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Created December 17, 2019 13:40
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Recreating "Motion Study" by Mauricio Vio
var images = [ // Images by various people from Unsplash
name: 'Benjamin Hung',
loc: 'Shibuya, Japan',
src: 'EYmhcdGuYmI',
url: 'ef5af971-fc46-4ee1-a589-980346478696_opt.png'
}, {
name: 'Ryan Tang',
loc: 'Mong Kok, Hong Kong',
src: 'ANJHXftvvJ8',
url: '522d6a86-0dcf-4554-8b22-7655d65a1f66_opt.png'
}, {
name: 'Steve Roe',
loc: 'Incheon, South Korea',
src: '73aocAAt7rs',
url: '9b5f71cb-34a3-4fb4-a3a6-0ce9557c0acd_opt.png'
}, {
name: 'Sean Foley',
loc: 'Wan Chai, Hong Kong',
src: 'aPDCEoW7B78',
url: '10cfd52d-e217-41e9-bb8b-ad43384a5e63_opt.png'
}, {
name: 'Alex Knight',
loc: 'Shibuya-ku, Japan',
src: 'Akz00I_GGjU',
url: 'b9669f2a-17fc-47dc-b6b5-3f863004efa8_opt.png'
}, {
name: 'Benjamin Hung',
loc: 'Tokyo, Japan',
src: 'pTn26knnKVw',
url: '31979576-5060-4513-aae2-b379b87e7fe6_opt.png'
}, {
name: 'Jesus In Taiwan',
loc: 'Taipei City, Taiwan',
src: 'v63B_MUiFw8',
url: '429b83b8-1ad4-4450-b0de-0a0c1073cf1e_opt.jpg'
-for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-for(var i = 0; i < 7; i++)
- var img = images[i % images.length]
.slide(style=`background-image: url(${img.url})`)
.number=('0' + (i + 1)).slice(-2)
.headline=`Photo by ${}`
a(href=`${img.src}` target="_blank")
.link View on Unsplash
//- #page-counter
a(href="" target="_blank")
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function goToPage(pageNumber = 0) {
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console.log(currentPage);'--page', currentPage);
function sleep(time) {
return new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, time));
function hoverSlide(index) {
index in slideChildren &&
function unhoverSlide(index) {
index in slideChildren &&
async function demo() {
if(currentlyDemoing) {
currentlyDemoing = true;
if(currentPage !== 0) {
await sleep(800);
let slides = slidesPerPage();
let pageSeq_ = { 2: [ 1, 2, 1 ], 3: [ 1, 2, 1 / 3 ], 4: [ 1, 1, 0 ] };
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let slideSeq_ = { 2: [ 2, 4, 3 ], 3: [ 3, 6, 2 ], 4: [ 3, 6, 2 ] };
let slideSeq = slideSeq_[slides] || slideSeq_[2];
await sleep(300);
await sleep(500);
await sleep(1200);
await sleep(500);
await sleep(1200);
await sleep(300);
await sleep(1600);
currentlyDemoing = false;
next.forEach(n => n.addEventListener('click', () => !currentlyDemoing && goToPage(currentPage + 1)));
prev.forEach(n => n.addEventListener('click', () => !currentlyDemoing && goToPage(currentPage - 1)));
menu.addEventListener('click', demo);
// window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
// console.log('--slide-per-page'));
// });
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