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Last active January 7, 2017 20:17
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Check Host HBAs against the VSAN HCL automatically.
Connect-VIServer myvcenter -user Administrator -password MyPass23
Function Get-VsanHclDatabase {
Created by: Alan Renouf
Organization: VMware
Twitter: @alanrenouf
This function will allow you to view and download the VSAN Hardware Compatability List (HCL) Database
Use this function to view or download the VSAN HCL
View the latest online HCL Database from online source
PS C:\> Get-VsanHclDatabase | Format-Table
Download the latest HCL Database from online source and store locally
PS C:\> Get-VsanHclDatabase -filepath ~/hcl.json
param ($filepath)
$uri = ""
If ($filepath) {
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -OutFile $filepath
} Else {
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Data | Select-object -ExpandProperty Controller
$HBAs = get-vmhost | Get-VMHostPciDevice | where { $_.DeviceClass -eq "MassStorageController" }
Foreach ($HBA in $HBAs) {
$HBAFound = $false
Write-Host "Looking for $($ from host $($HBA.VMhost)"
Foreach ($entry in Get-VsanHclDatabase) {
$vid = [String]::Format("{0:x}", $HBA.VendorId)
$did = [String]::Format("{0:x}", $HBA.DeviceId)
$svid = [String]::Format("{0:x}", $HBA.SubVendorId)
$ssid = [String]::Format("{0:x}", $HBA.SubDeviceId)
If (($vid -eq $entry.vid) -and ($did -eq $entry.did) -and ($svid -eq $entry.svid) -and ($ssid -eq $entry.ssid) ) {
Write-Host " HBA in $($HBA.VMHost) is $($HBA.Name) which can be found in the HCL as $($Entry.vendor) - $($Entry.Model) at the following URL: `n $($entry.vcglink)" -ForegroundColor Green
$HBAFound = $true
If (-Not $HBAFound){
Write-Host " $($HBA.Name) in $($HBA.VMHost) is not found!" -ForegroundColor Red
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