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Last active June 25, 2024 10:46
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How do you use w3up on the server/in CI where there's no persistent filesystem?

On your local computer:

  1. Create a keypair for the server

    npx ucan-key ed --json

    Note down did and key values!

  2. Install the w3cli:

    npm i -g @web3-storage/w3cli
  3. Authorize your agent to use spaces owned by your email address:

    w3 authorize [email protected]
  4. Create a space for where the uploads will be registered:

    w3 space create myspacename
    w3 space register
  5. Delegate from your local machine to the server:

    w3 delegation create <did_from_ucan-key_command_above> --can 'store/add' --can 'upload/add' | base64

On the server:

  1. Set up environment variables KEY with the output of key from step 1 and PROOF with the output of step 4.

  2. In the script, load the agent with the server private key and add the proof of delegation:

    import * as Client from '@web3-storage/w3up-client'
    import { StoreMemory } from '@web3-storage/w3up-client/stores/memory'
    import * as Proof from '@web3-storage/w3up-client/proof'
    import { Signer } from '@web3-storage/w3up-client/principal/ed25519'
    async function main () {
      // Load client with specific private key
      const principal = Signer.parse(process.env.KEY)
      const store = new StoreMemory()
      const client = await Client.create({ principal, store })
      // Add proof that this agent has been delegated capabilities on the space
      const proof = await Proof.parse(process.env.PROOF)
      const space = await client.addSpace(proof)
      await client.setCurrentSpace(space.did())
      // READY to go!
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alanshaw commented Jan 11, 2023

web3-storage/w3up-client#74 should make this a little better. ✅ done

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alanshaw commented May 22, 2023

storacha/ucanto#287 should make this even better when client deps are updated to ucanto@8 ✅ done

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anistark commented Sep 1, 2023

Probably should add these:

w3 authorize [email protected] before space register.

And add before code snippet:

yarn add @ucanto/core @ucanto/principal @ipld/car @web3-storage/w3up-client

Can also add an example with an image file to show complete script in action?

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When doing the delegation is it needed to use the space just created to be able to create the delegation?

Or does creating a space automatically use it?

w3 space use did:key:{}

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Yes the CLI automatically “uses” the created space for you so it’s not necessary to w3 space use did…

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