- Settings -> Windows Update
- Install all updates
- launch Windows Powershell as administrator and execute:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
- Enter
to accept all changes
- To install Chocolatey, follow the instructions here.
- Restart your console (as administrator) to take advantage of the updated path.
- Set Chocolatey polices (prevents a prompt for each package):
choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation
choco feature enable -n allowEmptyChecksums
choco install googlechrome sql-server-management-studio visualstudiocode windirstat nodejs notepadplusplus 7zip paint.net grepwin p4merge postman dotnetcore sourcetree conemu poshgit vim firefox greenshot winaero-tweak irfanview quicklook
- If this computer is not a VM:
choco install zoom slack evernote dropbox pia microsoft-teams sharpkeys
- Update Windows Terminal from the Microsoft Store.
- Community Edition is free.
- Download and run the installer
- Select the following workloads:
- ASP.NET and web development
- .NET Core cross-platform development
- Desktop development with C++ (for the compiler tools)
- On startup, choose the Web Development (code only) profile and dark for the theme.
- Download and run the installer
- Choose skip on all non-Resharper options
- Download and install
- Select Basic installation type
- Install a font from Nerd Fonts
- I use
(Hack Regular Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf)
- Launch SharpKeys
- Map Caps Lock (00_3A) to Escape (00_01)
- Click "Write to Registry"
- Reboot
git config --global user.name "H. Alan Stevens"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
- Settings -> System
- Under the computer name on the right click "rename"
- Restart your PC
- Run msconfig
- Select the Tools tab
- Click on "Change UAC Settings" and click Launch
- Configure to taste
- Right click the taskbar, select Taskbar settings
- Under Taskbar items, turn off all four options
- Scroll down to Taskbar behaviors, Taskbar alignment: Left
- Launch WinAero Tweaker (Installed above)
- Windows 11 -> Classic Full Context Menus
- Enable classic full context menus
- right click on the desktop -> view -> uncheck show desktop icons
- right click on the desktop -> pesonalize, select a theme
- right click on the desktop -> Display settings
- Under Scale & layout, change Scale to 100%
- right click on every app you don't want and choose unpin or uninstall
- Settings -> Personalization -> Start ->
- Show most used apps: off
- Follow the instructions here
- click the ellipses in the toolbar, select Options
- General
- open file explorer to: This PC
- uncheck Show frequently used files in Quick access and Show frequently used folders in Quick access
- click "Clear"
- View
- navigation pane (scroll to bottom) -> expand to open folder
- click: Apply to Folders
- General
- Quick Access (top left)
- unpin all folders except desktop and Downloads
- Settings -> Devices -> Mouse & touchpad, Reverse Scrolling Direction
- If no touch pad do this
- Help > Keyboard shortcuts
- Global > Paste to Evernote
- Click the ellipses and choose disable
- Do the same for Global > New note window
- (These global shortcuts conflict with Resharper)
- Tools -> Options
- Theme: Dark
- Settings -> Startup -> New instance behavior: Attach to the most recently used window
- Add a color scheme:
- download iterm color schemes:
- Extract and copy the contents of windowsterminal\IR_Black.json
- Settings -> Open JSON file (bottom left)
- find the line: schemes[],
- expand the array and paste in the contents of IR_Black.json
- save
- Add Git Bash:
- Settings -> Profiles -> + Add a new profile
- New empty profile
- Name: Git Bash
- Command line: C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe -l -i
- Icon: C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\share\git\git-for-windows.ico
- Tab title: Git Bash
- Change font and color scheme:
- Settings -> Profiles -> Powershell
- Select Appearance
- Under Text, select a Color scheme and a Font face
- Repeat for other profiles
- Launch ConEmu and save the settings file location
- Settings -> Integration, register the explorer menu integration.
- Settings -> Features -> Status bar, uncheck Show status bar
- In settings -> features -> colors
- In the schemes field, type IR_Black
- Click save.
