Void**
_end : Void**
item_destructor : Void* -> Void
type VectorPtrT = SVectorPtr
fun vector_ptr_init_copy = igraph_vector_ptr_init_copy(v : VectorPtrT*, data : Void**, length : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_ptr_view = igraph_vector_ptr_view(v : VectorPtrT*, data : Void**, length : LibC::Long) : VectorPtrT*
fun vector_ptr_destroy = igraph_vector_ptr_destroy(v : VectorPtrT*)
fun vector_ptr_free_all = igraph_vector_ptr_free_all(v : VectorPtrT*)
fun vector_ptr_destroy_all = igraph_vector_ptr_destroy_all(v : VectorPtrT*)
fun vector_ptr_reserve = igraph_vector_ptr_reserve(v : VectorPtrT*, size : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_ptr_empty = igraph_vector_ptr_empty(v : VectorPtrT*) : BoolT
fun vector_ptr_size = igraph_vector_ptr_size(v : VectorPtrT*) : LibC::Long
fun vector_ptr_clear = igraph_vector_ptr_clear(v : VectorPtrT*)
fun vector_ptr_null = igraph_vector_ptr_null(v : VectorPtrT*)
fun vector_ptr_push_back = igraph_vector_ptr_push_back(v : VectorPtrT*, e : Void*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_ptr_append = igraph_vector_ptr_append(to : VectorPtrT*, from : VectorPtrT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_ptr_pop_back = igraph_vector_ptr_pop_back(v : VectorPtrT*) : Void*
fun vector_ptr_insert = igraph_vector_ptr_insert(v : VectorPtrT*, pos : LibC::Long, e : Void*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_ptr_e = igraph_vector_ptr_e(v : VectorPtrT*, pos : LibC::Long) : Void*
fun vector_ptr_set = igraph_vector_ptr_set(v : VectorPtrT*, pos : LibC::Long, value : Void*)
fun vector_ptr_resize = igraph_vector_ptr_resize(v : VectorPtrT*, newsize : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun vector_ptr_copy_to = igraph_vector_ptr_copy_to(v : VectorPtrT*, to : Void**)
fun vector_ptr_copy = igraph_vector_ptr_copy(to : VectorPtrT*, from : VectorPtrT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_ptr_remove = igraph_vector_ptr_remove(v : VectorPtrT*, pos : LibC::Long)
fun vector_ptr_sort = igraph_vector_ptr_sort(v : VectorPtrT*, compar : Void*, Void* -> LibC::Int)
fun vector_ptr_index_int = igraph_vector_ptr_index_int(v : VectorPtrT*, idx : VectorIntT*) : LibC::Int
fun vector_ptr_get_item_destructor = igraph_vector_ptr_get_item_destructor(v : VectorPtrT*) : Void* -> Void
fun vector_ptr_set_item_destructor = igraph_vector_ptr_set_item_destructor(v : VectorPtrT*, func : Void* -> Void) : Void* -> Void
AttributeDefault = 0
AttributeNumeric = 1
AttributeBoolean = 5
AttributeString = 2
AttributeRObject = 3
AttributePyObject = 4
struct AttributeRecordT
name : LibC::Char*
type : AttributeTypeT
value : Void*
enum AttributeTypeT
AttributeDefault = 0
AttributeNumeric = 1
AttributeBoolean = 5
AttributeString = 2
AttributeRObject = 3
AttributePyObject = 4
AttributeGraph = 0
AttributeVertex = 1
AttributeEdge = 2
AttributeCombineIgnore = 0
AttributeCombineDefault = 1
AttributeCombineFunction = 2
AttributeCombineSum = 3
AttributeCombineProd = 4
AttributeCombineMin = 5
AttributeCombineMax = 6
AttributeCombineRandom = 7
AttributeCombineFirst = 8
AttributeCombineLast = 9
AttributeCombineMean = 10
AttributeCombineMedian = 11
AttributeCombineConcat = 12
struct AttributeCombinationRecordT
name : LibC::Char*
type : AttributeCombinationTypeT
func : Void*
enum AttributeCombinationTypeT
AttributeCombineIgnore = 0
AttributeCombineDefault = 1
AttributeCombineFunction = 2
AttributeCombineSum = 3
AttributeCombineProd = 4
AttributeCombineMin = 5
AttributeCombineMax = 6
AttributeCombineRandom = 7
AttributeCombineFirst = 8
AttributeCombineLast = 9
AttributeCombineMean = 10
AttributeCombineMedian = 11
AttributeCombineConcat = 12
struct AttributeCombinationT
list : VectorPtrT
fun attribute_combination_init = igraph_attribute_combination_init(comb : AttributeCombinationT*) : LibC::Int
fun attribute_combination = igraph_attribute_combination(comb : AttributeCombinationT*, ...) : LibC::Int
fun attribute_combination_destroy = igraph_attribute_combination_destroy(comb : AttributeCombinationT*)
fun attribute_combination_add = igraph_attribute_combination_add(comb : AttributeCombinationT*, name : LibC::Char*, type : AttributeCombinationTypeT, func : Void*) : LibC::Int