- Edit %appdata%\ConEmu.xml
- Search for IR_Black
- Replace ColorTable00 through ColorTable15 with the lines found below:
- IR_Black color scheme
- Alternately, choose Settings -> import and import the contents of ConEmu.xml
Install the following extensions(Ctrl+Shift+x):
- C#
- IR_Black Theme
- PowerShell
- Vim
In Settings (Ctrl+,)
- Commonly Used:
- Editor: Font Size: 14
- Editor: Font family: Hack Nerd Font Mono
- Security -> Workspace
- Uncheck Trust:Enabled
- Install the xml tools plugin
- Settings -> Preferences
- Click Dark Mode in the list on the left.
- check: Enable dark mode
- Settings -> Style Configurator:
- Select Twilight from the drop down
- Select Hack Nerd Font Mono from the font list
- Font Size: 12
- Enable global font
- Enable global font size
Tools -> Customize -> Extensions Menu tab, uncheck Resharper Tools -> Options:
- Environment:
- Fonts & Settings: Font: Hack Nerd Font Mono, Size: 14
- General -> Color Theme: Dark
- General -> Apply title case styling to the menu bar (should be on by default)
- Projects and Solutions:
- Locations -> Projects Location:
- track active item in solution explorer
- Locations -> Projects Location:
- Debugging -> General -> uncheck: Enable Just My Code
- Source Control -> Plug-in selection: git
- Text Editor -> All Languages:
- General:
- uncheck: hide advanced members
- check: line numbers
- uncheck: navigation bar
- Tabs:
- Indenting: Smart
- Tab Size: 4
- Indent Size: 4
- check: Insert Spaces
- General:
- Install ir_black color scheme
- download: ir_black theme https://studiostyl.es/schemes/ir-black
- Tools -> Import and Export Settings -> Import Selected Environment Settings -> Next -> No, just import new settings -> Next -> Browse to file -> open -> next -> finish
Tools -> Extensions and Updates:
- tools -> options -> vsvim:
- defaults -> general
- VimRc Error Reporting: true
- VimRc File Loading: vsvimrc files only
- keyboard
- Handle all with Visual Studio
- ctrl+d: Handled by VsVim
- ctrl+u: Handled by VsVim
- Copy _vsvimrc to
- tools -> options -> vsvim:
- tools -> options -> Productivity Power Tools:
- Custom Document Well (Sadly, this extension doesn't work in VS 2019)
- General -> Tab Appearance: uncheck Color tabs by project
- General -> Sorting: uncheck all
- Advanced -> Colors and Gradients: uncheck Automatically select tab text colors
- Advanced -> Colors and Gradients: uncheck Force flat custom colors
- Power Commands -> Commands
- disable (uncheck) all
- enable to taste
- Custom Document Well (Sadly, this extension doesn't work in VS 2019)
- tools -> options -> Productivity Power Tools:
- Log in to JetBrains.com to get a license key, or simply log in to your JetBrains account when Resharper prompts you for a license
- Tools -> Customize -> Extensions Menu tab, uncheck Resharper
Resharper -> Options:
Keyboard & Menus
Keyboard Shortcuts: Resharper 2.x or IntelliJ IDEA
Editor -> Editor Appearance:
- Highlight current line
- Highlight matching delimiters when caret is: at both sides
Code inspection -> Code Editing -> C#:
Naming Style
- Constant fields (private): ALL_UPPER
- Constant fields (not private): ALL_UPPER
Formatting Style
- Braces Layout -> Empty Braces Formatting: Together on the same line
- Line Breaks and Wrapping -> Break line in a block with a single statement: Force put on single line
- Blank Lines -> Keep max blank lines in code: 1
- Blank Lines -> Keep max blank lines in declarations: 1
- Line Breaks and Wrapping -> Prefer wrap before operator in binary expression: check for true
- Line Breaks and Wrapping -> Place simple property/indexer/event declaration on a single line: check for true
- Line Breaks and Wrapping -> Place simple method on single line: check for true
- Line Breaks and Wrapping -> Place field attribute on same line: uncheck for false
- Line Breaks and Wrapping -> Place simple array, object and collection on single line
- Other -> Don't indent comments started at first column: uncheck for false
- External Sources: Navigation to Object Browser Import Live Templates
Resharper -> Tools -> Templates Explorer...
- Import (second icon from the right in the toolbar)