fun attribute_combination_remove = igraph_attribute_combination_remove(comb : AttributeCombinationT*, name : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun attribute_combination_query = igraph_attribute_combination_query(comb : AttributeCombinationT*, name : LibC::Char*, type : AttributeCombinationTypeT*, func : Void**) : LibC::Int
struct AttributeTableT
init : T*, VectorPtrT* -> LibC::Int
destroy : T* -> Void
copy : T*, T*, BoolT, BoolT, BoolT -> LibC::Int
add_vertices : T*, LibC::Long, VectorPtrT* -> LibC::Int
permute_vertices : T*, T*, VectorT* -> LibC::Int
combine_vertices : T*, T*, VectorPtrT*, AttributeCombinationT* -> LibC::Int
add_edges : T*, VectorT*, VectorPtrT* -> LibC::Int
permute_edges : T*, T*, VectorT* -> LibC::Int
combine_edges : T*, T*, VectorPtrT*, AttributeCombinationT* -> LibC::Int
get_info : T*, StrvectorT*, VectorT*, StrvectorT*, VectorT*, StrvectorT*, VectorT* -> LibC::Int
has_attr : T*, AttributeElemtypeT, LibC::Char* -> BoolT
gettype : T*, AttributeTypeT*, AttributeElemtypeT, LibC::Char* -> LibC::Int
get_numeric_graph_attr : T*, LibC::Char*, VectorT* -> LibC::Int
get_string_graph_attr : T*, LibC::Char*, StrvectorT* -> LibC::Int
get_bool_graph_attr : T*, LibC::Char*, VectorBoolT* -> LibC::Int
get_numeric_vertex_attr : T*, LibC::Char*, VsT, VectorT* -> LibC::Int
get_string_vertex_attr : T*, LibC::Char*, VsT, StrvectorT* -> LibC::Int
get_bool_vertex_attr : T*, LibC::Char*, VsT, VectorBoolT* -> LibC::Int
get_numeric_edge_attr : T*, LibC::Char*, EsT, VectorT* -> LibC::Int
get_string_edge_attr : T*, LibC::Char*, EsT, StrvectorT* -> LibC::Int
get_bool_edge_attr : T*, LibC::Char*, EsT, VectorBoolT* -> LibC::Int
enum AttributeElemtypeT
AttributeGraph = 0
AttributeVertex = 1
AttributeEdge = 2
fun i_set_attribute_table = igraph_i_set_attribute_table(table : AttributeTableT*) : AttributeTableT*
fun has_attribute_table = igraph_has_attribute_table : BoolT
fun i_attribute_init = igraph_i_attribute_init(graph : T*, attr : Void*) : LibC::Int
fun i_attribute_destroy = igraph_i_attribute_destroy(graph : T*)
fun i_attribute_copy = igraph_i_attribute_copy(to : T*, from : T*, ga : BoolT, va : BoolT, ea : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun i_attribute_add_vertices = igraph_i_attribute_add_vertices(graph : T*, nv : LibC::Long, attr : Void*) : LibC::Int
fun i_attribute_permute_vertices = igraph_i_attribute_permute_vertices(graph : T*, newgraph : T*, idx : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun i_attribute_combine_vertices = igraph_i_attribute_combine_vertices(graph : T*, newgraph : T*, merges : VectorPtrT*, comb : AttributeCombinationT*) : LibC::Int
fun i_attribute_add_edges = igraph_i_attribute_add_edges(graph : T*, edges : VectorT*, attr : Void*) : LibC::Int
fun i_attribute_permute_edges = igraph_i_attribute_permute_edges(graph : T*, newgraph : T*, idx : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun i_attribute_combine_edges = igraph_i_attribute_combine_edges(graph : T*, newgraph : T*, merges : VectorPtrT*, comb : AttributeCombinationT*) : LibC::Int
fun i_attribute_get_info = igraph_i_attribute_get_info(graph : T*, gnames : StrvectorT*, gtypes : VectorT*, vnames : StrvectorT*, vtypes : VectorT*, enames : StrvectorT*, etypes : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun i_attribute_has_attr = igraph_i_attribute_has_attr(graph : T*, type : AttributeElemtypeT, name : LibC::Char*) : BoolT
fun i_attribute_gettype = igraph_i_attribute_gettype(graph : T*, type : AttributeTypeT*, elemtype : AttributeElemtypeT, name : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun i_attribute_get_numeric_graph_attr = igraph_i_attribute_get_numeric_graph_attr(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, value : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun i_attribute_get_numeric_vertex_attr = igraph_i_attribute_get_numeric_vertex_attr(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, vs : VsT, value : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun i_attribute_get_numeric_edge_attr = igraph_i_attribute_get_numeric_edge_attr(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, es : EsT, value : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun i_attribute_get_string_graph_attr = igraph_i_attribute_get_string_graph_attr(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, value : StrvectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun i_attribute_get_string_vertex_attr = igraph_i_attribute_get_string_vertex_attr(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, vs : VsT, value : StrvectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun i_attribute_get_string_edge_attr = igraph_i_attribute_get_string_edge_attr(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, es : EsT, value : StrvectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun i_attribute_get_bool_graph_attr = igraph_i_attribute_get_bool_graph_attr(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, value : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun i_attribute_get_bool_vertex_attr = igraph_i_attribute_get_bool_vertex_attr(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, vs : VsT, value : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun i_attribute_get_bool_edge_attr = igraph_i_attribute_get_bool_edge_attr(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, es : EsT, value : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_gan = igraph_cattribute_GAN(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*) : RealT
fun cattribute_gab = igraph_cattribute_GAB(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*) : BoolT
fun cattribute_gas = igraph_cattribute_GAS(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Char*
fun cattribute_van = igraph_cattribute_VAN(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, vid : IntegerT) : RealT
fun cattribute_vab = igraph_cattribute_VAB(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, vid : IntegerT) : BoolT
fun cattribute_vas = igraph_cattribute_VAS(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, vid : IntegerT) : LibC::Char*
fun cattribute_ean = igraph_cattribute_EAN(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, eid : IntegerT) : RealT
fun cattribute_eab = igraph_cattribute_EAB(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, eid : IntegerT) : BoolT
fun cattribute_eas = igraph_cattribute_EAS(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, eid : IntegerT) : LibC::Char*
fun cattribute_vanv = igraph_cattribute_VANV(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, vids : VsT, result : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_eanv = igraph_cattribute_EANV(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, eids : EsT, result : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_vasv = igraph_cattribute_VASV(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, vids : VsT, result : StrvectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_easv = igraph_cattribute_EASV(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, eids : EsT, result : StrvectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_vabv = igraph_cattribute_VABV(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, vids : VsT, result : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_eabv = igraph_cattribute_EABV(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, eids : EsT, result : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_list = igraph_cattribute_list(graph : T*, gnames : StrvectorT*, gtypes : VectorT*, vnames : StrvectorT*, vtypes : VectorT*, enames : StrvectorT*, etypes : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_has_attr = igraph_cattribute_has_attr(graph : T*, type : AttributeElemtypeT, name : LibC::Char*) : BoolT
fun cattribute_gan_set = igraph_cattribute_GAN_set(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, value : RealT) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_gab_set = igraph_cattribute_GAB_set(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, value : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_gas_set = igraph_cattribute_GAS_set(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, value : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_van_set = igraph_cattribute_VAN_set(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, vid : IntegerT, value : RealT) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_vab_set = igraph_cattribute_VAB_set(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, vid : IntegerT, value : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_vas_set = igraph_cattribute_VAS_set(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, vid : IntegerT, value : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_ean_set = igraph_cattribute_EAN_set(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, eid : IntegerT, value : RealT) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_eab_set = igraph_cattribute_EAB_set(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, eid : IntegerT, value : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_eas_set = igraph_cattribute_EAS_set(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, eid : IntegerT, value : LibC::Char*) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_van_setv = igraph_cattribute_VAN_setv(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, v : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_vab_setv = igraph_cattribute_VAB_setv(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, v : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_vas_setv = igraph_cattribute_VAS_setv(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, sv : StrvectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_ean_setv = igraph_cattribute_EAN_setv(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, v : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_eab_setv = igraph_cattribute_EAB_setv(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, v : VectorBoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_eas_setv = igraph_cattribute_EAS_setv(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*, sv : StrvectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun cattribute_remove_g = igraph_cattribute_remove_g(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*)
fun cattribute_remove_v = igraph_cattribute_remove_v(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*)
fun cattribute_remove_e = igraph_cattribute_remove_e(graph : T*, name : LibC::Char*)
fun cattribute_remove_all = igraph_cattribute_remove_all(graph : T*, g : BoolT, v : BoolT, e : BoolT)
SparsematTriplet = 0
SparsematCc = 1
fun sparsemat_init = igraph_sparsemat_init(a : SparsematT*, rows : LibC::Int, cols : LibC::Int, nzmax : LibC::Int) : LibC::Int
struct SparsematT
cs : CsDiSparse*
alias CsDiSparse = Void
fun sparsemat_copy = igraph_sparsemat_copy(to : SparsematT*, from : SparsematT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_destroy = igraph_sparsemat_destroy(a : SparsematT*)
fun sparsemat_realloc = igraph_sparsemat_realloc(a : SparsematT*, nzmax : LibC::Int) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_nrow = igraph_sparsemat_nrow(a : SparsematT*) : LibC::Long
fun sparsemat_ncol = igraph_sparsemat_ncol(b : SparsematT*) : LibC::Long
fun sparsemat_type = igraph_sparsemat_type(a : SparsematT*) : SparsematTypeT
enum SparsematTypeT
SparsematTriplet = 0
SparsematCc = 1
fun sparsemat_is_triplet = igraph_sparsemat_is_triplet(a : SparsematT*) : BoolT
fun sparsemat_is_cc = igraph_sparsemat_is_cc(a : SparsematT*) : BoolT
fun sparsemat_permute = igraph_sparsemat_permute(a : SparsematT*, p : VectorIntT*, q : VectorIntT*, res : SparsematT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_index = igraph_sparsemat_index(a : SparsematT*, p : VectorIntT*, q : VectorIntT*, res : SparsematT*, constres : RealT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_entry = igraph_sparsemat_entry(a : SparsematT*, row : LibC::Int, col : LibC::Int, elem : RealT) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_compress = igraph_sparsemat_compress(a : SparsematT*, res : SparsematT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_transpose = igraph_sparsemat_transpose(a : SparsematT*, res : SparsematT*, values : LibC::Int) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_is_symmetric = igraph_sparsemat_is_symmetric(a : SparsematT*) : BoolT
fun sparsemat_dupl = igraph_sparsemat_dupl(a : SparsematT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_fkeep = igraph_sparsemat_fkeep(a : SparsematT*, fkeep : LibC::Int, LibC::Int, RealT, Void* -> LibC::Int, other : Void*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_dropzeros = igraph_sparsemat_dropzeros(a : SparsematT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_droptol = igraph_sparsemat_droptol(a : SparsematT*, tol : RealT) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_multiply = igraph_sparsemat_multiply(a : SparsematT*, b : SparsematT*, res : SparsematT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_add = igraph_sparsemat_add(a : SparsematT*, b : SparsematT*, alpha : RealT, beta : RealT, res : SparsematT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_gaxpy = igraph_sparsemat_gaxpy(a : SparsematT*, x : VectorT*, res : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_lsolve = igraph_sparsemat_lsolve(a : SparsematT*, b : VectorT*, res : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_ltsolve = igraph_sparsemat_ltsolve(a : SparsematT*, b : VectorT*, res : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_usolve = igraph_sparsemat_usolve(a : SparsematT*, b : VectorT*, res : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_utsolve = igraph_sparsemat_utsolve(a : SparsematT*, b : VectorT*, res : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_cholsol = igraph_sparsemat_cholsol(a : SparsematT*, b : VectorT*, res : VectorT*, order : LibC::Int) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_lusol = igraph_sparsemat_lusol(a : SparsematT*, b : VectorT*, res : VectorT*, order : LibC::Int, tol : RealT) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_print = igraph_sparsemat_print(a : SparsematT*, outstream : File*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_eye = igraph_sparsemat_eye(a : SparsematT*, n : LibC::Int, nzmax : LibC::Int, value : RealT, compress : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_diag = igraph_sparsemat_diag(a : SparsematT*, nzmax : LibC::Int, values : VectorT*, compress : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat = igraph_sparsemat(graph : T*, a : SparsematT*, directed : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun weighted_sparsemat = igraph_weighted_sparsemat(graph : T*, a : SparsematT*, directed : BoolT, attr : LibC::Char*, loops : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun get_sparsemat = igraph_get_sparsemat(graph : T*, res : SparsematT*) : LibC::Int
fun matrix_as_sparsemat = igraph_matrix_as_sparsemat(res : SparsematT*, mat : MatrixT*, tol : RealT) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_as_matrix = igraph_sparsemat_as_matrix(res : MatrixT*, spmat : SparsematT*) : LibC::Int
SparsematSolveLu = 0
SparsematSolveQr = 1
fun sparsemat_arpack_rssolve = igraph_sparsemat_arpack_rssolve(a : SparsematT*, options : ArpackOptionsT*, storage : ArpackStorageT*, values : VectorT*, vectors : MatrixT*, solvemethod : SparsematSolveT) : LibC::Int
enum SparsematSolveT
SparsematSolveLu = 0
SparsematSolveQr = 1
fun sparsemat_arpack_rnsolve = igraph_sparsemat_arpack_rnsolve(a : SparsematT*, options : ArpackOptionsT*, storage : ArpackStorageT*, values : MatrixT*, vectors : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_lu = igraph_sparsemat_lu(a : SparsematT*, dis : SparsematSymbolicT*, din : SparsematNumericT*, tol : LibC::Double) : LibC::Int
struct SparsematSymbolicT
symbolic : CsDiSymbolic*
alias CsDiSymbolic = Void
struct SparsematNumericT
numeric : CsDiNumeric*
alias CsDiNumeric = Void
fun sparsemat_qr = igraph_sparsemat_qr(a : SparsematT*, dis : SparsematSymbolicT*, din : SparsematNumericT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_luresol = igraph_sparsemat_luresol(dis : SparsematSymbolicT*, din : SparsematNumericT*, b : VectorT*, res : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_qrresol = igraph_sparsemat_qrresol(dis : SparsematSymbolicT*, din : SparsematNumericT*, b : VectorT*, res : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_symbqr = igraph_sparsemat_symbqr(order : LibC::Long, a : SparsematT*, dis : SparsematSymbolicT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_symblu = igraph_sparsemat_symblu(order : LibC::Long, a : SparsematT*, dis : SparsematSymbolicT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_symbolic_destroy = igraph_sparsemat_symbolic_destroy(dis : SparsematSymbolicT*)
fun sparsemat_numeric_destroy = igraph_sparsemat_numeric_destroy(din : SparsematNumericT*)
fun sparsemat_max = igraph_sparsemat_max(a : SparsematT*) : RealT
fun sparsemat_min = igraph_sparsemat_min(a : SparsematT*) : RealT
fun sparsemat_minmax = igraph_sparsemat_minmax(a : SparsematT*, min : RealT*, max : RealT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_count_nonzero = igraph_sparsemat_count_nonzero(a : SparsematT*) : LibC::Long
fun sparsemat_count_nonzerotol = igraph_sparsemat_count_nonzerotol(a : SparsematT*, tol : RealT) : LibC::Long
fun sparsemat_rowsums = igraph_sparsemat_rowsums(a : SparsematT*, res : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_colsums = igraph_sparsemat_colsums(a : SparsematT*, res : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_scale = igraph_sparsemat_scale(a : SparsematT*, by : RealT) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_add_rows = igraph_sparsemat_add_rows(a : SparsematT*, n : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_add_cols = igraph_sparsemat_add_cols(a : SparsematT*, n : LibC::Long) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_resize = igraph_sparsemat_resize(a : SparsematT*, nrow : LibC::Long, ncol : LibC::Long, nzmax : LibC::Int) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_nonzero_storage = igraph_sparsemat_nonzero_storage(a : SparsematT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_getelements = igraph_sparsemat_getelements(a : SparsematT*, i : VectorIntT*, j : VectorIntT*, x : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_getelements_sorted = igraph_sparsemat_getelements_sorted(a : SparsematT*, i : VectorIntT*, j : VectorIntT*, x : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_scale_rows = igraph_sparsemat_scale_rows(a : SparsematT*, fact : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_scale_cols = igraph_sparsemat_scale_cols(a : SparsematT*, fact : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_multiply_by_dense = igraph_sparsemat_multiply_by_dense(a : SparsematT*, b : MatrixT*, res : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_dense_multiply = igraph_sparsemat_dense_multiply(a : MatrixT*, b : SparsematT*, res : MatrixT*) : LibC::Int
fun i_sparsemat_view = igraph_i_sparsemat_view(a : SparsematT*, nzmax : LibC::Int, m : LibC::Int, n : LibC::Int, p : LibC::Int*, i : LibC::Int*, x : LibC::Double*, nz : LibC::Int) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_sort = igraph_sparsemat_sort(a : SparsematT*, sorted : SparsematT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_nzmax = igraph_sparsemat_nzmax(a : SparsematT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_neg = igraph_sparsemat_neg(a : SparsematT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_iterator_init = igraph_sparsemat_iterator_init(it : SparsematIteratorT*, sparsemat : SparsematT*) : LibC::Int
struct SparsematIteratorT
mat : SparsematT*
pos : LibC::Int
col : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_iterator_reset = igraph_sparsemat_iterator_reset(it : SparsematIteratorT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_iterator_end = igraph_sparsemat_iterator_end(it : SparsematIteratorT*) : BoolT
fun sparsemat_iterator_row = igraph_sparsemat_iterator_row(it : SparsematIteratorT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_iterator_col = igraph_sparsemat_iterator_col(it : SparsematIteratorT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_iterator_idx = igraph_sparsemat_iterator_idx(it : SparsematIteratorT*) : LibC::Int
fun sparsemat_iterator_get = igraph_sparsemat_iterator_get(it : SparsematIteratorT*) : RealT
fun sparsemat_iterator_next = igraph_sparsemat_iterator_next(it : SparsematIteratorT*) : LibC::Int
fun are_connected = igraph_are_connected(graph : T*, v1 : IntegerT, v2 : IntegerT, res : BoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun minimum_spanning_tree = igraph_minimum_spanning_tree(graph : T*, res : VectorT*, weights : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun minimum_spanning_tree_unweighted = igraph_minimum_spanning_tree_unweighted(graph : T*, mst : T*) : LibC::Int
fun minimum_spanning_tree_prim = igraph_minimum_spanning_tree_prim(graph : T*, mst : T*, weights : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun subcomponent = igraph_subcomponent(graph : T*, res : VectorT*, vid : RealT, mode : NeimodeT) : LibC::Int
fun rewire = igraph_rewire(graph : T*, n : IntegerT, mode : RewiringT) : LibC::Int
enum RewiringT
RewiringSimple = 0
RewiringSimpleLoops = 1
fun subgraph = igraph_subgraph(graph : T*, res : T*, vids : VsT) : LibC::Int
fun induced_subgraph_map = igraph_induced_subgraph_map(graph : T*, res : T*, vids : VsT, impl : SubgraphImplementationT, map : VectorT*, invmap : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
enum SubgraphImplementationT
SubgraphAuto = 0
SubgraphCopyAndDelete = 1
SubgraphCreateFromScratch = 2
fun induced_subgraph = igraph_induced_subgraph(graph : T*, res : T*, vids : VsT, impl : SubgraphImplementationT) : LibC::Int
fun subgraph_edges = igraph_subgraph_edges(graph : T*, res : T*, eids : EsT, delete_vertices : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun simplify = igraph_simplify(graph : T*, multiple : BoolT, loops : BoolT, edge_comb : AttributeCombinationT*) : LibC::Int
fun reciprocity = igraph_reciprocity(graph : T*, res : RealT*, ignore_loops : BoolT, mode : ReciprocityT) : LibC::Int
enum ReciprocityT
ReciprocityDefault = 0
ReciprocityRatio = 1
fun maxdegree = igraph_maxdegree(graph : T*, res : IntegerT*, vids : VsT, mode : NeimodeT, loops : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun density = igraph_density(graph : T*, res : RealT*, loops : BoolT) : LibC::Int
fun is_loop = igraph_is_loop(graph : T*, res : VectorBoolT*, es : EsT) : LibC::Int
fun is_simple = igraph_is_simple(graph : T*, res : BoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun has_multiple = igraph_has_multiple(graph : T*, res : BoolT*) : LibC::Int
fun is_multiple = igraph_is_multiple(graph : T*, res : VectorBoolT*, es : EsT) : LibC::Int
fun count_multiple = igraph_count_multiple(graph : T*, res : VectorT*, es : EsT) : LibC::Int
fun girth = igraph_girth(graph : T*, girth : IntegerT*, circle : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun add_edge = igraph_add_edge(graph : T*, from : IntegerT, to : IntegerT) : LibC::Int
fun unfold_tree = igraph_unfold_tree(graph : T*, tree : T*, mode : NeimodeT, roots : VectorT*, vertex_index : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun is_mutual = igraph_is_mutual(graph : T*, res : VectorBoolT*, es : EsT) : LibC::Int
fun maximum_cardinality_search = igraph_maximum_cardinality_search(graph : T*, alpha : VectorT*, alpham1 : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun is_chordal = igraph_is_chordal(graph : T*, alpha : VectorT*, alpham1 : VectorT*, chordal : BoolT*, fill_in : VectorT*, newgraph : T*) : LibC::Int
fun avg_nearest_neighbor_degree = igraph_avg_nearest_neighbor_degree(graph : T*, vids : VsT, knn : VectorT*, knnk : VectorT*, weights : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun contract_vertices = igraph_contract_vertices(graph : T*, mapping : VectorT*, vertex_comb : AttributeCombinationT*) : LibC::Int
fun transitive_closure_dag = igraph_transitive_closure_dag(graph : T*, closure : T*) : LibC::Int
fun feedback_arc_set = igraph_feedback_arc_set(graph : T*, result : VectorT*, weights : VectorT*, algo : FasAlgorithmT) : LibC::Int
enum FasAlgorithmT
FasExactIp = 0
FasApproxEades = 1
fun diversity = igraph_diversity(graph : T*, weights : VectorT*, res : VectorT*, vs : VsT) : LibC::Int
fun laplacian = igraph_laplacian(graph : T*, res : MatrixT*, sparseres : SparsematT*, normalized : BoolT, weights : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun i_feedback_arc_set_undirected = igraph_i_feedback_arc_set_undirected(graph : T*, result : VectorT*, weights : VectorT*, layering : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
fun i_feedback_arc_set_eades = igraph_i_feedback_arc_set_eades(graph : T*, result : VectorT*, weights : VectorT*, layering : VectorT*) : LibC::Int
$cattribute_table : AttributeTableT
@[Include("stdarg.h", flags: "-Dlint -I/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/7.0.0/include")]
@[Include("igraph/igraph_types.h", prefix: %w(igraph_ IGRAPH_ IGraph))]
@[Include("igraph/igraph_constructors.h", prefix: %w(igraph_ IGRAPH_ IGraph))]
@[Include("igraph/igraph_centrality.h", prefix: %w(igraph_ IGRAPH_ IGraph))]
@[Include("igraph/igraph_structural.h", prefix: %w(igraph_ IGRAPH_ IGraph))]
lib IGraph
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